+6 votes
in Personal by (415k points)

My family isn't Christian, how do I help them have faith? My sister says I'm crazy (she curses His name in vain and I tell her not to because it's cruel to Him, but she's says that it must be an April Fools joke) because I'm such a "serious" Christian. My little sister, who is mentally disabled, says she doesn't believe in my make believe God. I tried reading a Kid's bible to her, but she rejected it, and I believe it'll be harder for it to be processed to her because she has autism and another mental disability. 

The only Christian in my family is my aunt, but even then she's not super serious about it. My mom is not a Christian, or she's a fake Christian. She says she's not a Christian, and then she is. But she only says that she is because she believes in moral of her, but she hasn't accepted it in her heart. She used to be a Roman Baptist, her dad's part of family is Roman Catholic but she never had relationship with him. And as a Hispanic, we used to light candles and prey with burning notes to God, but I feel as if she only did it because it made her feel good about herself. 

My Dad was a Baptist but now he thinks Christian/Baptists/Catholics are crazy too! How do I change this sinful viewpoint on my family? I really care for them and I don't want them to go to Hell. 

anyways if you are a non believer don't attack me plz that is my belief speechless

4 Answers

0 votes
Hi, I’m not going to let my personal religion / beliefs influence this in any way, but I will express beliefs that are not about different religions, just opinions in general. If you completely and passionately disagree, I’ll never know unless you tell me, so don’t stir up a hate debate and cause a big argument please.

I think you should tell your family about your beliefs and try to persuade them if you want. If they don’t agree with you, let it be. My thinking is that, if there is a God (don’t come at me for that), they will appreciate everyone’s beliefs about them and let them worship them in the way they feel most comfortable. You should accept that if they don’t wish to follow your religion, there is nothing you can do about it, and to force them to follow your religion would be as deeply unethical to your faith (I guess Christians would call it Sin) as them refusing to follow it in the first place. You can’t tell people what to believe so I guess the right thing to do is just leave it and in time they will figure out their own faith.

Hope this helps :)
by (415k points)
Well, there is a sin where you create your own God you are comfortable with. I just wanted to tell you that haha. Anyways, my mom says she feels like she should be a Christian, but she has a hard time. My sister just says I'm crazy lol
0 votes
by (165k points)
Listen, I'm not religious, and despite how the rest of this will sound, I'm not trying to be mean.

You can't try to make others believe the same thing as you. Sure, if they want to be religious you can explain it and try to convince them, that's all fine and dandy, but if they don't want to believe that they don't have to, part of the "freedom of religion" thing. I'm not attacking you or anything here, I don't do that, I'm perfectly fine with anyone who is religious (or rather, I'm fine with them being religious). But you just have to let people believe what they wish. This is all my opinion and you may ignore it if you wish.
by (415k points)
Idk my dude, it's selfish thing to not let others live in peace and happiness. I believe my "religion" is right and no other, if I didn't I guess I wouldn't be apart of that "religion". And my family are fake Christians, so what a waste of a belief. To me, if I have people in my own surroundings who do not believe, I think it is selfish for me to cause suffering for them. So therefor I wan to make fake Christians into real Christians. Basically what I'm saying is I don't want my family to go to Hell.
0 votes
Maybe you can show them My stuff on the order of SnickerDoodles. Use Logic to point them towards god.

Maybe you can show the scientific evidence and stuff. For Example: look into the shroud of terrain. I learned a lot about it and it basically confirms God Exists!

If they don't listen to science, I don't know what they will listen to.
+1 vote
by (82.8k points)
First of all, I’m not religious. But I still think it’s rude to curse someone’s name. After dinner or something, sit your family down and talk to them about your beliefs. Maybe wait a bit to explain it to your younger sister, though.
by (415k points)
thanks u.
by (82.8k points)

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