+6 votes
in A Cheerleader's Advice by (165k points)
So my best friend is really mad at me and I don't know how I can make it right without hurting my other friend. So I was talking to my two friends (most names will be fake) Arie and Ally and Arie like hinted that Ally liked someone and so I was asking a bunch of Q's. Then she told me that she was dating him and like never told me! Later I was asking her questions about him and she said " You can tell anyone I don't want people making a big deal about it" and I told her that I hadn't. My best friend Liv and my sister overheard some of our convo and were asking me questions and I told them nothing. But later my sister told me that Liv was mad at me and thought I was keeping secrets from her and talking about her behind her back! What am I suppuse to do? Tell Liv and hurt Ally or not tell Liv and make her feel like I'm a terrible best friend??

Help! Cheerleader I'm kind of looking at you!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (250k points)
I am so so so so sorry I haven't been active lately -_-

But hey!! This situation is totally salvageable!!

I would not tell Liv- you have multiple friends, of which you need to keep their secrets. I would really have a consversation with Liv saying that you would love to tell her, but you can't because you would be violating Ally/ Arie's trust. To be brutally honest, it's not Liv's problem (AS CRUEL AS THAT SOUNDS :(((), but it's true. You can MAYBE say it's about a boy, but other than that, I wouldn't tell her.

You keep Liv's secrets from Arie and Ally, right?? So why can't they have theirs??

Listen, this is a bit of a pickle, but I think you all will make it out unscathed ;)

Best of luck girl, and I hoped this helped a bit!! :)
by (165k points)
Np! I totally understand lifes been a lot rn! I get it!

Thx! I do have a lot of friends which I have to keep secrets for and from!

Yah I might have to have that convo I thought it would just blow over but me and Ally talk a lot and she might bring him when we all hang out. Yep I keep Liv's secrets a bunch! Espaically bc she liked this guy who was kind of a jerk to her and Will (there sibs) and I thought he was a waste of her time. He is a huge pain.

Thanks! That was really helpful I really appreicate it! Ik your busy!
by (1.6k points)
Keep the secret. If it is a toxic secret, tell someone you trust. You don't have to feel so pressured.
0 votes
by (529k points)
Tell Liv in secret and make her promise not to tell Ally.
by (165k points)
I don't want to lie to Ally. Also Liv will tell my sister I'm 100% sure!


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