+4 votes
in Venting by
Yet, Signed out me.

I just learnt that Autistic people die between the ages of 36 and 54. Is this true? I'm scared of death and I'm Autistic. I just want to live a long life.

7 Answers

0 votes
by (112k points)
hey carly, u might already know I am also scared of death.

this post made me sad bc u are a very genuine person and no one wants u sad.

just a little fact, Albert Einstein had Autism, and he lived until like 80! (im not sure but def longer than 56)
by (780k points)
I'm still very gerascophobic and coping isn't working so Idk what I should to get over this
by (955k points)
He died at 76.
+2 votes
by (68.7k points)

I copy pasted this from the internet.   The apparent life expectancy for females with a diagnosis of autism and intellectual disability was nearly 15 years less than those with neither diagnosis, and for males with autism and intellectual disability, 7 years shorter.   

by (527k points)
I don't think that's the case.
by (955k points)
Yeah, because it also says “intellectual disability”.
+1 vote
by (116k points)
I'm sure it's **
by (527k points)

Bull shenanigans :D
by (160k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
No. Temple Grandin is in her 70s.
+2 votes
by (527k points)
Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein were both autistic and lived long lives.

Stop worrying about death. It won't happen any time soon.

+2 votes
Thats some sad news to learn. and from my understanding and researching... it... is :(

although, rarely people with Autism die young, most actually live a long life. i'd say you shouldn't worry abt it. now, stop worrying and may God decide what happens next.
+1 vote
by (71.3k points)

depends on where you sit in the spectrum of autism :D

according to this source, level 1 ASD has a slightly lower life expectancy than average, level 2 ASD life expectancy is 50-60, and level 3 ASD life expectancy is 30-40.

hope that helps :D don't worry, you'll be okay! just live the happiest life you can :D

by (527k points)
Nikola Tesla was a very high level of autism, I infer, by his behavior, and he lived for a long time. To 86.

Albert Einstein lived to 76.

I don't think the studies are right, because there are autistic people who live past those ranges x3
by (780k points)
I sit in the Level 1, still I am very scared of death and dont know how to cope with this
by (71.3k points)

@nobi this is just expectancy so its probably an average lol

oh btw carly, dont worry!! youu still have a very long life to live :) just remember, its the friends you make along the way that matter :D

by (780k points)

but im still very scared, Probably because I feel like I wasted all my time on art just for it to be forgotten 200 years from now
by (527k points)

Things like the Mona Lisa, Starry Night (more recent, but still), Michelangelo's David, literally the bulk of Renaissance art—that's (with the exception of probably Starry Night) all been here for centuries longer than 200 years... And guess what? That's probably the first thing people today think of when they imagine "good art".

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