+2 votes
in Other by (74.2k points)
They them is both
Girl (13 votes, 72%)
Boy (5 votes, 28%)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (587k points)
Best answer
I hate these bc people rarely add "other" as a choi
by (360k points)
i was a tad bit angry when i saw only "boy" and "girl" ngl... x3
by (74.2k points)
I said do both for they or them
by (165k points)
They get sex confused with gender.

Sex is permanent- you can’t change it, and you’re stuck with it for the rest of your life, so you have to deal with it.

Gender is changeable because it usually refers to your identity and expression. You are able to be a different gender.

I was taught this by sloth, so thank you sloth :)
0 votes
by (584k points)
Girl :D

Cisgender, to be exact. (You identify as your biological gender).
0 votes
She/he/they/them, I am all of them

-Rainbow kitty : )
0 votes
by (360k points)
non-binary x3

so, i just clicked both
0 votes
by (38.8k points)

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