+11 votes
in Fanfiction by (350k points)

Chapter 8

Leaving those you love, knowing they are still alive, can hurt you more than if they're dead.


Asia's POV


A week had passed since the painful goodbye with Lucas and Tom. They had headed back to school to complete their work. I had half a mind to go with them, but I was too weak to move the first few days, but before long, I could stand up and even walk without staggering, all thanks to Willow's medical spells.

"Mmm?" I said, mulling over a newspaper in the sun-lit living room.

The house was small but comfortable, and everything was neat and orderly, unlike when we lived with Tom and Lucas. Things had been messy then. And even messier when Toby was there. I hadn't seen Toby in forever. Years, in fact. I had learned to put his memory behind me, in the past.

"Your grades came back for Hogwarts! You took your NEWTS 3rd- year?!?!" said Hazyl.

I nodded wearily. "How'd I do on them?"

"Near the top. You could take any job you wanted, didn't you take almost all the subjects?" said Willow, peering over Hazyl's shoulder. Once again, I nodded approval. Hazyl, sensing my tired emotions, said, 

"You miss 'em, eh?"

"Yeah," I said harshly, then I covered my mouth. I had been getting increasingly snappy, and my scar had been increasingly sore. I took a breath. "Yes. I do." I got up. "I don't want to be here," I said, thankful to be finally telling them after weeks of silence.

They looked at me with surprise as I crossed the room and slammed my door.


Weeks passed before I decided.

All the time I had been taking things I would need, and then making sure Hazyl and Willow wouldn't notice. I had a bag under my bed, all prepped and ready to go. Sighing, I looked at the clock: half past one in the morning. The night was a dark expanse, a blanket of black wool, warm but air-constricting. 

I stepped on the windowsill and pushed open the window. My bedroom was on the third floor, and it was pretty high up. I felt dizzy, unsure if I was healthy enough to really try and escape. Taking a breath, I told myself, If I keep waiting til I think I'm ready, I'll never do it. I mounted my broom, ignoring the jagged pain in my groin, and remembered the seat cover I had bought years ago. Quietly rummaging in my bag, I found it, slipped it on, and felt much more comfortable. I hovered above the sill, grabbed my bag, and held my wand between my teeth. I glanced down, then forced my head back up.

I closed my eyes, and kicked off. The broom hovered above the house, I could see the light in Willow's room on. Maybe she was working on a new sketch or a spell. Quietly rising up, I grasped the broom with one hand and held the wand with the other. High above the house, and all around, was a enchantment Hazyl the witch whiz had made, to keep us safe.

"Sorry," I said, and disenchanted it. I rose higher and then replaced the spell. Glancing back at the house, I sighed and waved, knowing they couldn't see me.

After a few minutes of steady rising, I sped off. It wasn't long until I stopped and checked my map, making sure I was heading towards Hogwarts. It wasn't on the map, but I knew where it should be. Grinning, I adjusted to the right course and flew off... It was around 3 when I saw the dark figure up ahead, on the broom. I was weary and stayed back, only to recognize the face when the figure turned.

"TOBY?" I said, rather louder than I meant to.

He grinned, he looked more roughed-up and rugged then before. He seemed quite happy. but not shocked, like I was. "You headin' off to Hogwarts too?" he said, with a slight accent. I guessed when we left him in India, he had gotten a vague dialect from them.

I nodded, and he smiled. "I heard what happened," he said, "And I guess I'm entitled to help. Those Indian folks really helped me get rid of the anger, but it doesn't mean it's all gone. Handison is still on the move, and we'll have to kill him."

"I know that much,' I said.

After a while, we reached Hogwarts. I landed on the Ravenclaw tower window, and knocked hard. Abby and Lizzy woke up, saw me, and opened the window, awed. "Wha-what-wha-" they said, then saw Toby and swooned. I guess he had gotten more handsome or something. I scoffed, threatening them to not say anything, and walked out of the dorm, careful not to attract attention, which failed.

"Asia?" said some people, ones I had known when they were first-years and second-years. They were older now, and the younger students glanced up, confused. A kid called Will who I had known said to one of them,

"That's Asia Abernathy-Lovegood, the smartest witch to ever attend Hogwarts!"

"That's an overstatement," I said coarsely. "Now, shut up and don't raise a rally cuz I'm here, I ain't no freakin' Harry Potter." I walked out of the house common room, and quickly walked down the route to Tom and Lucas's, eager to see them after almost a month. 

"I'm coming," I muttered, Toby at my heels. "It'll be just like old times."


Weeeeeeeee! So fun to write this chapter, ASIA IS BACK AND IN DA HOUSE BABY

2 Answers

0 votes
by (514k points)
i am so sorry for you
by (116k points)

This is a fanfiction
0 votes
by (415k points)
Love it! Will write today!!

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