+17 votes
in Other by
I have long hair and I am a boy and I am bullied for it. So I just cutted some parts of my hair and I just realized that my mom is going to kill me because she loves my long hair and she would kill me if she figures out that I cut my hair. I now have a bold spot so I covered it with my hoodie. If she figures out she would cry and she would cry more if I told her why and what I did to my hair.
I have a question. I'm really scared, I am a girl and I have really long hair my aprents said if I cut it they would hurt me. I am having the erge to cut it because of this quarantine and of how long it is. All of my friends got theirs cut and their parents didn't care. Should I?
I know this post was a while ago but I just did THE EXACT SAME THING and my parents said I’m not aloud it cut I cut it at 4am cause I had a panic attac about it since I’m 99percent sure I’m non binary but I’m terrified of what will happen in the morning AND I CUT IT JUST BELOW MY EARS plz help someone my dad may bet physical
I feel you (refering to the person above me) I just did the same thing my mom is going to be so mad and i dont know how to explain it to her, i think tommorow im just going to wake up early tell my mom im going to shower, shower and wear a hoodie all day

I cut my hair last night, I also ended up leaving a note on my parents' door telling them that I'm trans. so far they haven't really said much about it. and I'm kinda terrified about what they will say when we are alone. confused_smile


i get that. my bestfriend in bi and her parents would scold her if she tells them. I also wanna cut my hair. my mom says, "your not old enough to get what YOU want", "I saw the girl with pretty long hair and I regret cutting your hair before", (Last time she literally took off 2 inches) regular_smile. like mother, I don't care about the girls with long I WANT MY OWN HAIR NOT OTHER PEEPS TELLING ME WHAT I WANT. i wanna cut it right now idc anymore. shes gonna mad, shell be mad. confused_smile. oh and, I'm not old enough? but I'm old enough to figure out my college and future life, but not cut my hair? plz.  

So I told my mum I'm trans and that I cutted my hair and she didn't say anything cuz it was a message. I'm sitting outside to scared to go in. What should I do
Noooooo my dad would whoop me
I cut my own bangs and I don’t know what to do HELP
by (260k points)
Do they look bad? How short? I am the hair cutting master B) I have cut my hair horribly (and fixed it!) soooooooo many times! I can help ya.
i also have long hair as well and i am sometimes mistaken for a female
I just wanna say that whatever you do with your hair, is only your choice. It is your body, and if you wanna try something new. Do it. If your parents are threatening you call the police, if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. It’s your body. Your choice.
Do not worry about it. Your parents worst can do; is not support you. By law, if they kick you out they can go through multiple charges. Best thing: They support you. Be sure to have a lot of friends homes you can visit if anything goes wrong. Having extra cash; may also work, for food-water-education.
Just tell your parents. I know you may be scared for how they will react, but they will find out sooner of later. So it’s better to tell before they have to find out by themselves.
If your mom or dad hit you for not supporting you, call the police. Even though you love them they have no right so hit you, scream at you. If you decide to ignore this, and your parents get mad and they hit you to hard that you can be mentally and physically hit. Rember my message. Cause your just getting yourself killed. Last but not least, best thing that your parents will say; they live you for who you are.
I cut my hair last night and I decided to put pigtails at my grandma Debbie’s house… in at school run so, I’m gonna tell my parents, and I’m not very worried. This whole ord deal started out as just a trim but, somehow I cut 2 or 3 inches off my hair… I may just say “I seriously have no idea what happened to my hair” I fell better bout telling the truth, bc, if my birth mom found out, she would’ve literally killed me… so I wanna be a guy or non bianary. So I may stay alive and get a HARSH grounding, but if I was with my birth mom, I would be dead right now… so um, how to hide it is a hoodie, a ponytail, or pigtails… maybe a hat if  you cut yours REAL short… otherwise… good luck in front of god when your parents killed you… I will probably just say idk what happened to my hair… I am not very scared, cuz I’ll be fine, with my new parents… everyone at school liked it and it is even. I almost jumped out the window and ran away honestly  I would’ve went to the clink… but good luck with ur parents, I feel so sorry 4 y’all.
So I was home alone right, yeah.... So my mom was working a nightshift, and I had this really really loud voice in my head telling me to cut the front pieces of my hair, and so I did, so basically, their curtain bangs. My sister gets home, and I'm standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth, and she finally notices and says something. I tell her that I burnt it with a straight iron, and to not tell mom, because she's really really strict about things. She didn't give a definite yes or no, but I believed she wouldn't say anything. I'm now atm sitting in bed, shaking scared not knowing what will happen next or how in the world I'll bring it up, honestly, I'm just going to email her about it and hope for the best. I let the devil get the best of me, and I'm praying to god that she won't be way way way upset. :)
I cut my own bangs. I cut my hair a long time ago too and my mum yelled at me so much. What do I do I have school tomorrow
hi Im a girl trying to be a boy and i really wanna cute my hair ut my parents just don't understannd and wont let me cut my hair off what should i do?
by (260k points)
Hey Alex! Just really put some thought into it, okay?
That is precisely what I am doing and I don't know how to tell her because I cut so much off,
I just cut my bangs and my parents are literally gonna hit me so is there anyway I can hide them? I have school tomorrow
by (14.6k points)
This was a long time ago that you posted this, but if your parents said they would hurt you, that could be considered child abuse. I don’t know what kind of “hurting” they were talking about, but it could be considered child abuse.
Yall I cut my own bangs, ...I dont know how to tell my mom without her killing me .I cant die senior year bru. Help meee!!
I cut my own side bangs and I'm afraid of what my family will say about it. Especially my parents
OMG, i cut like a chunk of my hair each monday but it is getting a lil too obvious
real i cut like two ft off of my hair and if my mom finds out im dead lol
I found out that my mom actually accepted my new hair, but it could be different for everyone. Just know that once you cut it, there is nothing your parents can do to put it back and you are your own person, so just be confident in your cut and don't let anyone else tell you to do otherwise ❤️

17 Answers

+1 vote
by (116k points)
Jeez 2016 post...

Let's hope he's still alive
by (770k points)
he is. He is probably the same age as Gemmy and Cindy (Gemmy is 19 and Cindy is 22)
0 votes
OMG, I cut a chunk of my hair every Monday and it is getting a lil' too obvious like I really cant stand wearing a hoodie in school while the heat is blasting on MAX.
+ I know my mom will tell my dad if she ever knew and use me like a gossiping material. It is also a little confusing when your mom tells you she knows each inch of me yet I know she will misunderstand me when I tell her I'm depressed
Don't worry about it! When I cut my hair so I would have bangs, my parents didn't notice for a week and they were really accepting. Now, I'm speaking for myself and don't know how drastic your situation is, but for me, I was really worried that night, but then when I started to get compliments, I didn't feel as guilty. You are beautiful in any and every way possible. I hope you see that for yourself and I wish you the best! Good luck!
But the problem arises when your OWN parents are not supportive because they dont like what youre doing as a hobby, coping mechanism or for anything else.
0 votes
im screaming and cry and throwing up MY ANXIETY IS GIVING ME SUCH A HARD TIME. ok so i cut my littlest sisters hair because it was getting to long and she didnt like it so i cut he some curtain bangs and i cut the back a little and gave her tuffs holy CRUDE SHE LOOKS SO CUTEE she really wnated this but she didnt realize that i had major anxirty and in the moment I DIDNT REALIZE THAT IT WOULD KILL ME SO IDK WHAT TODO TBH.. my grandmas gonna kill me whoop me kick me EVERYTHING /sarc AND IM SO SCARED BECAUSE I CUT HER BANGS A LITTLE ONE TIME AND SHE SCRAM AT ME BC SHE FOUNT A LOCK OF HAIR I FIRGOT TO THROW AWAY "…………..anyways yall aint alome we all do impulsive stuff
0 votes
Just tell the truth cuz your crush will hate your long hair
+1 vote
I just cut mine too, my dad and moms actually gonna flip. I get up at 4:30 to get ready for school and my mom gets up at 4 to go to work. Im so scared, not really abt my mom but my dad. He will kill me. Im so scared. Im gonna throw up I’m so terrified, I just wanted to be a boy. I wanna be happy with myself
Im so scared.
+2 votes
by (180 points)
ikrr i cut my hair last night (with scissors) and my mum is gonna murder me
by (770k points)
Karl from The Emigrants?
+2 votes

i just cut my hair and idk how to calm down, im a ftm and my mum dosent support it much bc "im too young" "thats not how god made you" " just wait, you will be back to normal soon dont worry." im scared to show her when she gets home...

Fellow ftm here

You are valid

I was really scared my mom wouldn't let me cut my hair, but she did. It probably helps that she doesn't know I'm trans though

Just remember, no matter what you're mom says, you are valid. You were born this way, and it's not weird or abnormal.

Just keep being you.
i cut my hair and i am a child and my mom dose not like me and know i have a bold spot
+1 vote

no. please no.

+1 vote
that sounds personal

p.s. hii
+1 vote

I just cutted the front of my hair into side bangs if it makes sense and now I'm terrified of what my parents will say when they get homescream-fearscream-fear

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