+4 votes
in Flaming Pheonix's Fun Blog by (85.8k points)
Guys guys guys guys helppppppp!!! So, last week, our school finished our show and I was in it. And uhhh I last year had this friend who happens to be a boy and because of that some of my friends were being super annoying and basically spreading rumors that he and I liked each other. At first it was just a little annoying and I continuously told that one friend to STOP but then one of my friends told more people and so now I was being approached by RANDOM PEOPLE I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE in my ENTIRE LIFE! And they're just saying stuff like "ooohh, are you and him OFFICIAL" and "You two are SO cute together" and then I told my friend that they went too far and to stop NOW! So they stopped (mostly) but only because he moved to my neighboring state and switched schools. and we still keep in touch and he's cool. But... the reason why I was so mad at my friend for doing what she did was that I actually did like him. DID. I don't anymore. and keep in mind, I'm still going through adolesence and puberty and whatever blah blah blah hormones so I guess that means I have a lot of passing crushes...? But I didn't think he liked me back. But then on the last show he came to see the show (NOT just to see me) and he brought me ROSES! and ALL my friends, and his friends, were like "OOOHHHH" but like UGH! And also, IDK if this is true, but this other kid in my grade who saw the show with the kid who got me flowers said that the boy that got me flowers was going to ask me to date him but was too scared. And so now I think he has a crush on me. But I don't like him back. But... he's nice and I don't want to reject him. I want to stay friends with him. And just friends. But then today, a boy in my art class said he liked me but doesn't anymore but I have never liked this boy sooooo. But it's so WEIRD! Why are boys liking me now why doesn't this happen to everybody else UGH help please!!

P.S. Thanks for listening to my excessive amount of typing :)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (515k points)
Best answer
Girl I totally get you! :D

Boys can leave you feeling like a big massive pile of mushy goo sometimes. They can be REALLY hard to understand sometimes. Not to be ridiculous but as you and your friends get older they will start to call anyone your crush or boyfriend because it is exciting for them to think you are all grown up with a crush or whatever.

But at camp last year, a bunch of boys were fawning over me. I hated it so so much and it was soso annoying.

I get it. And I have not really had a "boyfriend" yet so that is the most I can tell you!

Sorry if this wasn't very helpful!


by (85.8k points)
It was very helpful thanks! And lol yeah sameeeee a boy ASKED ME TO A DANCE
+1 vote
Sadly, stuff like this never happened to me (I never been in a relationship)

But I have no advice, I'm bad at advice and  if I give the wrong advice you might get mad or something bad will happen soooooo

by (85.8k points)
Nooo, I will not get mad. And its ok I've never been in a relationship either
+2 votes
by (523k points)

I'm sorry, I have an attention problem and I have a hard time reading things like this

I got the jist though, I think...

by (85.8k points)
OMG SORRY that just kinda happens sometimes when I write I BLABBER lol
by (523k points)
It's fine, it's not your fault!

I think I'll read it again some other time :D
by (85.8k points)
Lol you don't have to!


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