+12 votes
in Lemony’s Slice by (153k points)
Heya everybody! I've seen a couple people asking where I've been, so here's the answer to that question!


My parents don't think this is a good site for me to be on anymore. I don't know why so please don't ask me. Kidzsearch has always been my safe haven and I hope I'll get to return soon. For now though, I will be asking my parents to approve my KidzArt Beta request, and hopefully PM  Gemmy on KN for her email if she, KS, and my parents are okay with that.

I really hope this isn't my last goodbye to this place but if it is I hope I'm remembered well.

I'd like to thank a couple people (jeez, this sounds like a graduation speech)

Thanks to Jellyfishlover, for being my first KidzTalk friend

Thanks to GemHeart, for being amazingly supportive and a great person to talk to

Thanks to LunaLight, for emphathizing with me and helping me figure out some tough life stuff

Thanks to Kitten, for always being a positive influence and overall making this site wonderful

Thanks to KnightStar for being tremendously funny and a good friend

And finally, thanks to KidzSearch for making this amazing site!

I would post some art as a goodbye as I think I've been progressing nicely but I'm on my ChromeBook as my phone already has KidzSearch blocked.

I'd like everyone who sees this post to remember  that they are needed, loved, and deserve to be here on this earth. I love every single one of you so much.

You can use the hashtag #stayforlinden to remind yourself that you have reasons to stay on this Earth. Stay for the beautiful sunrise, for soft blanket hugs, for fresh snowfall, for singing in steamy showers, for laughing until your sides hurt. #stayforlinden.

I'll leave with two things. Hopefully KidzSearch approves this.

My YouTube. It doesn't have any videos but hopefully I'll be able to post soon. .... For safety purposes and so Kidzsearch knows, I will not be face-revealing.

I hope my memory ages well.


Wait YouTube channel?

14 Answers

+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
Goodbye for now, Lemony. Kidztalk won't be the same without you. Have a good life
+2 votes
by (350k points)
Oof. Yes, just message me on KN and I will give you my email! This is really sad ;(
+1 vote

Aww I’ll miss you, lemony! Thank you for making such a huge impact on my life and for your amazing art. I hope to see you again soon!!!


+2 votes
by (349k points)
Sorry to see you go and hope you can come back. We look forward to seeing you on KidzArt. You were truly one of our best contributors. We don't know why we are blocked on your mobile phone, but if you can send us a support message with more details we may be able to fix it.

KidzTalk has become more open lately in terms of allowing more difficult things to be discussed, such as politics, racism, religious beliefs, LGBT topics, personal issues, abuse, bullying, and sadly, even suicide, so maybe that is the reason? However, we feel it is important to allow safe peaceful discussions about these very important topics that impact the daily lives of so many kids and teens. We may even be saving some lives by doing it.

We had to block your YouTube channel for now, but once we see actual content we can decide if it can be allowed later.

by (153k points)
Hey KidzSearch! One last question- my parents don't want to approve my KidzNet account, is there any way to have a KidzTalk question with a user wall so only GemHeart and Jelly can see it for my email?


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