+3 votes
in Fiction by (6.6k points)

The Great Escape


The Spartan aimlessly drove through forests and over hills, until he hit something that sent the Warthog into a mountain. The hydrogen fuel tank blew itself up as it rained down rusty ammunition. The Spartan had drown over a Minuteman missile silo, and the actual base wasn’t far off. The Spartan found the entrance to the bunker, overgrown and its Close a Defense guns drooping. He found a keypad, a retinal scanner, a palm scanner, and a metal detector hastily bolted together, but he simply tore it off and threw it into a corner. He then kicked the lock, which splintered and he he walked inside. All he found was some computer terminals, some sort of a locker room, and the missile launch command. He broke open the lockers to see if anything good was in them. All there was was some ammunition for the wrong weapons, He found a broken flare gun and a melted flare in it. He moved on to the console, and found a button with a keyhole with the keys inserted, and a live stream of the Missile Silo. Suddenly, after a loud clang and the roof started collapsing, Nightingale directed the Spartan to jump into a mineshaft to wait it out. 


The a Spartan scrambled towards the walkway, but he barely made it when the roof completely caved in. Indeed, there was a mineshaft, and he ran down the minecart tracks towards a service trolley. He managed to duck in, and coax the engine on to escape the tunnel of doom, but was stopped half way when the trolley went off the rails and he had to jump. The Spartan then grabbed a broken rail sticking out of the ground, and pulled himself up, and he found a vault door. He couldn’t open it, but he repeatedly punched it until it gave and stepped in. It wasn’t any abandoned mineshaft, it was a workshop, set up during the time of the Cold War. Red Scare. He turned on the lights, and found some sort of a strange missile on sawhorses. A makeshift fuse was attached to it, but it was nothing more than a lighter with a… string. The missile was also nothing more than a metal cone and a mixing container filled with some kind of explosive powder. There was even some sort of a turret lying next to the sawhorses, and a actual tank base. He found the instructions to make whatever the explosive powder was, until a second blast rocked the bunker.


The Escape Team


The Covenant had once yet came back to Earth, but they had made the mistake of landing on top of a missile silo. “Jeez, anyway, if you could get back up to the surface, we can blow up their ship and get out. But first, we need to get outside. We just to need to blow up that concrete.”, Nightingale said. But the Covenant a,ready detected the presence of humans, and they hopped into the vault, firing at 001. 001 yeeted a grenade into the massing group of elites, who ran away, but most of them fell back into the mineshaft. The door shut itself, and the blast doors in front of the concrete opened. “Quick, uhh, where’s the round and the turret?” The turret actually got destroyed during the firefight, and the explosive round was the grenade. “Oh 1, you are such a dummy, now get that charcoal and fertilizer over here, and bring a container and a metal cone of some sort here.” A third explosion and guttural screaming was heard as the Covenant outside fell to their deaths. “Ok, now grab some duct tape and that corrugated metal. Tape it together to make that turret.” “Get that potassium, mix it with the container. Grab those tubes, tape them together.” “That’s good! Now, tape the turret to the base. Grab that fuse and let’s go!” The shell was fired and there was now a hole in the cement. Outside was a madhouse as the survivors began getting close and personal with the Covenant. “There’s a Jackrabbit!, go Spartan, go, go, go!”, said Nightingale. The two of them drove back up to where the ship landed. “Uh, should you brake? Wait, wait!” Nightingale exclaimed, but the Spartan simply let the Jackrabbit crash into the ship. The Spartan barrel rolled inside the bunker once more. He then smashed the launch button, and another hatch opened up in the ground. “T Minus 7 seconds.” The Spartan hopped in, shut the hatch, and waited..

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