+14 votes
in Polls by (776k points)
this is not homework help or anything I just want to see what you guys say
leif eriksson >:) (12 votes, 80%)
christopher columbus (3 votes, 20%)
by (680 points)
The Native Americans! Of Course!
by (776k points)
This is an ancient post-

15 Answers

+2 votes
by (525k points)
Actually, neither if these people discovered America.

If you want to talk about PEOPLE discovering America, it is the Native Americans.

Since animals native there were the first ones, technically animals discovered America.

(I get really offended by these things because people think that Europeans "discovered" America when that is, in so many ways, wrong.)

by (952k points)
Nah, air discovered it first. How would animals live without air?
0 votes
by (112k points)
Neither if the choices its native Americans (indians)
by (525k points)
People shouldn't call Native Americans "Indians". It is technically ignorant because Columbus assumed he was in India, which he clearly wasn't, and wrongly called them Indians.
by (1.34m points)
Although you're right, a lot of Native people still accept the term "Indians", it just depends on how you use it and your intentions.
by (525k points)
I guess so, but it still is technically ignorant if you think about it.
by (1.34m points)
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
Leif Eriksson came before Columbus. The first people to arrive in the Americas were the ancestors of Native Americans.
by (776k points)
yes. indeed
+2 votes
by (952k points)
NERDJ is wrong. The first European Explorer to come to America is Leif Erikson.

As for the first people, they were people who were migrating from Asia. They later became Native Americans.
+1 vote
by (130k points)
Christopher Columbus
by (776k points)
leif came 1st

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