+5 votes
in Dino's Blog by

Hey everyone. This is going to be just me raging, so uh, brace youselves. When I get angry, I get really really angry and most of the things I say come out way more aggressive than intended. 

So as most of you know, Nobi was just impersonated by someone saying she was leaving KT. She was impersonated a few weeks ago as well but it was deleted within an hour. 

If you are Nobi's impersonator: Get a life. Get an actual life instead of making people miserable on the internet. I speak from experience when I say that Nobi is one of the nicest and most genuine people on this site. She deserves the absolute world compared to what these impersonators are giving her. There is absolutely no excuse for what you did to her and I am setting my sign-off to '-Dino wants an apology' until we all get one. Not even all of us, Nobi is the one that deserves it out of anyone on here. 

Ever stop to think about how that can affect someone? Not everyone has the perfect life and things like this aren't funny. They don't make you cool and they certainly don't make you unique. Am I perhaps overreacting to this? Maybe. Do I care right now? No. 

I want an apology. Now. I have no right to demand one but I am. I will keep ranting about this until you apologize. There is no excuse. And to Nobi of all people? What did she ever do? She's a stranger to you. We all are. We are on the internet, the land of clicking one button to ruin someone's day.

To Nobi: I am sorry. I can't really apologize for them but I am. They need to get a life. You deserve none of this. I love you (platonically) and I am sending you lots of virtual hugs meowla

- Dino wants an apology (he/they/xe)

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (528k points)
Best answer


Thank you so much for doing this. You really didn't have to, and I really, REALLY do not deserve to have such a best friend like you. I mean, you went the extra mile of making a separate post to clear my name and call out this impersonator. (I kept calling them impostor because I was flabbergasted and couldn't find words at that time X3)

I literally cannot thank you enough without tearing up. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you innocent


Anytime, Nobi. This situation really rubbed me the wrong way so I felt like it deserved its own post. Thank you so much for all your kindness. You deserve the whole world, and that's not an exaggeration. Imposter, impersonator. They both work X33
Anytime, anywhere. Love you, Nobby :)
- Dino wants an apology (he/they/xe)
0 votes
by (546k points)
I finally found the original ging post
0 votes
by (131k points)
I agree 100%. No one deserves to be impersonated. there was one time someone impersonated her it was a really inappropriate post, I'm extremely mad! Apologize now, Nobi impersonator!
by (528k points)

I just realized a repeating mention

There was ANOTHER time?!


Why didn't I see that!

I thought this was the only time! This has gotten out of hand...
by (131k points)


Unfortunately, yes. They made you say some things that were rightfully blurred out, but were very adult and were incredibly inappropriate. Thankfully, KT got right on it and deleted it after an hour or so. I was going to make a separate post to address it, but almost nobody saw the impersonator's post and I didn't want to draw any attention to it.

I just hate the amount of impersonation and disrespectful posts that have been popping up lately. Its clear to me that a lot of the people making these sort of posts are younger kids. They think its funny or cool, but in reality it hurts people's reputation and isn't amusing in the slightest. 

- Dino wants his apology (he/they/xe)

by (528k points)

I'm just glad KS (and you and some others :) ) knew that it wasn't me who said whatever inappropriate things that you saw. You guys have my back in a way that I can't even comprehend :)

Me too. What we need is a more active community, not a community full of drama. I wish I was active back a few years ago, where things seemed to be actually fun and full of life.

Not saying you guys aren't enough, there was just much more pizzazz to the older generations.

Heh, kinda like real life X3

I hope you understand this and I'm not just blabbering a-^^

by (957k points)
Just saw that Nobi wanted to be active a few years ago. Anyways, 2021 was mostly drama-free, but me and my warped brain were an annoyance.
by (528k points)
Wait, what do you mean I wanted to be active a few years ago x3
by (957k points)

I wish I was active back a few years ago

In the comment above my first comment.

by (528k points)

Yeah, so many cool users were on back then, though, it seemed x3
by (957k points)
Yeah, when I joined, Luna and LLM were both on (LLM wasn’t too active by then I don’t think), and JD was also on. Pumpkin was active, and you also have GemHeart and the KT twins, Queeny and KnightStar. There’s more people, too. Lemony was leaving when I joined, and Cindy was also leaving.
+1 vote
by (154k points)
It’s really annoying that Nobi is being impersonated and I agree with everything. It’s so rude. The impersonater definitely needs to get a life. I hope you’re doing alright, Nobi.

Side note  this is exactly the reaction the person impersonating Nobi is trying to get. A few of these posts are definitely needed, but lets try not to get so aggressive that the impersonator is proud of themselves behind the screen. I dont think this post or any of its answers is aggressive though.

So from now on, now that we know Nobi is never planning on leaving anytime soon, anyone wanna agree to try and ignore the whole “I’m Leaving” thing?
by (528k points)
That's something I never thought of. I, personally, would be ashamed of everything I currently was if I was the impersonator right now.

And yeah, I'm doing alright for the most part :)

Thank you so much for asking!

I agree with you. They probably were trying to annoy us and get a reaction, but even so, I felt this needed to be brought to more light because this whole situation rubbed me the wrong way. Sorry about the aggression xD. I tend to get WAY more angry than I should when someone I care about is hurt like this.


Yup. If I were the impersonator I would feel like a piece of trash right about now. I assume they are a younger kid, judging on the way they typed out that fake post, so they probably thought it was harmless and amusing, when it obviously isnt.

Either way, we are all glad you are doing well, Nobi :)

- Dino still wants an apology (he/they/xe)
by (528k points)

It means so much to me that you guys care this much about my well-being! I can't thank any of you enough, even if I tried in_love

0 votes
by (112k points)
WOW this took guts :) im impressed

0 votes
by (957k points)
Yikes. Out of all the people that could be impersonated, it was Nobi. (And how have I never been impersonated even when I was unregistered? I dunno, but the Nintendo Switch post I did do. And I am going to post a question on KT with my new Xbox soon. And my personal TV.)
0 votes

- Dino wants an apology (he/they/xe)
by (528k points)


 We have #inthistogender, waterjuice, nobby the elf, and now ging.

Truly works of a r t.

- Dino wants an apology (he/they/xe)


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