+3 votes
in Adi's Rants by
Is this normal?

12 Answers

0 votes
Yes it's normal. You probably won't get one until 16.
0 votes
yes i dont have one at 13
+2 votes
by (345k points)
Please don't use other people's personal blogs to create a new topic. It can get your account banned. However, it is okay to provide a related answer/comment. Also, we highly suggest you don't keep changing your username, and best to register for an account so you can get points, etc.

by (775k points)
hey KT i asked for some song requests on my unsigned acc, can you respond to that post. its under Kidztube requests
by (112k points)

by (345k points)
We will be reviewing KidzTube requests later today.
by (775k points)
ah ok cuz I want to see the songs I requested
+1 vote
by (117k points)
Stop Touching other people's blogs

Only me and my brother can post on our blog
by (775k points)

0 votes
by (775k points)
I swear if you touch (My Blog) I will revive the Norway-Sweden Union.
+1 vote
I dont have one either.
+1 vote
by (71.3k points)
Same. I don't have a phone either.

Also, don't use other people's blogs. You don't own them. It's the same as if you were to steal someone's notebook and write all over it.

In sharpie.
+2 votes
by (112k points)
this is my blog.....
by (775k points)
that is what I was gonna tell her. She repeadtly keeps using the blog and calling me the rude one for defending you
So I cant write in your blog? Why?
by (775k points)

Because It is my blog, Just how Adi has her blog Diary of a Dancer. My blog is also very Niche (It's about life as a Nordic Enthusiast in the Autism Spectrum) Blogs are for one person or a group of people who are togheter (For example, Inga The Finnish-American and Mystery meat have a blog togheter since they're siblings) go get your own

by (46.1k points)

Hi, remember blogs are kinda personal and for a specific topic.

Please try avoid rude comments in any matter, Hyude bot is always looking big-eyes

+2 votes
by (116k points)
I didn't have one when I was 12.
by (515k points)
Well your a boy.... I'm talking bout girls here srry....
by (116k points)
Is there a difference?
by (775k points)
Why do you exclude boys? Phones arent gendered. A boy may get a phone earlier or later than a girl.

One of my friends is a boy, and he got a phone at 11 (I am a girl and got my phone at 10, Im currently 13)
by (112k points)
@ThatOneShreddedGuy there's not a difference, I have no idea what she's talking about.
by (116k points)
@adi and nordic

by (117k points)
+1 vote
by (775k points)

The Ilovenailish tag skull

Also this is Someone else's blog. 

by (515k points)
I know!
by (775k points)
stop using people's blogs
by (515k points)
Why cant I use other people's blogs? They are free to the world. How rude.
by (775k points)
Because theyre personal blogs. My Blog is for me and me only. This is Adi's blog. go get your own (You can ask Kidztalk)

Go learn about privacy. Youre the rude one for using people's blogs without their consent.
by (112k points)
bro this is my blog stop using it.

the point of it is for THE PERSON WHO OWNS IT can blog abt stuff.



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