+13 votes
in All Advisors by (610 points)

Please help me I have a crush on a boy and I have no idea how to tell if he likes me or how to tell him o like him.please give me some advice please.

by (1.34m points)
Not sure why you don't want boys to look, boys can probs tell you best what boys like?
by (165k points)

Um respect! if she doesn't want boys to look then don't look!

It's personal ok you might not understand as a boy!

Bc there are somethings that are girl only!

by (1.34m points)
Did you just assume my gender?
by (165k points)

I know you're a boy I have read all the post about is pumpkin a boy or a girl.

Your I boy I know it!

So know I'm not assuming! 

by (1.34m points)
i could be genderfluid
by (262k points)
Pumpkin you've become quite the troller XD
by (1.34m points)
by (165k points)
Your not!

I know your a boy, admit it admit it admit it!!!!
by (165k points)

Tell me about it he has a thing for me!

by (165k points)
by (670 points)

I'm honestly going to say that you can probably get the best advice from a boy (which I am) and my sister agrees with this.

by (1.34m points)
by (165k points)
by (1.34m points)


by (165k points)
by (26.9k points)
Oh my-
by (1.34m points)
by (165k points)
by (949k points)
by (165k points)
by (949k points)
by (68.9k points)


by (68.9k points)

BTW, totally agree with PUMPKIN. I'd rather ask guys for help, no offense to you people who think girls would be better help, or whatever. PUMPKIN, just asking, what's your gender? Since blue sure seems to want to know. Obviously, you don't have to answer to that if you feel uncomfortable answering or whatnot, but just wondering.

I agree with CC, PUMPKIN has become quite the troller.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)

It's a boy XD

I know what it is he just thinks I don't 

by (165k points)
Sorry It was a spelling error I'm sure XD
by (68.9k points)

Haha! PUMPKIN, your a guy, right?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (2.1k points)
If someone labels a question as: girls or boys only, it must be assumed that a boy or girl will intrude into the conversation.
by (68.9k points)

True, that's how humans work, I think.

~ Wraya <3

by (165k points)
True, if posts say: STAY OUT they get more views and comments.
by (68.9k points)

Yup! <3

by (165k points)
I'm glad we agree! :)
by (68.9k points)

Same. :)

by (165k points)
Hmm... maybe I should do that to all my posts. That could be my thing!
by (68.9k points)

You should do that! Nice idea!

by (165k points)
I will try that! Btw I made a post for you it's Called: Wraya!
by (68.9k points)

Oh, okay, I'll go check it out right now!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
:) Yah!
by (780 points)
by (165k points)
mhm bec you never told us ur gender

10 Answers

0 votes
im a guy but heres some advice if he is clingy handsy overly caring or hangs out with you alot

he prob likes you so shoot yours shot i have a crush on a girl and these are all things i do she doesnt know yet tho (note and he probly wont reject u unless he realy dont like you he would say yes and see how it goes i thing)
0 votes
get a friend to ask if he likes you and stand far away
0 votes
by (2.1k points)
I almost died trying to tell my bf how I feel (sarcasm)

Don't tell him unless its obvious he likes you back

0 votes
by (111k points)

first of all, if he likes u back, he would give u gifts. I would know bc i had a boy like me in 3rd grade and he spoiled me. And, to tell him, write him a note. Just straight forward. 'Hi. Im      and I really like u. Could we hang out sometime?'

0 votes

if he starets big-eyes at you a lot then he likes youembarrassed_smile

0 votes
This can vary from person to person, but usually being in love can be shown unconsciously by things like feet direction, body language, or just treating said crush differently in general. It’s best to get to know this guy if you don’t already and slowly bond with him.
0 votes
Wouldn't it be smart to ask boys what you should do? I would do that
0 votes
Okay, so I don’t know if I’m late or not but still gonna post.

Here’s what you don’t wanna do

- Try to like the things he likes

- Be a fake version of yourself-  lying, changing your habits, etc.

Here’s what you wanna do

- Be spontaneous- not just around him. Enjoy life and be your best self

- Go for the things you like

- Show off more of your secret interests- for example, if you secretly like chess but you were too embarrassed to admit it, just go join the chess club! Boys tend to pay more attention to girls who really live it up and aren’t afraid

- Interact more with him- a simple ‘hi’ or ‘how ya doin’ goes a long way

This is very important

Please remember to be yourself. If he can’t realize what an awesome person you are, he obviously doesn’t deserve you. Always remember to stay safe and if it does work out, please stay on the signs for a toxic relationship or person because that can happen a lot. Otherwise, BE HAPPY


by (165k points)
Why would you be a fake verison of yourself!!

That is not good advice! That will scare him off!

Also being a fake verison of yourself and then also doing your secret dreams living up to yourself are like completly oppositites!
Great advice, always be yourself
by (949k points)
Being a fake version of yourself is under “you don’t wanna do”. It explicitly says, “don’t”, blueZswagger.
by (165k points)
+1 vote
by (262k points)
Hey!! This is a pretty common problem :)

Honestly, I found that just being up front with guys is the best way to go- if you just send "signals," they will never get it (quite frankly I never thought someone was flirting with me but then they told me they were so I'm just as bad at picking up cues) :p Perhaps when you are alone with him just casually bring it up, and let him know that's how you really feel.

If you truly like him, you'll know!! ;)

Best of luck!!
+1 vote
by (541k points)
Well, not being ready for a relationship like that I don't know. But, I would just go right up to him and tell him that you have a crush on him. You could also buy him a romantic gift (Flowers, chocolates, ect.) with a note that says I have a crush on you in it/ on it.


*BTW you said o like him not I like him*
by (610 points)
omg i am sorry my tablet is trash and also thankyou everyone for giving me advice even though you didn't PUMKIN
by (541k points)
You're welcome. :)
by (610 points)
i am going to try all of this advice and i hope that it works wish me luck.
by (541k points)
I wish u luck!
by (165k points)

I think you should just try to tell him or just play truth or dare and if he says dare you dare him to kiss his crush and if he says truth ask him who is crush is.

Genius XD
Ask him out obvi He is probably to scared to ask
by (610 points)
Well I am kinda scared to ask him to so yeh.
by (541k points)

You could....

  1. Practice with yourself 
  2. Reward yourself when done. 
  3. Give him a sheet of paper that asks do you like me with a yes and a no checkbox and ask him to check one
by (262k points)
The classic  "Yes/ No" checkboxes XDXD


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