+1 vote
in Venting by
so...what i'm about to say is going to sound stupid. like stupid.

so...i pretty sure i'm bi, but I don't want to come out yet, but...if I did i'm worried that my parents wouldn't care enough...? UHHH that sounds so wrong. Okay, like, they are so chill about lgbtqia+ stuff that I don't want to tell them and then they go, "okay". like, I gathered so much courage to do this just for a neutral response. Idk, it sounds stupid. does anybody else agree??
I didn't have that issue but I was outed by my sister so I didn't have a choice in coming out but I understand where your coming from

4 Answers

0 votes
by (110k points)
I have the exact same problem.


my parents are allys, but I still haven't come out to them.
by (521k points)


0 votes
by (202k points)
U R lucky my mom would freak if I told her that. She said If I wanted to be a boy then she would still call me a girl and buy me girl clothes. If I said I had a crush on a girl she would be SOOOOOOOO mad and say I was going to go to he'll.
by (521k points)
You're not going to Hell if you had a crush on a girl :[
That's so messed up!!
by (202k points)
I KNOW!! But thats how she thinks because Its in the bible.
by (521k points)
There are LGBTQIA+ people who practice Christianity.

There are LGBTQIA+ pastors.
by (202k points)
My mom believes those R fakes and liars
by (521k points)
Your mom sounds like a Karen x3
by (202k points)

HOW DARE U!!!! I actually dont care

+1 vote
by (295k points)
well, i just came out to multiple people, (non-binary, Androsexual), and yes, i agree

having someone care about /support you is crucial to coming out.

but, you're lucky your parents arent homophobic.

my dad hung a cross on my door when i came out to him.

anyways, this isnt abt me, but, come out if you feel like it's the right time.

dont force yourself, and you'd prefer a "okay" rather than a "no, thats not right", tho, correct?!?!


hope that helped
thanks, your right. I am SUPER lucky.
0 votes
by (154k points)

No, I get it, you want them to recognize you without some sort of boring answer that kind of seems like a “whatever.”

You can’t really change your parents reaction though…

I’m sorry idk how to help rn lol

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asked Jul 30, 2023 in LGBTQIA Club by PsychoSloth (154k points)

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