+4 votes
in Girl Online by (5.8k points)
Ok so here is my first official blog post and it probably classes as venting as well.

Ok so I live in England so instead of elementary we have primary/junior school and instead of middle school& high school we have senior/secondary school. I am currently in y7/1st form/6th grade and my school is a junior and senior school. Ik this is kinda random but it will all make sense in a minute.

Ok so as my school is joined we also only have one bus for each area which has both juniors and seniors on it. As I am a senior what I find so annoying is when the junior school swifties (I don't like Taylor swift btw) decide to belt out the lyrics to her most repetitive songs (normally Blank Space) at the top of their lungs for about 20 mins. #theworst. It's 8:00 in the morning for goodness sake. I wanna just relax and go on my phone. I do not want to listen to them belting out song lyrics at the top of their lungs. Please just shut up??? Like it's all I can do not to yell at the top of my lungs to shut the heck up.

The worst thing about it is the fact that they are completely off tune. If your gonna torture me first thing in the morning than at least sing on tune with the correct lyrics. So yh, sorry about the rant but I just had to get it off my chest. I promise the next post will be happier

Girl online going offline

Ps. They just started singing

4 Answers

0 votes
by (71.3k points)
i wanna live in brighton :)
0 votes
by (525k points)
England! I want to go there :D
0 votes
Oms!!!! U live in England?!!!?!?! I sooooooooooooooo want to live in England. Its my dream home!!!! #mydreamhomeisengland
0 votes
by (544k points)
Yeah I can kinda relate.

I hate the "mainstream" music ( I like MC songs ( the ones about Minecraft)) but after school nearly every day my sister blasts the music she likes (that I hate) and it drives me nuts.

So, my solution is since you have a phone pop in some earbuds/ put on headphones and listen to ur music to drown them out or at least muffle it. If u do not have data ask ur parents for noise cancellation headphones/earplugs.

Hope this helps
by (5.8k points)

Yh, I have noise cancelling headphones. But if I'm using them every day they run down about once a month and I can't be bothered to charge them lol teeth_smile


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