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So I have known this girl that we will call Abby since we were in our Elementary school years. She has always been extremely attention seeking and dramatic, making the smallest things into large problems that get many people involved. I used to be close with her in 1st grade, but after she started bossing me around I distanced myself from her. She's in my grade and is on my school bus, though we dont talk often.

Now, I met this girl, who we will call Emma, in 5th grade. She is very sweet and has dyslexia and autism. We hang out all the time and I really love her. I am extremely, extremely, overprotective of this girl, and this is where the drama starts.

Abby sat with me and Emma at lunch a few weeks ago, though we normally never speaks to us. We didnt think anything of it, though, since both me and Emma are friends with most of the kids in our classes. She slowly started talking with me on the bus and hanging out with us at our lockers more often.

At this point, I had thought that she had outgrown her dramatic phase, and I was totally willing to be her friend. Things were fine until today.

So Emma has this really annoying locker partner that takes ages to open his locker, even though we are months into the school year. Because of this, she arrives at lunch a bit later than me and Abby.

 So I sat at our usual lunch table and Abby followed me. She was pretty quiet and her face was red with fury. Then, she said to me, and I quote, "Emma is so rude to me, isn't she? She gets so prissy whenever I come. Did you see those crop tops she wears? Its like she thinks they make her cool".

This really bothered me, because Emma gets along with everyone and is super sweet. Yes, she is addicted to crop tops, but most teenage girls are these days, and I dont think it's fair to judge others based on their appearance. Now, everyone at my school knows that I can't keep a secret to save my life, least of all a secret about one of my closest friends. So in the end, I was forced to tell Emma. Emma got so mad and Abby was ignoring both of us. She kept sending us death glares all throughout the lunch period.

Now, a few weeks ago, I had invited both of them to go trick or treating with me and my brother. They were both excited and agreed. I was excited as well, until this. I am afraid that Abby will do something or say something rude and start arguing with Emma. Emma also has severe anger issues.

Someone help me here, please. I don't want to tell Abby that I don't want her to come, because she's the kind of girl to spread nasty rumors about you and badmouth you to others. I also know that this is affecting Emma, because middle school is stressful enough without all Abby's drama.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (214k points)
If you have the guts, the best thing to do would be to just drop Abby. She sounds like the type of person to be toxic and gossip. It isn't good to be around people like that as it affects you and Emma in a negative way. Good luck on what happens! -Nayeon
0 votes
by (155k points)
omg I'm exactly what that's like!! Abby is just like my neighbor!!!! Do u happen to live in Georgia.

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