+4 votes
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This is going to be pretty long if you don't want to read this you don't have to but I prefer all the help I can get so thank you

Hey so I am going to start doing this thing where i talk to you guys a lot but today is going to something about anything ask I will answer it. Alright so the other day we had to go to Walmart I seen my neighbor the one that is dating my cousin and he is the one that said he is at camp all summer. It has been 2 months since school and I am still waiting for him to go to camp. And the other day. I was trying to watch BTRS concert witch is so good. Anyway all I could hear was them annoying little rats. So we went inside because we were hot anyway. Went in got icecream came back out and they were gone. My  cousin and her boyfriend ARE THE WORST. Everyone wants me to break them up and it is really hard. 

Any ideas how to break them up PLEASE 

P.s the boy is cheating on her with my other friend. I have tried telling them that but they didn't believe me. It's like I don't want an answer before September because I am done it's getting annoying with the two of them they're always like oh you're so sweet and then they get into it like 5 minutes later and it's just getting really really annoying my neighbors cousins want me to break them up but I don't know how to most of the year I've just been mad we've been getting inside we don't know what to to do anymore. And I kind of really need help because I don't know what to do anymore so all those people who jump right to the answers can you do that for this one I really need help cuz I'm not doing this by the time school starts and I'm not dealing with a long year again so I just need all the help I can get and thank you guys for reading us PS I will post something shortly but for now I'm not going to be posting anything for probably a while bye

2 Answers

0 votes
by (126k points)
Just watch the ridiculous drama shows and you'll get plenty of ideas. Real Housewives. The stupid boat show I can't remember the name of. It can be easily done with either gossip, rats, or...

Yeah, mostly just spreading gossip and hiding rats.
+1 vote
by (2.1k points)

I'm sorry about that

If she is being cheated on tell her

She won't listen if you try to brake them up

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