+4 votes
in Other by (1.1k points)
so, hm, this is the first time I go in here for I while but I had a pretty terrible week and I kind of need to vent? I don’t know if this is the correct word

So, everything started yesterday, when I got into a fight with two of my friends. We were doing a math exercise and I gave them a solution, they told me it was incorrect and then I explained again, but I’m REALLY short tempered and was trying to keep it all together and don’t freak out and be rude, but I ended up talking louder. One of them answered “you are the smartest in the room, aren’t you” but kind of rude, you know? It made me very angry so I turned again to not argue with her. I just tried to keep on with the day. I tried to, again, ask them a question, which she answered again in a rude tone. I just said “no, yeah, cool, okay then” and turned it again. I apologized for being rude and she apologized too.

For a bit of context: in my country, we have this yearly party that happens in June. It celebrates the countryside culture and we dance tradicional songs and eat tradicional foods. It is a pretty fun party. We have little games and if you win them, you get some cool toys. My school had this competition that the class that gather the biggest amount of toys would win this free breakfast with cake and other cool things.

But some people in my class did not cooperate and we lost.

So, because my class had to manage one of the games, I (the vice class president, who ends up doing more then the class president himself) texted my class warning that one of the people that didn’t bring toys would need to go Friday to school to get everything set up for the party. 20 people saw the text, and no one answered me. Another girl had to text them to warn the same thing I texted before, and they answered her in 2 minutes.

It was enough for me. I left the school group chat and will quit my charge next Tuesday, when the teacher responsible for the class will show up. I cried yesterday and today. I hate school. I used to love it now I hate it.

I also went to the doctor and she told my mom I might have ADHD. My dad has it too, and he said that I didn’t have because I didn’t had the symptoms. The thing is, I have those, every one that he mentioned. I don’t know how to tell him, but I’m going to start therapy and it will be the therapist that will decide.

It was kind of a bummer because if I really have ADHD, I don’t know how to “think” like other people. My mom told me to just focus, but I can’t. It’s like whenever I try to, it is useless. I don’t know if I have this thing, but if I do, it sucks.

Anyways, it is kind of a vent? Kind of a “I hate school” thing? Kind of “none of my classmates respect me” or “my friends think I’m stupid”? I don’t know.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (528k points)
Hey, at crying is actually a good thing ( by this I mean it means you're healthyer than someone who doesn't)
0 votes
by (496k points)
I really truly wish I could speak on the other stuff, but I have nothing..
BUT about the ADHD thing, I will tell you that sometimes you have to let the mind wonder. One thing that people can get wrong about ADHD is that you can't pay attention to ANYTHING for too long, which isn't true. You can pay attention just as much as you can't pay attention to certain stuff.
If you can't focus, try listening to music. Clear your head a bit, take a little break doing what you like. I promise, the universe has something in store for you either way!
Hope everything goes well!
by (1.1k points)
Thank you for the kind words! I try to listen to calm music while study, and I notice is easier to focus (in fact, the Hamilton soundtrack makes me work like a robot)

I’m going to the party right now and I don’t know what will happen, but anyways :D
by (496k points)
I'm so happy that I could help!

Hope everything goes well at the party!

0 votes
Aw, hon, I'm sorry. You dont deserve that at all. Your friend shouldnt have done that, that's rude. Im not going to try to judge or make assumptions here, because I don't really know you, but they don't sound like much of a friend if the are making remarks like that, but that's just what I think. At least you guys apologized though, that's what matters :DDD

On a positive note, that whole yearly celebration in your country sounds so cool! Im from the northeastern US, and I REALLY wish we did things that were that fun! Im sorry your class lost though, some kids can be real downers.

Im also sorry that you are so bummed about having ADHD. I personally don't have it, but my close friend does, so I kind of know how it looks. You shouldn't be ashamed, though, its all cool! It makes you special and unique since not everyone has it. Also, telling someone with ADHD to "just focus" is like telling someone that's dying to just live.

I hope everything gets better for you. You seem like a really sweet person and you definitely don't deserve that. Also, I saw your name, do you like the Owl House? Its such a great show lol
by (1.1k points)
Thank you so much! I’m going to the celebration in a few hours, and I don’t know what will happen, but life is just like that :D

Also, yes! I was obsessed with The Owl House when I made this account. The ending aired in my birthday party so it has a very special place in my heart. I don’t like it with the intensity as before, but I could rewatch it and never get bored

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