+4 votes
in Debate by (26.9k points)

I know this post will get out of hand so get ready lol

Is god real? Some say yes, some say no, some believe a different religion. You can believe whatever you want. I personally don’t believe in him. If you don’t know what god is, god is and all powerful well… god who basically controls heaven, hell, good, bad, etc. I don’t think god is real because elements exist and if they exist than they could form a particle of the world combined which is made out of rocks, dust, and water. The whole source of the planet. “ then who made elements?” Idk yet lol. Let’s talk about something else. Some people who feel depressed or sad post their feelings on kidzsearch and that one kid in the awnsers says: lord bless you! I know it’s supposed to be a good thing but it just gets me annoyed sometimes. I’m ending the post here because I don’t wanna say anything I don’t mean. BUT one more thing. People could be suicidal and someone would say: don’t do it god loves you! What the heck. I don’t mean to be offensive but that’s just wrong. They have their own religion. I feel horrible for posting this

2 Answers

0 votes
Than how do you explain the fact of man knowing write from wrong? How do you explain the stars? How do you explain feelings? Yes God is real never doubt that for a second.
by (26.9k points)
People have religions
by (126k points)
Right from wrong? Well, that’s simply culture. Be raised by people who are only out for themselves, that’s what you’ll turn into. Or, if you think about other folks, then you’ll see the right thing. Dogs know right from wrong, too, based on what they’re taught, and so do cats and any other animal.

The stars? Stars are suns. Go study astrology more if you want to know more about all this.

Emotions are a complicated part of the mind. Take Advanced Biology or Anatomy; I won’t explain it all here even if I could.
We didnt just come out of nothing. We all had to come out of something
by (26.9k points)
Yes. Minerals and Elements
by (26.9k points)
And people
0 votes
by (126k points)

This is probably the most debated about sort of post here. Personally, no, I don’t believe in a singular God, nor several gods. Also, I don’t believe in the afterlife. I do, however, believe in karma and the traditional Blackfeet religion. 

(In case anyone here doesn’t know, the Blackfeet used to dominate the plains of roughly midwestern Montana. They were a very warlike tribe, and prided their bison roaming their territory. To quote a character from a book written in the early 1900’s, “…a few of the buffalo which blacken the plains?” [James Willard Shultz was refering to Hugh Monroe, who was dubbed ‘Rising Wolf.’] They were fierce enemies with the Crow, and heavily disliked… pretty much any other nation. I should also correct myself from earlier, it is the Blackfeet nation, to be proper. Canada has the Bloods, but the main tribe here is the Pikuni. It even says so in the tribal police trucks.)

This means that I honor the elements of the earth, and of Mother Nature, whatever you might call it. For instance, I form a medicine wheel using special ‘oracle cards,’ first laying down North. North is equivalent to Air. Here is where, as I lay it down first face down, then flip it over, I might speak the direction, then the element, then the properties of Air, then a sort of ‘prayer,’ although I’m not sure what the correct name for it is. I then proceed to the the former steps for West (Earth), South (Water), and East (Fire). This forms the basis of the medicine wheel.

Next, I place two cards above and below inside the wheel. So, one below North and one above South. First comes Above (so the one under North), which is Wood. Then, Below, which is Gaia, Mother of All. 

Next, I place the animal cards accordingly. I start with North again, laying down my own animal for Air. I do not wish to reveal what my medicine animals are, as that is a very sacred and private thing indeed. The same goes for my Dream Animal. Your medicine animals are found through a combination of random guided selection, dreaming, and what animal’s strengths fit your needs the most. This is most often determined by your guided selection and dreaming. Anyway, I lay down my Air animal, speaking the guidance and gift it offers, and a specific ‘prayer’ (again, I’m not sure what to call it). Then, I repeat this for West, South, East, and Above. Below (Mother of All) is left empty. After the Connection, it may be done. If you want to go the extra mile, however, you can take some stuff to a special, preferably somewhat sacred place and perform the exercises there. However, when finished, you would go through the circle again and sacrifice a little of everything to the directions, elements, and animals. This would require several things: 6 small containers that are significant in some way, a small flask of water, a special knife (ideally silver, but, as it happens, no matter how much I want one, I do not own a silver blade), a rock or natural mineral of some sort (this may be a small bit of gold or silver used only for this practice, a small, prized rock, a natural crystal, etc.), some way to make fire (such as matches, flint and steel, etc. but not a lighter), and a prized or specially selected fine piece of burl or other significant wood (the wood should resemble you or or needs in some way, such as Oak for strength, or Pine for flexibility).

Also, if performed outdoors with all of these things, there’s no better time to do it than during a gorgeous sunrise over the horizon. 

Anyway, sacrifice Breath, the rock or little bit of mineral or whatever you have, some good water (such as mountain spring water), and make a small fire, all accordingly and on their correct places. Then, sacrifice your burl wood. After that, sacrifice a small amount (a drop) of blood. It must not be from an enemy, either yourself or a loved one.

Fire. That thing, that…thing. Take all of your sacrifices, and begin to build the sacred fire. Either shave some of the wood, or use some other kindling or tinder of your own. Take some of the Fire from East, and light the tinder. Use Breath from North. Then, submit your Earth sacrifice. Finally, add the Blood. Let it burn. Let it burn while you pray (if that’s what you’ll call it), and then extinguish it with the water from the South. 

Questions, anyone?

by (164k points)

Ok ok sorry I couldn't read all of that it was just really really long. Anyway, I'm glad were finally going to have our debate!

 So, you believe that you must honor the mother, Nature? So, you don't believe in God but you believe in MN?

 So basically what your saying is that your picking and choosing pieces from religions Karma from Buddhism and naturalism and a Native Indian religion?! I mean you believe that there was a bang and boom the world? How do you believe people came about another Boom?

by (126k points)
I don't know about any if that stuff. Navajo religion days that a man first sprang up from a hike in a sweat lodge.
by (164k points)
How do you not know about what you believe?! They had Sweat Lodges back then and who made the Sweat Lodge if the first made came out of it?

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