+3 votes
in Venting by (5.8k points)
Ok so I'mma start a blog. It will probably be really boring but currently I feel like I just need a place to vent. I'mma start my first entry now so read on if you wish.

So I have this friend, let's call her olivia and olivia has been my bestie for ages but at the beginning there was a third girl, let's call her Gina. So here is a bit of backstory...

Olivias mum died when she was 7 and we are now 12 but it has been 4 years since she died.

Currently my grandma is really sick with a severe form of dementia (I don't think i spelt that right) which quite a few members of family on my dad's side have died from so understandably I'm going through a bit of worry right now.

Gina was really mean to all of us and has just become friends with us again. When olivia was friends with gina olivia was always really mean but as I don't have loads of friends I really wanted it to work with these girls. Over time we fell out but me and olivia are still 'besties' ???.

So back to the story. At lunch today me and olivia got to lunch early cause I broke my shoulder skiing so I get lunch early so I definitely have a table. I was really scared about my grandma and I said all I want this summer is to see my grandma because I haven't seen her in a year. Olivia then said to me in a really cold tone "cool, I haven't seen my childhood bestie in over 4 years" I then told her that her example wasn't quite the same so she then told me she hadn't seen her mum in over 4 years. This made me feel so bad like my problem and the fact that I was missing my grandma wasn't valid. I then told her all I wanted this summer was to see my grandma she told me that " all I want this summer is to go to Korea and watch kpop... Oh wait, I am!!! No but like my dad's booked the flights and in total they were £2000!!!" I felt so bad at that point because although my family is able to do things like that they don't becausr last time I was on a plane long distance I had a panic attack when we got on as I have emetophobia and the boy in front was holding a sick bag and being fanned. Ever since than we only go on short haul flights.

Gina than came and she didn't read my mood so she just started criticizing me in a jokey way but I just couldn't take it and I ran to the bathroom where I cried. I couldn't ignore olivia because a) I have a fear of confrontation and b) she is carrying my bag because of my injury and c) she's helping with my younger brothers ???????.

So am I in the wrong here???

Sorry it's kinda long but I just have so much I'm feeling right now

Bear girl going offline.
I'm in the wrong (1 vote, 25%)
I'm not in the wrong (3 votes, 75%)
I'm in the middle (0 votes)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (261k points)

Girl, you are so not in the wrong. Both of them were acting super rude! 

And I so feel you on the not wanting to lose friends part. I mean, I'm okay with being alone, but then where do you sit at lunch!? 

But no, what they said was super inconsiderate. That's your grandma- I hope she's doing okay, truly! Watching someone close to you like that suffer is so heart breaking. But all they had to say was "wow, I want to see K-Pop?" LIKE, WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? YOU COULDN'T WAIT 5 MINUTES TO TALK ABOUT IT!? 

Tbh I would've lost friends that day. I would've GONE OFF. 

Anyways sorry. Kinda dealing with some friend problems myself rn. But ABSOLUTELY NOT YOU ARE NOT IN THE WRONG! 

Praying for you, your family, and grandma heart

by (5.8k points)

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