+4 votes
in Technology by
Hello, I am 13 years old and my name is Ellie. My mom refuses to let me get a phone! My dad is okay with it but my mom refuses every time I ask her. I do extracurricular activities, and she has been late more than once. I wait outside by myself with nobody there, I keep telling her this is dangerous, but she still says no! At this point, we get into fights and now I honestly think she's doing it just to prove something to herself that she can parent right or whatever. I am so responsible with everything I do! I am a straight A student and good at sports. I do what they ask, and am never demanding. I have younger siblings, and I am forced to babysit them, too. I know for a fact they are not struggling financially, my siblings get expensive toys all the time! And for goodness sake, I got such expensive stuff for Christmas which I am grateful for over the moon. But that's not the point. I am the only one without a phone, and I am so left out. I am starting to get teased for it and I can't talk to my friends. They won't even get me a flip phone for crying out loud! I can only talk to 2 people I know who have emails, but I didn't even get an email till I turned 13!! I am so left out, and I can't even talk to my closest friends who have moved away. I'm very sad, so please help!
Hi, my advice for you would be ask your Dad to talk to your Mum about it.  Or I am pretty sure you can get safety features on your phone and you also could put together a really good presentation about why you should get a phone. It might just work :)
my advice : ask ur dad and do extra chores also try make ur mom happy :D

11 Answers

0 votes
by (27.2k points)
ask your dad
0 votes
by (71.3k points)
I'm finally getting a phone this year, so here's my advice: don't give up on getting a phone.

Every time there's a holiday like Christmas or your birthday where you get presents, put "maybe a phone??" on your list every year.

Every time they ask what would make you happiest, say "[insert thing that makes you happy], oh, and also maybe getting a phone soon, that would be a nice surprise."

Whenever your mom is late to picking you up, say something like "it was terrifying being out there on my own, if I had a phone it would be safer."

Whenever they ask "why should we even get you a phone?" here are some reasons you should list:

➼ ability to call 911 in case of an emergency

➼ communication with parents through text or call wherever you're at

➼ less teasing at school

➼ safety (creepy guys will usually stay away if you're on the phone with someone like your parents).

There are probably some other reasons you might find through research. You could even make a presentation to help!

mkay bye

(I spent too long on this)
0 votes
I agree with your mom. 13 is young. And about not being able to text your friends.......

There is an free app called "Kids messenger" its a safe app that can be downloaded on any mobile device. Your parents have to have each others text because you cant text each other unless your parents know the other kids parents.
I disagree with this. I am 10 years old in fifth grade and most of the people in my class have smartphones. Heck, there are some 1st graders in my school with phones. I am also struggling with a similar problem to yours, Ellie,although both of my parents say we shouldnt get a phone
0 votes
Hi here is my advice tell your mom about you getting teased and make sure your dads there and ask him to back you up and if he gives a little speech and reminds your mom Ur a teen then maybe she will give it a second thought.

Also don't worry too much Im 12 and Im not getting a phone till I'm 14 or longer (ugh!) x

Hope this helped Ellie (love that name btw)
I'm literally 16 and I don't have my own phone and you guys are 12 and still arguing about not having a phone?! having a phone is a huge responsibility and some people use their phones for bad means and so your parents maybe want you to be mature enough before having a phone !!
0 votes
by (14.7k points)
Use reverse psychology it worked for me.

Be like, I think I’m not responsible yet for a phone or something and they will be impressed!

I hope this helps
0 votes
I KNOW THE STRUGGLE!!!! But what I would do is point out to your mom that this is affecting your social life. You’re almost in eighth grade (I believe) and most kids got phones when they started middle school or possibly before. If you’re being teased and left out your mom will probably care. I mentioned this to my mom and she is starting to wear down about getting me socials. Mention how responsible you are and how you get good grades and take care of your siblings. Also mention the fact that next year you’ll be in high school and you think it’s fair that you get a phone before then. I hope this helped!!!????
I'm 16 and in 11th grade without a phone and I'm also a straight A student and I take good care of my little brother .  So Don't you think I deserve a phone more than middle schoolers who are not mature enough to have their own phone??
This isn't a competition ann. I think instead of having rude answers like that we should all find the common ground here. All of us have strict parents and we don't have phones so we feel left out.

btw Ellie if you read this I LOVE your name. I have a cousin who's 4 months old and has this name.
0 votes
by (116k points)
I got mine at 14.

I mostly use my computer though.

I don't like to use phones........
by (955k points)
Phones are okay, but yeah. I like tablets and computers better.
by (111k points)
I got mine at 4 :D
by (527k points)



+1 vote
by (159k points)
Im a student who only has gotten a few B’s this year (on VERY hard tests and quizzes), and mostly A’s.

I’ve also been not too bad this year.

I do want a phone, but my parents say im irresponsible, which I will admit, is pretty true.

I am forgetful.

But, my advice?

Tell your dad to talk to your mom (your mom lol) about it.
by (116k points)
yo momma
by (955k points)
On iPhones (and iPads and MacBooks and probably Apple Watches), there’s a feature called Find My and you can use it to locate your devices, assuming it’s sharing location with Find My.
by (111k points)
I have a's in all my high-school classes so far but I hate government so much and I keep getting fs and cs
+2 votes
Ok for one thing the phone age is 16 so your literally going to have to wait 3years.
by (955k points)
There isn’t any laws (at least not in the US) that say that you can’t have a phone until 16.

So, you’re wrong.
+2 votes
by (166k points)
I got a phone when I was 8. Well, it wasn't officially my phone, it was my mom's old phone, and she said I could use it. I don't really use it a lot though.

Anyways. Since you already got good stuff for Christmas (and since Christmas just passed) you might want to wait a bit before asking for a phone. Probably a month or two. And then when a little time has passed, you ask for the phone and explain the reasons why you want it. Just try not to give reasons that aren't very, uh, reason-ish, like everyone else has it and stuff.

You should also find out why they won't give you a phone. If it's because they think you'll break it, convince then you won't by being careful with stuff you have now. If it's because they want you not to spend a lot of time on it, promise them you won't and when you get the phone you should try not to, because otherwise they'll take it away. If it's because of safety or something like that, just promise that you'll try to be safe and when you do get it, you actually need to. Because then, like I said, they'll take it away.

by (955k points)
Is it an Android or an iPhone?

Or wait, what if it’s a Windows Phone? Those seem pretty cool.

Wait, what if it’s a BlackBerry? Or… an iPod Touch?

Or is it a flip phone? Or a Nokia?

You’re gonna need to tell me.

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