+11 votes
in Health & Fitness by (415k points)

Remember that post I did talking about the nerves in my feet, and feeling extreme tingling sensations in my toes? 

(im really debating on to posting this so yeah...)

I just had it, I actually am having it right now as it cools down. Well, there's more to it. It all started with me going on the internet whilst feeling the overwhelming pain in my big toe. I searched up to reasoning, and I just got it telling me this is because of diabetes and doctor's would fix it. not going to lie, I was kind of freaked out, because it's only linked to Diabetes. And if you don't know already, I'm bound to get it, and have been told all my life how to not get it since it's my mom's worst fear. 

Not only that was extremely alarming, but was this when you search on google signs of Diabetes on kids. It made me scared because I've been applying to almost all of these. The blurred vision one is a struggle of mine that I've told my parents, but they say it's normal to have blurred visions going up to five seconds for like what, ten times a day? Anyways, I chose to take my dad's word for it. 

here's what I apply with: 

1. It scared me because of this part, I've been feeling like I need to drink something every second, I'm so parched all the time and it's something I noticed. 

2. I don't like talking about this part, but let's just say I apply. 

3. This one is one I really, really have been noticing. In fact, the whole reason I've been noticing I've been ill is because in my concert in May, I was feeling ill. Even for those few months, and looking back, I could barely stand without feeling weak and fainty. People in my choir had told me that I looked confused on stage and almost like I was going to faint. That's how I felt. And it had been happening for months, I wasn't the same since my Christmas concert. I knew I was ill, I couldn't tell how though. 

4. Losing weight. I seriously eat so much to the point I would be about 140 pounds, I don't even walk. Yet I'm 100 pounds. Not only that, but one day I'm 108 pounds, and then I go down to 102, then it increasing then drops. I've been noticing it, but it didn't seem alarming at the time. i just assumed it was how weight worked. 

5. Slowly healing sores. I apply to this one too. 

6. YES. I always have ear infections, currently I have one. Not sure if it's relate, but I don't like talking to my parents about these things. 


Now this is the one that freaked me out the most. Because everything was linked to this one thing, the one thing I skimmed through videos on to research why I have this problem. The thing that scared the living fishes out of me. The thing that made me CERTAIN of it all. This pain is a struggle for me, so much that I've even mentioned it on here, unknown of what might cause the pain.


Another thing was hunger, and like I said, I LEGIT eat every 20 minutes. NO JOKE. I will eat around 20 rice crispies a day or more,I will eat a box of cookies in one day, every sweet in my house would be devoured. Not only that, but could I eat a ramen soup and then a full course meal only five minutes apart from eachother with no issues. AND I'M STILL AVERAGE WEIGHT. 

I don't think this matters, but recently sugar has been tasting off putting to me. I put sparkling water in my Sprite because it was too sweet, and that the less sweeter kind, and even after it was too sweet?? and i drink it all the time?? Not that that's something big, just saying it's something I notice. 


Oh yes, and another thing I may add is that when I was in my choir, I was having terrible headaches. Even now I have bad headaches, but my headaches would cause me only terrible things when dancing. Another for the blurred vision, it's also a really terrible thing for me. I can't focus because everything turns to a blur. 


Overall, I'm scared, because like I said, I have a high chance of getting it. I was too scared of a blood test because my gut was telling me something was wrong. Even then, when someone posted about Diabetes, it felt like the world was telling me to talk about it because it's concerning. And since I already have extreme signs of Type 1 Diabetes, I don't want it to get to bad. 

Anyways, how do I ask my parents? 


(Also, DISCLAIMER: If you are wondering, yes, I did do much more research then a google tab because I don't like looking like an idiot when talking about subjects like this. I just didn't think of including it because then it would be deadly long.) 


family history of diabetes: 

My grandmother had diabetes, my great grandmother died because of it (I was close to her and was there when she passed, RIP.) All my great aunts have it, even one of my great aunt's cat has it (I know it's impossible for it to be genetic but lol). 

other things:

Idk why but it says that it's most likely for Hispanics to have diabetes? that was trippy and im Hispanic sooooo. Also, one that I didn't have was with Type 2 diabetes and it was the dark armpits/neck area. If this starts to happen, I will update. 


Let's just hope I don't have Diabetes, but I'm pretty sure I'm not that bad because it's not Type 2 I'm talking about (or at least I THINK). Anyways see you and please don't comment mean stuff because this is very serious to me and my family!

4 Answers

0 votes
Tell your mum don't try to carry on going without telling your mum
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
My mom had these symptoms. See a doctor.
+1 vote
by (61.9k points)
Oh wow... talk to someone!
by (415k points)
I will! I don't want it to get worse.
+1 vote
by (43.0k points)
Wow! That’s a lot on your shoulders! First of all, I hope you don’t have diabetes. While no one can really control, it doesn’t stop me from feeling sympathetic. Second, I was actually scared at one point I had diabetes (stupid anxiety), but I was told I didn’t. Hopefully it’s the same for you, but if it isn’t, it’s okay! Don’t stress about it. I feel you on the headaches. I only get them around once a month, but whenever I get them, it HURTS. Like, I feel like smashing my head open would make it feels better. Just to let you know, I’m here for you if you need to talk about it (that’s what kids talk is for, anyway).  I hope you feel better about this soon.
by (415k points)
I think the main thing that worries me is that it's genetic, and my mom would stress me to eat properly. My great grandmother had her foot removed because of it, and I have a feeling that's my fate (also, she passed away after the surgery.) My grandmother has it and let's just say she's not mentally stable. Anyways, the fear is driving me nuts. thanks for making me feel better though!

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