+8 votes
in Other by (126k points)
Undoubtedly many of you have seen the post I made asking for advice about running away some days ago. Now, and here, is where I think I ought to say a few things, just because the whole is getting really confusing (mildly amusing, yes, but stupid as well).


To Commando:

I hope that you have read my full account of what happened to me that December night. I swear to the holy gods, everything I said there is 100% true, more so, even, than what I told my parents. I believe that in that comment, I answered most of your questions of doubt. Now, when I wrote to you originally in the post, I was merely explaining why it was that I had not spoken to you, not yet knowing that you were mad at me for I’m not sure what. I didn’t even think that you would be there that quickly, or if you would ever read it at all. Well, I stand corrected, apparently. I suppose that I must have made a mistake in wording that message to you. I was not mad at you, again, I was only saying why I had not spoken to you. Please understand this fact. In addition, you call me a liar, and for what? For the experience which I should not have shared with you? Or for that experiment which I performed on you all some months ago? If the latter is the case, then my sincerest apologies. I was fully planning on coming back and admitting what I did after a couple days, just like what happened. It all worked according to plan.


To Cuberdude:

I never got to talk to you that much. I’m glad you’ve made good partners with C. He’s a good man. I can see exactly how you’re seeing everything (I think, anyway), so pretty much everything that applies to Commando (what’s his name now? Did he change it again from Nameless?) will also apply to you. I appreciate you being rational and thoughtful through all this nonsense.


To BlueZSwagger:

Once more, I appreciate your words of confusion and honesty. I understand that everyone has their own problems, and I try to honor that fact. I cannot, however, dive into the depths of my troubles, nor can Commando or Cyberdude. Unless I am mistaken, humanity itself has 100 problems to face. A man has a thousand.  Please understand.


To Wrya:

I feel like you’ve become too involved in this mess than is proper. I believe I understand you, although, admittedly, it’s hard to keep track of when I’ve got three people yelling at me, more trying to understand me, and more yet talking to each other in the same comment thread. Apologies. Please, do not take any of this seriously, it is nothing to fret over. Just a big joke the future (Ahem, Pumpkin) “Kidzsearchers” will laugh over, after we’re all finished ourselves. It’s ridiculous, it really is, and rather humorously so.


To everyone else:

While I was never actually given any advice on that question, it did offer some entertainment. I’m on Reddit now, which, although everything is still approved by moderators before it goes up, happens to be much better for my own purposes. I hope that you all had a decent tuck trying to figure out what was happening in the comments. It proved worth the time, as I’m on a SubReddit now specifically for runaway teens, as well as one for Vagabonds. Oh, and Pumpkin, you said that I have a ‘history’ of lying and making stuff up. I’d like to kindly remind you all that I did that ONCE, on purpose, as an experiment, and I immediately turned around and revealed the truth once more. An explanation on how ONCE is ‘history,’ please? Thanks, mates. Oh, and, again, I offer my apologies for anyone who needs them.



The same goes for you, too, Commando. This is the internet. Call me a city boy all you like, it won’t make a difference. But I ask this of you: had you been as active the day I made that post, what would you have believed?

Should we make peace again, I would like to tell you some important things.

And, may I remind you, you swore upon your soul that you would not reveal my secrets to any other human walking on this planet.


Apologies for the inconvenience, folks, but thank you,



P.S. Like you, C, I’m not taking a lot of this seriously, but some people are. Plus, I would prefer if I could write this out myself to clear it all out for myself. Besides, the comments on my other post were getting way too crazy.

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (252k points)
Best answer
Hey bruh. Totally realize I'm late to the party (), but I still have a few comments to make if you don't mind ;)

1.) So sorry to hear you've attempted running away in the past and still plan to- Ik life is rough (BELIEVE ME YA'LL ACT LIKE OTHER PEOPLE HAVEN'T HAD IT ROUGH EITHER!!), but is there anything to change your mind??

2.) Ik earlier you said that it would be too much work to type out why you're running away, but could you maybe give me a crash course on it?? I think I might be able to help you find a better solution than running away...

3.) It kinda sounds like your dad was worried sick about you when you did leave during the winter, so do you really want to put him through that kinda hell?? That kind of worry can literally kill people. Listen, you have like, what, a max of 4 years before your 18 and can move out?? I think maybe you should just try and stick out those last few years.

4.) No offense, but your plan is one of the worst runaway plans I have ever heard. Do you even know what it's like in the real world?? I am talking about street smarts, people, and the entire environment!! Do you have the kind of people skills to get you through a city unharmed!? Most likely not. There are insanely horrible people out there, and I speak from experience. Also, you didn't even have the common sense to bundle up when you ran in the winter- Honestly, Idek how (even scientifically) you got through without frost bite. If you couldn't even think clearly during the winter attempt, how do you think you'll do this summer!? Duke, I am sorry to say this, but you are going to be traumatized, at risk, and possibly even killed out there!! YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW THE REAL WORLD WORKS!!

Listen, I want you to be safe. I want you to be happy, truly I do!! But I also want you to see your 18th birthday.

Lots of love, and you are def in my prayers, my guy. Best of luck.
by (126k points)

That’s the best (and most) anybody’s told me yet. So, let’s see…

Three years, I’ll be fifteen here pretty soon. Still, though, that’s too long. And no, unfortunately, there’s no other solution. Either a) I see whether such thing as an afterlife exists (I don’t believe it does), or b) I leave here. Those are my options.

Look, my dad’s terrible. Smartly, too. I can’t even get him in trouble for alcohol or drugs or anything like that. I honestly think it’s mostly just his PTSD that he refuses to get treated from Iraq.

Anyhow, you get used to doing some nasty things to yourself. Get used to not noticing the scars two hours after you get the injury. Get used to being tormented daily, all freaking day long. Get used, all of you, to being cooped up with an insane guy for the last seven years without any other social interaction of any kind, being homeschooled by him so that it never, ever goes away. Get used to not seeing any other human beings, to not being allowed to talk to the neighbors, or do anything, be it listen to music or literally anything but just sit in the kitchen  and stare, forced to live your life inside your skull, then you’ll all see why I want to go, far, far away.

As for my plan, I haven’t got one. All I know is that the mother of a girl about my age (and whose entire family treats me like treasure for some reason) told me that should I have to leave again, I could come to their place and they could help me. I don’t know anything else, except that I need to get out of the state of Montana. As much as I like it, I know it’ll make it easier for myself to leave the state. That’s why I was trying to ask for advice.


The real world? Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. I know exactly what it’s like. The thing is, I really don’t care. Also speaking from personal experience, I understand it. I may have been locked inside the house for seven years, but I’ve still seen and experienced and felt things. The real world is a nasty, evil place. That far-off magical land outside the windows of your parent’s safe, warm house? Yeah. That’s where it all is. Hope. Adventure. Thrill. Pain. Happiness. Misery. Suffering. Laughter. Poverty. Family. Torture. Evil. Death. That’s where it all is, all of it. We should all consider ourselves the luckiest people in the universe, who get to sleep in a bed each night, who can go on days without freezing, who have access to water and soda and junk food and god knows what else every single day. But, you know something? Not everyone excepts that sort of life. Like me. There’s more out there than that.

What’s the most valuable thing in the world? No, really, I want y’all to tell me: what do you think is the most valuable thing in the world? 

It differs for every person, based on their experiences, be them positive or negative. For me, the most valuable things in the world are Time, and Life. Those two things are worth more than all the gold in Kentucky, or the world. Worth more than New York City at an auction. They’re priceless. Absolutely priceless. Well, funny thing is, everything comes with a price, or a limit. You’ve only got so much time, then you’re out. You don’t get any more. You only get so much life, then you’re out. You don’t get any more.

I will accept death over failure, Cheerless. Seriously. I can’t take it any more. Ask Commando, but I beg of him not to tell the world the things I’ve told him. I do not fear death, I embrace it. What do I fear? That’s complicated, and this isn’t the place for it. But, in short, I fear being stuck with my dad (though I’m not sure I fear him himself), and the Unknown. Humans are bred to fear the unknown. And I need to stop talking about this before I get to typing it too much.


I honestly don’t care what happens to me, as long as it’s away from my dad, and preferably as long as it’s the opposite of what he wants. Okay, no, I don’t want to be out in the Hole (refer to Joe Dirt on YouTube if you don’t get that) or tortured or something. But really, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t wait three more years, I just can’t. I can’t!

I was in a rush last winter, but I did have base layers and things. Still, yeah, I wasn’t thinking clearly. The only thing in my head was: “I have to do this, I’m doing this, I have to hurry, I’m doing it, I have to hurry, hurry….”

Summer will be better, but it’s all about planning. “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” It’s got to be perfect. Exactly perfect. I’ve still got, what, a little less than a month and a half?

My dad wasn’t relieved when I came back. Both of my parents were just relieved that they didn’t have to pay the huge bill, they could get out of the cold, they could stop looking, and they could get to bed again. They want to be rid of me, and it’ll do no good to say that they don’t. Yes, they care for me. I’m fed (I suppose, always hungry though), given a bed, heat, water…. But my dad told me himself, in one of his rare good moods, no less, that I was an accident. I don’t just want to get out, I NEED to get out. For myself, if not for everyone else. Plus, I intend to reveal myself a little bit. I’m already doing a little work on some crazy clues, like finding the correct music video on a slightly hinted YouTube channel, and then altering the lyrics by adding one letter and using the music scale, written out as sheet music to see a map of a location I intend to go to….it’s kinda complicated. But it’s not like, even supposing my mom did care, that they’d never hear again from me. 

As for myself, I’m not all that concerned. That girl’s mom did make me promise not to do any train-hopping no matter the circumstances, so I’m sure they’ll be other promises. 


Im not trying to be rude, just trying to explain it all. Apologies if I came across as rude. You actually seem interested in helping me, so I can’t thank you enough for that. Please post any advice as an answer to my original question, asking for advice.

Thanks, Cheerless, again.


by (252k points)

Silver, again, I'm so sorry about everything you're going through. Also, just know that I didn't think you were being rude at all ;) You are also very welcome, I just want you to be happy and safe, but I guess the most I can do to help is give you some advice on running away, 'cause it doesn't sound like I'll change your mind :( I'll be sure to do that today. 

I suppose being cooped up like you described can really do something to people- and heck, homeschooled too!? That's awful, muchacho. Truly, I'm sorry you don't get out enough. Ik what that's like- bruh, I can hardly stand the summer!! XD So I get that, I do. 

My dad was also awful, and he was manipulative. Funny, 'cause my dad was also stationed in Iraq for years back in the late 2000's. 

I'm glad your friend's mother is trying to look out for you. It would be much harder if you were alone. If your going to do anything, def try and run it by her. 

"Death over failure"- as stupid as it sounds, I totally agree with you. It's a fight to the death, my friend. Well, life is in general. I also do not fear death- "there is nothing to fear but fear itself." I suppose it's more getting to death, maybe the actual dying part rather than being dead. 

To me, the most precious thing in the world is also life, but it is love, too. Honestly, time means nothing to me- As stupid as this sounds as well, if I died tomorrow, I would have lived the best life ever!! I'm dirt poor (I can only do cheer with my fundraising and my job- I pay for it all), never had super nice things (seriously I still wear my clothes from the fourth grade XD I had a growth spurt and haven't grown since -_-), and couldn't afford toys or luxury items. Everything I owned was from the 80's and 90's from when my mother was in high school!! XD But it doesn't matter, 'cause I loved and have been loved, by my family, dogs, and even other people. When it comes to life (especially newborn), it's just so precious to me, because they have so much potential, and it is so insanely crazy to watch someone grow!! And Idk if you are religious or not, but I am, but seeing how something else, not human, holds our bodies together is so breathtaking- seriously, we are a bag of bones, blood, guts, and skin. But somehow, there is this certain thing of life that holds us together and drives us to live. Wow, just went down a rabbit trail speechless

Just a side note, if you were an "accident," it's nothing personal. We all pretty much were XDXD

I wish I could know where you were going, and your actual name and that kinda thing, so I could kinda keep tabs on you and know where you were going and make sure you are still kicking!! XD

Listen, if you truly, TRULY think this is the right choice, I back you up, dude. I'll drop you some advice later on how to. 

Best of luck!! 

by (126k points)
Wow. Thanks, thanks a lot. Seriously. I agree with almost everything you just said, although obviously we differ on out values. My name won’t matter, anyway. Not like I’ll be using my real name. I’ve already got three other times the police have probably filed reports under my name. I’ll just have a fake, which I can’t say on here either. I honestly can’t tell you just how thankful I am that there’s somebody out there that is helping me, instead of just interrogating me.

You live in Washington, eh? Yeah, northern Idaho’s not wide across, but that girl’s mom? She loves to take trips to WA, and her husband’s brother and his sons are in WA. Never know, I might make I surprise trip to the land of buckaroos.

Also, I’m a little religious, but not in the way you might think. I go by the Blackfoot ways, the main tribe here. I honor the winds, and sacrifice to the four directions. The animals and past spirits of your ancestors, I make castings and drawing of medicine wheels made out of the directions, my dream/guidance animals, the elements, etc. Sorry bout that.
by (252k points)
That is A-OK, dude!! The more you know, and that is very neat!! :)
by (925k points)
You live in Washington CheerlessCheerleader?
by (165k points)
state or DC?
by (126k points)
She means the state.
by (925k points)
CheerlessCheerleader, I DO TOO!!!!!

also it’s the state
by (165k points)
Ok thanks Elo and Duke.
+3 votes
by (165k points)

Hey Duke, I totally understand. But if you didn't have time to right a explanation than how did you have time to right all that to CC? Anyway I glad you appreciate my grain of salt.

 But I did try to help you and you kind of ignored my questions that would help me help you. And I'm sorry too but I was mad bc it seemed like you guys had you group chat and knew about each others probs and were kind of ignore me and Wraya. And you guys were acting like everyone else in the world has less problems than ya'll! Not trying to be rude but just saying my mind a long time ago you said you like that about me.

And even though Ik this is risky I believe you. Even though bc you were mad you blamed humanity I believe you.

And your saying we shouldn't be serious about our friend running away kind of stupidly without even understanding why he is doing it fully? Why should just be unconcerned?! You can't just right a post like that after being gone for 3 months and expect it to blow over! Now you might not trust us believe us or care about us but no matter what you've done it the past we care about you!

I did plan to run away a little will ago and I know this sounds stupid and dumb and idiotic....I was planning to run away to a Jedi School in TX. I had it all planned out I got the address and everything I looked it up on google maps. Our Church had a fun raiser and I was going to pack a bag with supplies and run of during it to a train we have running through our city. But then I started thinking I would never have to see my parents again but I wouldn't get to see my cousins ,my best friend, my crush, everyone I loved most so I didn't do it.

And I Duke Ik ur like is horrid but  "When you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up"   but when even when life is the worst it can be there is always something good even if is idk a new Gun post on Reddit idk whatever makes you happy. So just follow the trail of good things. Whatever Religion you follow you can still take happiness in a new life or talking with your friend or riding your horse. 

I just don't know if running away is the best option I'm not trying to judge I just want what's best for you. But If you think running away is the best choice for you. I will support you and basically be your virtual cheerleader.

I'm sorry I couldn't help much but I will help the way Ik best. 

by (126k points)
Many thanks for your time and support. However, rude as this will sound, I'm actually planning an extremely in depth plan for leaving.
by (165k points)
Ik you are I'm trying to help you!!!!! Wait... Do you mean Kidztalk?
by (126k points)
KT what? No, I mean a very complex plan for running again. This time, however, with a partner.
by (165k points)
Ok yes I was trying T O   H E L P    Y O U !!!!!
by (126k points)
Dirty sorry, make that two. We're adding a third member to our party, but we're still looking for suitable candidates.
by (165k points)
Wait your saying I'm not a part of your plan bc I'm not good enough!!!!??????????? Who is in on this? Cuberdude?! Commando?! Cheerless Cheerleader?!!!
by (126k points)
Pardon? Where did you get that idea from? I didn't say anything about you, or about anyone relating to my runaway plans.
by (165k points)

You said 

 We're adding a third member to our party, but we're still looking for suitable candidates.
So do you mean your running away with a friend?
by (126k points)
Yes, I already said that. By saying there was more a third member, it meant we're a trio now.
by (165k points)
Ok ok ok, Sorry! I can see why you don't want to tell me stuff though...
by (126k points)
Everybody always takes these little things so personally, like I'm trying to offend them or something.
by (165k points)

Ikr! Cuberdude left bc I said Some guys don't think. Which is 1000% true! 

+3 votes
by (68.9k points)

I don't really understand what you typed, but okay.

by (126k points)
What I typed was part apology to the poor souls like yourself, and part answer and question to the rest of the folks here.
by (68.9k points)

Uh, okay? I'm a poor soul? Isn't that a bad thing?

~ Wraya <3

by (126k points)
No. Sorry. It was just a sort of…reference, I guess? You’re you. Only you know you.
by (68.9k points)

Uh... okay. Uh-huh. Totally makes sense to me. ;)

BTW, are we still friends?

~ Your friend(?), Wraya <3

+3 votes
Lol just a little thing: it's cuberdude not cyberdude. Lol.

I'm not sure what to say so i'm just not going to say anything.
by (126k points)
Deal, partner. I know, the stupid iPad always tries to make it “cyber” instead. Has Commando given up on all this yet? He hasn’t said anything. I’m just curious what he’s said about my answers to his questions.
by (925k points)
Autocorrect is stupid!

Well, if it’s for spelling, autocorrect is fine.
by (126k points)

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