+5 votes
in Other by (87.1k points)
I have been on here (as a registered user) for over two years now. I have seen people randomly join and somehow get thousands of points?? HOW!? I would like to think I'm usually pretty active and make a lot of posts, but I don't get many points. Also btw I don't really care about points that much I was just wondering :)
Maybe hackers
by (115k points)
:D Yea, Nobi is a serious hacker. The internet went down in 1995 because of him.
by (528k points)

I am a certified gorl, Reuel.x3

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (22.1k points)
+1 vote
by (265k points)
This topic honestly kinda irks me.

Unfortunately, users have been spamming their way to the top by upvoting an answering things repeatedly, non-stop, and without any meaning or purpose.

Sucks for those of us who didn't/ don't.
by (155k points)

They should be handing them out properly.

The annoying thing is they stick together like glue and are impossible to unglue is its impossible to change their system
by (265k points)
+2 votes
by (155k points)
Upvote spamming.

Even if there’s a limit people still spam.

Originally people were getting so many points there was a post asking us to stop so it’s less now but its still there
+3 votes
by (115k points)
Yea BraceletGirl has 500k points after being here for 4 months!

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