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So, my friend found out I didn't like boys by figuring out my crush, and I'm pretty sure her sibling* overheard us!!!!

So anyway, her family is homophobic, transphobic, and every other phobic. I've tried to educate my friend, but 90% of her education still comes from a homophobic person that, despite my warnings, she's still friends with. (I might post about that later.)

ALSO, I'm not sure she's supportive because she kept asking me, 'so are you gay or not, gay or not, [my name] I need to know.'

One, she doesn't need to know, and she only knows by figuring out who I liked, even though I was not ready to tell her that yet. Two, she thinks those are the only two sexualities, even though we both know multiple people who are not gay OR straight. Three, some people don't use a label. She is somebody with the 'two genders, two sexualities' belief, but there IS MORE THAN TWO GENDERS and MORE THAN TWO SEXUALITIES. I don't even think she really even believes that gay is a thing.

*Her sibling might tell her parents and make her not be friends with me anymore!!!!
Well, I’m sorry!! I told my friends that I was les, and they asked what it ment. Anyway, fast forward to around the end of school, Y/N (not saying her name) left the group. Anyway, my sibling is non, and my sis the same as me. So I obviously support 0U0

3 Answers

0 votes
K so update:

She refuses to talk about it. I asked her something and she goes, 'yeah, I knew we would get ice cream'. ?! She either changes the subject with 'ANYWAY,' nods or makes a weird noise like, 'mmm, yeah', or just ignores it entirely (or a combination.) WHAT?!
0 votes
by (529k points)
Talk to her parents about LGBT and how it's not wrong
0 votes
by (250k points)
Hi!! You seem to be in quite the pickle! :O

I just want to say first of that while it is okay to inform your friend on your opinions on LGBTQ+, you shouldn't try and pressure her to accept those ideas. I'm also not certain that "homophobic" and "transphobic" is the right terminology- she nor her family have a "fear" of trans or gay people, do they?? They merely don't accept or support those ideals. Which is okay, right!? People are allowed to pick and choose what they support and don't support, and I 100% agree with that!!

I do not support LGBTQ+. I think it is wrong both physically and morally, but I will tolerate people who are of the community and their ideas, as long as we both stay in our own lanes. If someone who is gay starts pressuring me to accept their ideas or to go far out of my way to do so, then there is a problem. And this goes for anything, really!! Politics, religions, even hobbies XD

Heck, I had lesbian friends all throughout middle school. I was able to stay good friends with one until I moved away- in fact, we were complete opposites in almost every way possible!! But we both knew what each other believed in, and with that knowledge we didn't have to spread our ideals to each other or pressure each other to accept them. She knew I don't support LGBTQ+, I was more conservative when it came to politics (these days I can't really stand either party so I am independent), and she knew I was a hard-core Christian. Heck, and then he was a liberal, lesbian girl who loved to cut her hair short and dye it all sorts of colors! But somehow we accepted our differences and became great friends. I still wonder how she's doing these days, and I will sometimes pray that she figures things out and lives her life how she is supposed to, in whatever way that is :)

I couldn't hang out with many other's from the LGBTQ+ community because they were so over-the-top about it, and often very mean aswell. I couldn't have a conversation with them about a lot, as they would always relate it back to being gay or trans or whatever. They would also pressure me ALL THE TIME into accepting their beliefs, and when I didn't or disagreed, I got labeled as homophobic or whatever "-phobic" applied. Or when I was hit on by people who were not of my sexuality and would keep pushing, and when I would say no and why they would become salty.

And people are 100% allowed to distance themselves from people who believe in whatever if they disagree with it, and that's not wrong either!! In fact, I've tended to do that as I've gotten older, and will probably choose to keep my family away from it too. But that's not wrong, because you are totally allowed to do the same when it comes to anything!!

Also, you can't just not believe that an action is a thing. Like, you can't "believe" in science. It's a fact. Being gay is an action. She can choose not to follow or accept those beliefs, but it is a thing. As for the gender thing?? That's a whole other thing!!

Anyways, I'm sorry for the long rant and story time XD I hope you come to realize that even if she isn't your friend anymore, that is her and her family's choice, not yours. I pray for you, and I truly hope everything works out AMAZING for you!!

And if you are gay, so what?? Just don't make it your whole personality, and things may work out :))

I hope this helped, and I also hope I didn't come across as mean, rude, or insensitive. Best of luck, and lmk how things go!! :D
People often use the word 'phobic' to describe intolerance or people not accepting LGBTQ+ people. I don't want to start a fight, I just wanted to let you know.

I'm going to keep everybody updating by commenting on this post.
by (250k points)
No right I gotchu! It wasn't meant towards you I just mean in general it just kinda bothers me :p

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