+9 votes
in Personal by (185k points)

here are 2 problems that i really need help on

i feel like my crush is always staring at me! what do i do!? i feel so uncomfortable around him!

when i am near m crush i feel like i am a red tomato. it is so obvious that i have a crush on him. and also i always stare the oppissite way of where he is staring at me. How can i stop!?



1 Answer

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by (110k points)
Best answer
Problem 1:
Just block out the ideas and uncomfortableness if you can.

Problem 2:
Depends on how you want to appear to him. Do you want to say, "I'm cute, but hard to get," or, "Back off, I'm tough," even if you're not, this is a common hard-to-get play.


Here's how. Just give him a lip or teeth smile, not too cheesy, but big enough, if he looks your way. If he smiles back, that's a good sign. If he darts his eyes down, he's probably into you, too! If he ever gets the guts to ask you out. then flash another signature smile, do something like twirling a strand of hair, and say something like you'd have to think about it. Don't wanna sound desperate, but still interested.


If you want to appear hard-to-get, (some boys like a challenge, so I'd advise this one if you notice he's one of these types.) When he stares/looks at you, then just give a half smile. (one side of the lip raised, one not. Just so you know.) if he just peers/glances, then don't do this. Because you don't want to do that if he's not even looking at you, just passing by, or that would look a little desperate. Do the smile, but not every time. It really depends on how often he looks at you. This trick can be used in a pattern. (During the times when you stop the smile, you could pretend you don't notice him, too, if that helps...so you don't feel kind of awkward just sitting there with nothing to do..:D

Also, if he doesn't respond in the way that you'd hoped, or acts disrespectful even, it's because he likes you, but he doesn't want you to know it. Which, I'm sure you've already heard that one countless times before; just including it.
by (185k points)
this helps. ALOT! thank u so much!

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