+5 votes
in Dino's Blog by
What the heck happened?

I was gone for 3 DAYS. 3 DAYS. And I come back to another impersonator, multiple new users (hi btw:), sexuality reveals, and drama.

Anyway, I don't know what happened, but if you know then please fill me in. In case anyone was worried as to why I haven't been active, I was at a furry convention (Furrydelphia in Philly, PA) for a few days and had barely any internet, so I couldn't post or even look at the site.

It was absolutely amazing, though! I got to high five this really impressive furry opera singer, got a free pride flag from this sweet kid, made this adorable 10-year old smile when I fist bumped them (IM SORRY IT WAS SO SWEET, MY HEART MELTED), met some really popular and really cool furries, got to hug this super sweet person in suit (I hate hugs but this person just made me feel so comfortable), met a dude dressed like a nun who kept screaming at people (he was honestly hilarious and I truly laughed for the first time in days), watched my new friend compete in a fursuit dance contest, and got locked out of my hotel room (whoops). Its safe to say that a LOT happened, but ill try to keep it short.

The hotel thing was a blur, honestly. My mom and me were watching South Park in our hotel room, which is on the 15th STORY, when her phone starts blaring an alarm and saying that there's an emergency in the building. I have never shoved all my fursuiting supplies in a bag faster than when I did there. So we run out of the room and into the hall, and all of our neighbors are out there too. We are all scared but one of my hotel neighbors makes us laugh with some jokes, which helped a lot. I accidentally closed the HOTEL ROOM DOOR while talking to them, which is the only way to get back in and we don't have our keycard OR our key, so we are panicking. My mom is literally barefoot cause we were laying in bed earlier, and we are forced to go down MULTIPLE ELEVATORS, FLIGHTS OF STAIRS, AND PAST SO MANY PEOPLE-

I was laughing my head off the entire time and my mum kept shushing me. We finally got the spare key and got back to our room, but that's a memory ill remember for a long time.

Also, the nun dude I mentioned before was amazing. He spent the 150$ he got from donos to make "The Book of Drain". The entire thing is just basically worshipping the person who made the con, and it's hilarious. He kept lifting it into the air and everyone around him cheered lol.

Another awesome thing that happened is that we spent like 300$ on fursuiting stuff! I got this pretty transgender flag-patterned collar, white hand paws with brown and pink spots on the  beans, A bunch of pins, pokeball plushes (mainly for my little brother, but I got one too >:3), and a strawberry plush that fits in my suits' mouth.

I literally love everyone there. I got so many pictures (lmk if you want me to show you! Everyone's face is covered in them btw-). I didn't want to leave, but I am coming back next year 100%. I felt so included there in a way which I've never felt anywhere else. Ty for reading my little recap of why I've been gone xD.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (528k points)
Best answer



(Now I sound like a mom omigoodness)

Aside from worrying me, I'm so glad that you got to have that great experience :D

Now I wanna go to a furry convention :[

I got very happy just by reading that, it was really fun x3

Esie sadly left, due to her dad not liking what he saw on here. She said she'll be returning around the holidays, but she want puts to follow her dad's rules.



I was genuinely scared that people were gonna get worried lol

Nobi Enters Parenthood: The Series


Honestly, I reccomend going to furry cons. Even if you aren't a furry and even if you don't have a costume to wear, its still REALLY cool. Its a great way to socialize, meet people, do a lot of different events, and its all around a great experience.

Omigosh this sounds like an ad read now xD-

I'm really glad I made you happy x3

Oh no! Really? This has gotta be a joke?-

Aw, welp. I'm going to miss her. Like a lot. At least there's a chance of her coming back, though! :)

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (528k points)
That sounds like an original Netflix series that's gonna become popular real quick—

Dino advertisements are the only ads that I won't want to skip immediately x3

I'm going to miss her a lot, too. She was one of my first friends on here... But I still have hope that she'll return, for good, in the future :)

But you literally don't know how much I've missed you, it's kinda weird—
0 votes
Awwwwwwww hi Emo! You just called my species ADORABLE! If you didn't already know my age, now ya do.
+1 vote
by (958k points)


Also, Esie left.
+1 vote
by (528k points)
Also, I saw that someone removed the "God" mentions from your post x3
Yeah, I just noticed that. Is it offensive? I don't think it is? Right? Dang, I feel bad now-

I didnt know it was bad. Is it even bad? I thought it was just a phrase to express empathetic confusion, or at least that's what my 1st grade English teacher told me all those years ago. Sorry if I made any mods annoyed at me or if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (528k points)
I don't think it's offensive. KT Has become a little more strict on the wording of things, though.


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