+3 votes
in Shout-Outs by
God is our creator but do you believe in him?

15 Answers

+1 vote
by (33.4k points)
I do and I am christian, but I don't force people on it because that kind of, I don't know, is the polar opposite of what I'm supposed to do. Do what u want :)
by (524k points)
Thank you!
by (775k points)

@Lori I'm Christian and I agree with you.

I don't force my 2 best friends (one is Muslim and the other is atheist) to be Christian.

You're a good Christian


Here's your good christian award

Christians do not force there belief on other people, but at least try to warn them whats in store for them and the happiness that they will feel if they find God.
by (33.4k points)
its an honer!!!!
0 votes
Yes, all that I have seen can not just happen, oh I've thought and thought about it and tied to find out how it could have happened, looking at every angle, and I came up with one explanation, God alone can do that.
0 votes
Hey nobody... I have a question for you.
by (524k points)
You said once that you used to be a Christian, what changed your mind?
by (524k points)
It's complicated...
I'm interested

what could change your mind, said jokingly
by (524k points)
Then what changed your mind
by (524k points)
Like I said, it's complicated.
You don't have to tell me specifically I'm just interested
by (524k points)
It's fine, I just don't want to say right now.
What could convert any ones mind from such a great sacrifice that he made. Read revolutions 21:21-22
They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us.1 John 2:19

Meaning that the person who leaves the Christian church has never been a Christian and has never known christ.
Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is Christian. 1john 2:22
by (524k points)
I don't appreciate the notifications that I'm getting from this. I already told you that nothing you say will convince me.
by (515k points)
Same I dont belive!
I do not right just for you but to all who need encouragement, blessed are the peice makers for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteous sake for there's is the kingdom of heaven. Mathew 5:9-10
How can you listen to the pouring rain and not hear God's loving whisper, how can you feel the approaching storm and not consider God's might, how can you watch a sunset or see the beauty of the flowers or even the common snow flake and not marvel at God's imagination.
by (515k points)
Nope. I just don't no convincing me! Have a good day
by (515k points)
Will you not be my friend if I say no?

Because you are an amazing human being.

But NO.
by (515k points)
I can't always try and make everyone happy.

I'm really sorry for upsetting you.

But not everyone likes god.

Im really sorry.

But I don't believe in god.


I still think ur awesome!

And u decided to be sad about me not believing gid. All that matters is that you believe in god! Right?

U don't have to be sad!
then i would like you to try to seek God for at least a day, 24 hours, or longer if you want to, in every situation you ask God for guidance and help and if you dont believe in him then, you can say you tried, but you need to seek him wholeheartedly, and for that time try to believe God exists.thank you. i mean whats 24 hours, and if you find him you wont regret it.
how is it complicated, it is not complicated, i think your avoiding the question nobi.
by (524k points)
I think you're a little rude to keep pestering me about this, anonymous.

Why can't you just accept the fact that I don't believe in God?
i think you never did
i think (he, she) only cares about your soul, or conscience or whatever you want to call it.
by (524k points)
I think that anonymous should stop pestering me about this because they are truly getting on my nerves.

Go be Christian! Don't pester others about it!
by (515k points)
Everyone enough!

I am a mice person but CUT it out! Like nobi said, go pester other people about god.

I don't like god.

I dont believe in god.

I dont like god.


Im glad you like him but I dont.

Leave me and nobi alone go bother others!


Sorry if you think I am pestering you guys, lately I have thought a lot about what will happen if we meet our maker and I guess it worries me that you guys won't even know him. Sorry I'm just afraid for your sake.
by (524k points)

Cool thumbs_up

by (515k points)
Its ok!
0 votes
nope! :)
by (524k points)


0 votes
Absolutely yes!!!!!
+1 vote
by (202k points)
+1 vote
Can I ask all unbeliever to do somthing? Please. ​
by (524k points)
I want you to seek God whole heartedly and while you do that I want you to believe in him while you seek him. You will not regret this. You can't imagine what it feels like if you have someone to lean on and trust In In the bad times untill you have God.
by (524k points)
I have many people who I can do that with. I don't need this guy in the sky who loves you conditionally.
No it doesn't feel the same, I have people to talk but I have a friend who I share all my secrets all my problems and he doesn't judge, he has not forsaken me, why should I forsake my friend and refuge?
by (524k points)
You don't know how it feels because you do not have my life.

The only real "higher being" I trust is the universe. The universe is the "power that be".
But I believe he made the universe, all that anergy and power could only come from a ever powerful being
Do you want a friend that is completely trustworthy you don't have to worry about what he is saying behind your back. A friend that you can run to when everyone makes you mad, a friend that runs to you when the whole world walks away. God will take your burdens you need only to ask.
Well, if you don't want a friend like God, what happens when you die? Do you really want to believe that when you die, you die. Just try believing. I never feel freer than when I pray. All the evidence points to him living. Why wouldn't  you want to believe in real, never-ending love? Why wouldn't you want to believe in life, or truth, or true goodness. People, God is real and he loves you! He will never leave you. Some friends will drop you when you aren't what they are looking for. God weeps when you're sad, and rejoices when you're happy. Just pray and ask for a sign. What do you have to lose. Also, look up the philosopher Pascal. Read his famous quote.
Love your coment
Thank you!

This is on the subject:


John 3:16 (NIV)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16 (NIV)

Pascal's (philosopher) famous quote:

  • "If God REALLY exists, and we believe (= bet that God exists), we have an infinite gain (heaven).
  • If God REALLY exists, and we don't believe that, then we have the potential of an infinite loss (hell, or at least eternal separation from God).
  • If God really does NOT EXIST, and we believe that God exists, we essentially lose nothing.
  • If God really does NOT EXIST, and we believe that God doesn't exist, we essentially gain nothing."

Chart on his belief:

God really exists God really does not exist
You bet that God exists INFINITE GAIN no loss (or gain)
You bet that God does not exist INFINITE LOSS no gain (or loss)

I hope this helps you understand.

Sources: Youtube.com, http://sites.saintmarys.edu/~incandel/pascalswager.html

by (524k points)
You're not converting me.
You'll see one day. Don't say we didn't worn you!
In the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is God and there is no other.
Hey love, do you know the song, for such a time as this, by Amanda Nolan it's awsome

No, I never heard of the song, but I'll look into it. Have a great Sunday!
Same to you even faith as small as a mustered seed can move a mountain and split the sea.(I don't mean literally but mentally).
0 votes
Yes I do. That is only explanation that actually makes sense.
+1 vote
Yes I do
+1 vote
Yes I do he is nice and amazing
good answer

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