+11 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by
Well according to one article  god does not exist because science already by a theory  that states energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.

There is a theory that disprove that matter cannot be created or destroyed. It is called the big bang. According to the theory the universe was created by a explosion. That sounds similar to the monotheistic view on the creation of the universe.

Before you believe in the big bang theory, There is another theory that disprove the big bang. The theory is called the Rainbow gravity theory. The theory states that the universe is eternal.

But the rainbow gravity theory did not disprove the existence of god it only disproved the monotheistic god.There are religons that god is a extrasstral or god only created our solar system or god is the universe or there many gods and they are the nature of our universe. But the montheistic god could exist and the stuff I gave you are only theories

Do you believe in god or not and tell us why in the comments section
I believe in one god, Yahweh, to be exact, but isn't this a little deep for a website for kids? I mean, it IS called KIDZtalk. Not Religiontalk or something.

19 Answers

+4 votes
by (8.3k points)

Yes! God does exist, because how were we created? If you believe in the Big Bang, how can something be created out of nothing? It doesn't make sense. 


For more, check out my tag hsgirl10 at https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/tag/hsgirl10

Some of the questions I've tagged apply to this...

by (90.2k points)
we are created (probably) by some germs and just evolved in to humans.
by (8.3k points)
Do you really believe that? Can your incredible body and soul, and our incredible complex world; can they be created by some probably germs by evolution? We were created by God, fearfully and wonderfully made, modelled after Himself. We were made in the image of God.

We are loved and endowed by our Creator, as it says in the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America!

Doesn't it feel amazing to know that you are loved and forgiven no matter what sin you commit? You were brought into this beautiful world by a loving Creator. Not evolved from germs, apes, or any other etc.

Believe that God created you, Jesus died for you, and the Holy Spirit fills you, and your life doesn't have to end after you die! Like the Bible says all through it's 66 books, there is a glorious heaven after death if you believe in God. A word with no tears, no shame, and no death. Romans 3:23 says that the price you pay for your sin is death, but with the free gift of salvation, you can go to heaven eternally!

John 3:16:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not die, but have eternal life.

That is an amazing love that was not promised to us by germs.
by (90.2k points)
How about those early humans?  Remember the ones that look like apes but stand up?  Well, we evolved from that!
Do you really WANT to believe that? Do you WANT to believe you were evolved from apes?

Also, how can you know that for sure? There is no proof of evolution. Yes, the apes' skeletal structures are similar to humans, and yes, apes and monkeys share a lot of DNA, but you also share 50% of your DNA with bananas. SO, in conclusion, that "proof" means nothing for backing up evolution.

However, there is proof backing up a loving creator who designed everything, the whole world, in incredible detail.

You can believe what you want to believe, but that is my take on creation.
Me : *reads "you also share 50% of your DNA with bananas" and thinks of the "I'M A BANANA!" meme*
+5 votes
by (350k points)

Yes! I believe because I believe. How would we know what is right or wrong? I bet you're wondering why there are so many religons- because when sin came people thought "oh I'm going to refuse God and everything He does" . They did it because they wanted to refuse- wanted, people! 

Anyway I believe in the One True God and Jesus. And why do people see heaven sometimes when they die? Its not the brain- its real! End of story.

Are you serious people were worshipping things that gave them life like the sun,earth,the universe, and energy. This all happened before Jesus was born. Few thousand years later a guy named Akhenaten introudced monotheism. He said that the only god is the sun. Few thousand years after that Judasim was created by a guy named Abraham. Abraham was teaching things what he thought was true. He taught  that god is the light of the sun. People back then thought that he was trying to regect  the true god. Few thousand years after that a guy named Jesus said he was the prophet not the son of god here is the evidence


So yeah I won the debate religon was a thing that made people happy but people use it to judge people and that is messed up

Christianity was created by a roman emporer named Constantine . Before you wanna answer find facts not things that are facts like it deals with history and science and dont start saying  what religon is wrong it is kinda racist or messed up . I got so upset when I read all religon are wrong but christianity is correct. What if a muslim or hindu said that about there religon would you think they won the debate since they said that . No you will try to defend your religon and please approve it
Actually people who had a Nde are actually lying for fame. They are people who died and said they have seen braham, or Muhammad the prophet of Islam. There are people who died and only saw nothingness . Oh I forgot saying this people who died and said that they saw light and saw there dead family members yeah the bible said that it is false. When you die you will not see your family members you will just see few people in heaven since there are few people that did what god said. So yeah study before you answer
by (350k points)
I do not agree with you. These people who see heaven are not lying. And, no, Constantine, did not create Christainy.He introduced it into the Roman Empire. Christians were scattered from certain areas and Constantine picked it up.He believed. About the heaven thing again, God says we will recognize our family. They will just be younger and in different heavenly bodies. Those other people are lyin' about seein' Islam. That was created becuz they opposed the true stuff. So there.

I defend my religion becuz its mine.I felt the Holy Spirit come in me.Now, I have researched a lot, and read the whole Bible. Anyway, they have found evidence that Jesus and the other stuff is real. So, that's science.

The Bible cannot be proved by science becuz God created the Earth before man was created.

And, oh, p.s. if I told you I saw heaven would you believe me?
by (110k points)
Exactly GemHeart! And if these people are going to debate over if their father and brother are real, then they'd better learn how to argue from the other side. Any good debater knows that.
by (350k points)
Thank you Rae. Exactly where I was coming from.
by (90.2k points)
No, GemHeart, I wouldn't believe you if you said you saw heaven, I could've been a vision or something like that.   And how come earth can't just be created by a bunch of rocks in space that got smushed together? No offense......
by (350k points)
Sorry this is late, but here's my answer:

1. Rocks cannot just be "smushed" together. Our earth would be a lot more rocky. How would water form on it? How would grass grow? How could anything happen when space is COLD? How could anything survive while the earth is still developing?

I rest meh case!
by (90.2k points)
Then why are stuff still growing on the earth NOW.  Space is still cold.
by (350k points)
Sorry for being late again!

Atmosphere, honey.
God is Jesus and who says that a bang didn't make the world! God just made the bang!
by (34.7k points)
+4 votes
by (6.8k points)

watch the movies- war room, god's NOT dead, god's NOT dead 2,  and heaven is for real. these movies ARE my explanation. go to church for one day, this is your descison. even some singer's like "toby mac", there music isn't just played on the christain station, it's played on pop. you may not know it but ur listeing to christain music.

I listen to rock and rap  and  rock come from atheists agnostics and even satanists but if you dont know satanism is not a religon of satan it is actually a religon where you worship yourself. Rap was created from atheist and muslims . Does that make it a bad thing ?  No
I already watch those I think you need to watch  big bang and the quran ah allah is the true god and existence of alllah. See people can prove there own god but the answer for which god is true will be a mystery forever. That is why there people who call themselves agnostic. What if I ask you can you watch the god deslustion or an atheistic show you will try to disprove it.
Ohhhhhh Toby Mac's good
by (350k points)
Yeah Toby is great at singin'.
by (110k points)
When  did rap one up? And I thought it was originally created by African americans.. And NOBODY IS GOING TO ACCUSE ME OF RACISM because it's not.
Dude, why is everything about racism now? Even in kid's stuff. No body is accusing you of racism.
by (153k points)
I love toby mac but whenever someone askance me what kind of music I like i say acoustic bcuz I feel like I will be judged
by (350k points)
TobyMac's awesome! You shouldn't be ashamed ;)
by (153k points)
:) I am glad you said that. I won't be judged here, but my school is all religions so I don't talk about it there. I know I can be myself here, though!
I know you won't sew this ,but if you do ... You should spread the word ! Don't keep it for yourself . share the way of salvation !
+7 votes



Have you ever picked up a bible?

plus,how did a complex organism like a simple germ be created with out a God(ahem Jesus Christ)

Why cant krishna or any other god  but not jesus created the universe. Why not Allah. Why not the sikh god. Let me tell you this organism always existed even before Earth and there is evidence. The universe is was always here . Matter cannot be created or destroyed and the Rainbow gravity theory proves my point
by (6.8k points)
this is the right answer.
+4 votes
by (24.0k points)

This has to be one of the most important questions you can ask. There are things that suggest the world must have been created by something very intelligent. For example, if the charge of a proton and electron were not exactly equal to each other the world would not have developed from the Big Bang. If the expansion rate of the universe was slower by just 1 part in a million million, the universe would have collapsed very early and would not exist today. I can't believe just "luck" caused it.

On the flip side, there is just so much evil in the world, like why do we have mosquitoes that give mostly innocent children malaria? Around 500 million people get very sick each year with close to 500,000 of them dying from it. I could go on with this argument.

It is a real mystery.



by (6.8k points)
might be a mystery to you. but it won't be a mystery after you read the bible. but i can see your point. you answered this person's question very well. the reason any one dies now i mean anyone, is because it was there time, god needed that person. they severed there purpose. christain's like myself are supposed to live for god. now don't think christains are perfect cos i sin every day, then you ask god for forgiveness. but you also can't just do bad things  cos you think you get away with it. also being a christain and beleiving in god are not the same thing. a christain has accepted jesus into there heart's, and may have gotten baptized. now you don't have to get baptized you can still accept jesus. now beleiving in god is different, there's really only one thing to it, beleiving in him. now i am young a kid. [ kidsearch.. umm] but it's NEVER to early or late to accept him, but it's goota be true.
+4 votes
yes he does
You need evidence not faith it is like me saying unicorns and faires exist.
Good answer the other guy who commented is (sadly) wrong,plus,who says unicorns don't exist
by (90.2k points)
God is real

If you don't have faith then your weakconfused_smile

Science can't prove every thing you know.
Even if i cant see them i believe their real, too!!!
you do relize that just like God cannot be proven that science and evolution cannot be either, right?
U r good, Bud.  Exactly what I said to unicorns and fairies person.
by (34.7k points)
Anonymous, please read the Bible. There is a chapter that was about a man named Thomas who didn't believe Jesus came back to life just because he couldn't see Him.
+6 votes
by (9.2k points)
I think its kind of impossible to know the answer. I mean we could have evolved by some sort animal or we could been created by whatever you believe in. Scientifically we are just evolved versions of some sort of animal, like pokemon! :D but we will never know cause 1. There is so many religions no one knows which one is true or not 2. There is evidence that Jesus existed 3. There is evidence we are evovled versions of apes I mean there is so many theories... I think we will never know unless we can travel back in time which i think is not possible.
by (6.8k points)
yes,  your right there is evedince in jesus exsits it's called the bible hunny. go read it. im serious. im not good at explaining things, and you may have read my answer to this question, or maybe not. but if you really want an explaination watch god's not dead 2 or one. in the first one there's a boy and his phlisphy teacher debating if god's dead or real. in god's not dead, 2 and 1 there are more than just one story these are some of my favorite movies, there so touching. these movies really give you all the evedince you need to know god's NOT dead. also, researching isn't hard. movies and the bible will do it. plus  church.. it's not impossible to know the answer. you don't have to know. i saw this pin on pinterest and it was  this teacher and her class, this is what the teacher said: can you see god? can you feel god? can you touch god?  all the kid's said no. then the teacher said, therfore there is no god..  the when  the teacher was done one kid stood up and this is he said: can you see your brain? can you feel your brain? can you touch your brain? the teacher answered no. the student the said: therefore you have no brain. so it's not impossible to know the answer, all you have to do is beleive.
by (350k points)
Amen sista
+5 votes
God does not exist if god exist why dont we have utopia. If god exist why wont he show what he really is. Is he allah, god,yahweh,krishna, and etc. If god exist how did science disprove him
God does exist. All you need to do is go to church for one day. If you believe that is all you need is faith.
Great answer!!! God IS real and to prove it read the bible or watch the movie "heaven is real" movie on netflix.
He did! It is just in heaven! And science isn't always correct. Plus, tell me how ✌✌ science proves god wrong!
by (34.7k points)
God is real!
+5 votes
Ok look at the world,now think how did it happen without Jesus?
That is not a good answer what if I said how did this happen without krishna,shiva,Allah, and Selassie. But here is the scientific answer. Matter and energy cannnot be created.
If matter and energy can not be created then how does anything exist?
You have a very good point
Matter and energy cannot be created nor distroyed, but they can change, And technically who says the universe had to be made at a certain time, since time is just an illousion humans use to get to work and school. The universe could've simply at one point have been a different state of matter and when it changed it created what we have now, It puzzles people that there is always a thought that the universe might not have been created, just always there, but a logical mind thinking of science says that's impossible, even though due to one of the laws in science, it says matter and energy can't be created or distroyed, only changed. So, the more religous mind thinks of a way to explain it, and boom, we have religion and gods as another therory of the creation of the universe. Cause really, religions are just strongly believed in therories. Dont have me for saying that, it's just my view, I'm sure religion is a lot more to some of you.

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