+3 votes
in Venting by
This is gonna get personal so you've been warned xd.

I am in a friend group with my boyfriend, Alex, and my friend, Katie. We are all pretty close and hang out every week. Ive known Katie since i was in 1st grade and Alex since ive been in 5th (Im in 7th now). The main reason Ive never really spoken to Katie before now is becaue she has these odd mood swings and is very dramatic. Shes always been this way. When Katie became our close friend a few months ago, I noticed she'd act very chummy with Alex and basically ignore me half of the time. She would also ask us if we were still together every single week. Literally not even exaggerating, every week.

So when me and her were alone a few weeks ago I joked about her having a crush on my boyfriend and she just went quiet and didn't respond and said she did have a crush on him, but that she 'didn't anymore'. I was kind of surprised and told her it was ok, although I was a bit uncomfortable after that.

My boyfriend gave me this really sweet note in class yesterday (he couldnt say his feelings to me in person because he was too embarrased) that basically just thanked me for accepting him as poly and being so considerate, and I was really touched. The note continued with 'Katie said she had a crush on me'.

When I got home from school, I texted Alex and we did a video chat for over 2 hours discussing Katie. Alex said that about 2 weeks ago, Katie had called him to say she liked him and Alex just got really uncomfortable around her after that.

So I was really ticked off and immedietely called Katie. I forgot to mention earlier: When Katie became our friend, she told us she was bi. When I told Katie that I knew what she said to Alex, she went really quiet for a moment and told me she ' wasn't gay' and that she never said that to my boyfriend. Then, she hung up.

I was even more mad now because she told me she didn't like my boyfriend even though I knew she did, betrayed my trust, and then lied to me again that she didn't say those things.

I literally don't know what to do, and me and Alex are both really mad at Katie. We are going to confront her about it after Thanksgiving Break, but she is the type of girl to go whining to her parents when something happens, and me and Alex have anger issues and are the type of people to get mad easily and deal with things like this ourselves, but even I don't know how she will react.

Someone please give me advice: Do I ditch Katie or try to keep being her friend even after she betrayed me again and again?
Maybe you could ask her about it yk? And its not necessarily her fault for crushing cause this stuff comes naturally. If she tries to steal ur boyfriend tho I would ditch her but its honestly up to you. I hope u get this sorted out :D

4 Answers

0 votes
by (214k points)
Best answer
I would try talking to Katie about it and try not to get mad. It's not her fault that she has a crush, but she should've told you the truth. If she doesn't listen when you confront her then yes maybe ditch her. But you should try to work things out first and find a solution before completely dropping her
0 votes
by (34.7k points)
fellow 7th grader here!! it’s not her fault she had a crush, although it would have made her a better person if she told you. it was quite rude and betraying of her not to, so i’d sit down and have a heart-to-heart with her! if she is rude about it, kick her to the curb.
0 votes
by (530k points)
Ditch her
0 votes
by (919k points)
True friends are nice to you. Fake friends bully you.

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