+9 votes
in Books / General by (207k points)

So i just wanted to say something quite random for those who don't know: Kaylianna is pronouned KayLeeAna (Anna as in Frozen). Also i think you'll like this chapter because you might be featured in it....*DUN DUN DUN*

Chapter 6:I need serious help bro

I was on my computer, browsing the news and saw an ad for a website, Kidzsearch. This sounds cool, I thought. I clicked it. It sent me to basically heaven! It had groups, videos, songs, news, and something called Kidztalk. I got on it and saw lots of posts by kids. There was an advice column and I clicked "Ask a question". This is what I said:

"Help! I'm a non-binary, gay person who ran away from home after I accedentaly came out to my homophobic mom. I was riding my bike when my best friend saw me and he asked his moms if I could live with them. Life is okay so far, but I kinda miss home! What should I do??!" The next day I got back on, to see that some people answered! Somebody called Emodinosaur said that if he was me, then he would've stayed with Liam for a bit longer, and see if life adjusts. And then I could wait and see if I still wanna go home. Somebody called Nobodyimportant said that I sound like a really nice person, that she was glad I came on here, and to listen to Emodinorsaur's wisdom. "Okay," I thought. "This is cool."  I decided to listen to them. 

Later, when I was looking at posts, Leo walked in. "Hey," he said. I jumped. "Oop. Sorry, Kay." "It's fine," I said. "What are you doing?" he asked me. "I'm just messing around on this website. "Okay. Uhm, do you wanna play Minecraft with me?" My heart almost burst with happiness. The most amazing dude in the world wanted to play video games? Heck yes! So 5 hours later, Leo and I were both building a mansion, when it started raining really hard. "I would not wanna be out there," I said, grateful I had shelter now. "I know, that must suck to be out there," Leo said, shaking his head. It was thundering a lot now. "I do not like rain and thunder!" I said, shivering. He hugged me with one arm. "Well, I'm glad we found you," he said. I blushed. Liam walked in. "LEO, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Sheesh, can that kid yell. "I'll be right back," he said. "Okay," I said confused. Liam whispered something to Leo, and Leo gasped. What were they saying? Leo came back, and he looked mad. "You wanna go home, huh? To your homophobic, piece of garbage family? Come on. Don't you like us? It should be heaven to you, with us, people who support you, respect you, and take care of you. Is that what your family did? Did they care?" I gasped. "How do you know that?" I asked. "Liam uses Kidztalk too, you know." 

"How did you know it was me?" I asked.

"Your usernames on games and stuff is always CatCrazyGirl."

I started crying. "I do like living here," I said between sobs. "Yeah, right." I was furious at Liam, so I ran to his room to give him a piece of my mind. "Why?" I said. "Why did you do that?" I asked with tears running down my face. "I thought you liked me," I said. "I do... I LIKE like you. You've been hanging out with Leo so much that you forgot about me." He said sadly. "I got jealous. I tried to sabotage your friendship. And I regret nothing," He grumbled. I stomped towards him and punched him in the face. "OW!!" he yelled, grabbed his cheek. I saw something shiny and white on the ground in front of him. A tooth. 

It was raining very hard outside now, and the weather matched my mood. Liam and Leo's moms were at work, so I had no one to comfort me. I was throwing myself a pity party, when I heard a thunderous crack. There was a brown blur, coming towards the house at a crazy speed. The ceiling cracked, and gave out. "AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I crawled under the wooden table at a furious pace. I got under it just in time, because a huge chunk of ceiling came down right where I was standing a few seconds ago. I could've died. Roof tiles crashed down, and ceiling parts were falling on the table I was under. Finally, It stopped, and all I could hear was the rain.

The dust was all over, and the house was completly destroyed. "Leo!! Liam!!" I yelled. I walked over the rubble and made my way to Liam's room. I saw him, laying on the floor, under some debris. "Liam!" I sobbed.I moved the junk away. His head was bleeding. I grabbed a now ripped blanket, and pressed down to stop the bleeding. He woke up. I grabbed him and cried. "Hey, Kay.." He said with a small smile. I helped him get up, and we walked to Leo's room. He was just sitting there, with his shoulders shaking. "Leo, what's wrong?" I asked. "What's wrong? MY HOUSE WAS JUST DESTROYED, MY LITTLE BROTHER IS HURT, AND I LOST YOU AS A FRIEND!" He shouted. I sat next to him. "You didn't lose me as a friend," I said. "I'm here for you."


4 Answers

0 votes
by (541k points)
Best answer
love your including of mc
by (207k points)
tysm! i'll do that more often if you like! :)
by (541k points)

the answer is OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!
by (207k points)
+1 vote

Also tysm for mentioning me :)

- Dino (he/they)
by (130k points)
Its cool you and Nobi are in it!:)
by (207k points)
yw ima do more like this
+1 vote
by (130k points)
Great chapter!
by (207k points)
+1 vote
by (523k points)

I'm happy I got a free cameo teeth_smile

I loved this chapter! Your simple details go a long way! It's like I'm right there with those three.



by (207k points)
lol ty

and also i imagine everything as i write it
by (130k points)
I like it that it had you in it, Nobi!
by (523k points)
Aww, thanks Lover! Maybe next chapter will have you in it, as well :D

@GP you're welcome! That's a good method to use as an author. Imagine the scene like you're there yourself, that way you can't play it out better :)
by (207k points)
yea! @MinecraftnerdJunior, i'll definatly feature you!
by (130k points)

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