+8 votes
in Personal by (513k points)

 She wrote on herself that she wanted to have: Cremation.



I don't know.

I've been lying to you guys you know.

I'm saying im eating so you don't worry.

The truth:

haven't even looked at food in over a week.

I'm sorry for lying.


I dunno.

Not much for me to say.

Driving to my cast fitting now.

Things I hate about myself and life:

Things I love:

My besties Joel, Anna, and swiftie2013 and slay. And the rest of kt.



Things I hate about myself:

I'm rude.

I'm bullied.

I'm selfish.

I'm mean to Abby when I should really be comforting her.

I'm super irresponsible.

My mom died last week.

My dad died when I was 8.

I have a broken leg.

Leo's mom is still in the hospital and he keeps trash talk messaging me.

I hate myself. Right now I do at least.

I hate my mom for touring me like this.

I hate my dad for having a heart attack.

I hate myself for yelling at my mom and making her leave basically.

I hate my life.

I hate my period.

I hate being a girl.

I hate growing up.

I hate everything right now.

And these neighbors next door are doing bad things.

Half of my sisters and against me saying my mom's death is my fault.

The other half is not speaking to me.

I hate being flat.

I hate thinking I want to hurt myself.

K hate hating life.

I hate being depressed.

I just hate my life right now.

Please approve.

I'm sorry.


I. Not ok.

Im. Not. Ok.

Not at all.

I never was.

And im not.

by (28.2k points)
10 things of why your the best:

.has the BEST hair

.is super nice

.ver VERy comforting

.makes really meaniful posts

.has the best sense of style

.she can draw REALLYREALLYREALLY good


.everyones bestie cause she is super nice

.MY first friend on KT

.And just the bestest

I would write more but I don’t have time!

And please eat something anything

-your bestie:cream
by (513k points)

I can't eat but thx.

Luv u girl
by (28.2k points)

luv you to pm me as soon as you get this

by (513k points)
by (3.6k points)
Are u not eating bc u are sad? Or are u anorexic or something? U don't have to tell me ?
by (513k points)
I'm depressed. Depressed people have a hard time eating. And I already weighed like, 65 pounds before all this. Not becuz I'm anorexic or something. I'm just really tiny for my age. I'm 12 and only weigh 65 pounds. Even before this no matter what I eat. But I do have to be cautious about what I eat becuz I have type one diabetes. And one of my leg's is super skinny. But thats becuz its broken!!


But to answer your question: No. I do not have an eating disorder.


19 Answers

0 votes
by (110k points)
dear Chelsea:






by (513k points)
Food isn't good. I have issues with it.

But ty adi.

Food and I..

Weve had a bad past..
+1 vote
by (56.8k points)
Listen, ima type like u rn. but I want u to read it. All of it. Every single word. Ok.

Cremation is…ok skipping that one.

You need to eat. Something. Just for me. k?

It’s ok that u lied. Well, not really. But we forgive u. Well, I do. Can’t speak for them. Ur going thru a hard time. It’s ok.

Hope ur cast fitting goes well. Send pics.

Hoping I’m ur bestie too! (It’s ok if I’m not ofc)

Ur not rude.

Ur not selfish.

Abby knows ur going thru hard times. (I actually don’t know that but I hope she does.)

U might be irresponsible, but we all r at some point.

I know. And I’m so unbelievably sorry.

It’s not ur dad’s fault.

More later I gtg I’ll comment on this.
by (513k points)
Thx girlie.

Sorry u r my bestie its just rlly hard rn.

I'll ad u tomorrow k?

I tried to say what really has been going on but it didn't get approved cuz it was really horrible.

I wish I could tho
by (56.8k points)
No it’s fine. And I’m so so so sry
by (56.8k points)
Ok here’s more.

Ur leg…it’s gonna get better. I promise.

And Leo, well…that’s really mean. That’s….not right.

Please please please don’t hate ur self.

Ur life…I’m so sorry that you hate it…

I…haven’t hit my period yet…but I’m dreading it…I’ll be here for ya thru it.

Being a girl and growing up is just how God made you…ik u might hate it…but…you are awesome…and when u grow up…ur gonna be even more awesome if that’s even possible.

Your neighbors…well…Don’t worry about them…ok?

And your sisters…I think I need to throw em on a horse and have it buck until they learn their lesson. Chelsea, listen to me. it is NOT your fault. NONE of this is your fault. It’s the way of the world, ok? It’s no one’s fault. Got it?

Being flat…well…your not gonna be flat ur whole life! It’s ok! I’m flat too!

U hate hating ur life…well...DONT HATE IT! look at all the people on here who love u! Keep pushing through this alright?

Being depressed is not everlasting. Ur gonna be alright. If ur sad, I’m sad. So don’t be too sad ok?

Please eat something. If u starve, I’ll be guilty for eternity. Just one little strawberry or something. Please.

I love u Chels! (P) we all do! We are all here for you through anything and everything. You are awesome.
by (513k points)
I love you too!! (p)

And idk what to say.


by (56.8k points)
Yw. U don’t have to say anything. But one favor.




















Please Chelsea, please don’t end ur life early. And please eat one thing.
by (513k points)

I cant.
by (56.8k points)

Why? If u dont then…u might get really sick and…die and I don’t want u to die so please chels, please!

by (513k points)
I wish I could say y



Im not.

Im not.?

Dont worry abt me Clara ill be arl.

by (56.8k points)
by (513k points)
Please don't worry.

I got back from the hospital yesterday and im doing better.

U worrying makes me sad.
by (56.8k points)
U not eating makes me sad!
by (513k points)
I had a little cereal ?

I'll be alr.
by (56.8k points)












































by (513k points)

I'm sorry.

I just need you to stop talking to me about eating.

It's my life I have alot to work out.

Your a great friend but im ok.

Please believe me girl.

Ily (p)
0 votes
by (106k points)
It's foolish to not eat anything and if you are telling the truth then... I dunno. Just eat something before something bad happens to you.
by (513k points)

I can't.

You don't understand.
by (106k points)
Well first you lift your hands to your plate and then grab the food and bring it to your mouth. No seriously, u gotta eat something everyone is worried about u.
by (56.8k points)
Exactly. Chelsea, please eat.
0 votes
I hope you won’t get mad at me.

But I don’t know what to say. I am just sitting here staring at your post. I just don’t know what to say. I can’t even stay on this post without making myself hate my words. I can’t. You should be getting better words than this. Ugh, I am not comforting at all. It’s a miracle you don’t hate my comments. Or do you? Ugh I’m so sorry. I need to go and think.

Your dumb friend who of course doesn’t know how to comfort anyone,

by (513k points)
Ur not dumb.

Im dumb.

My life is a wreck.

I tried to say what has really been going on but it didn't approve so..

I gtg.


No way, if u knew me irl, you’d call me dumb. And guess what? U don’t need to tell us everything that’s going on! U’ve got privacy, and I wouldn’t eat if this happened to me too. I already knew u didn’t eat, it just seemed like u didn’t. Ilysm(p) you are the best and no one is as strong as you. And don’t you say otherwise, bc that would be a lie. heart

Now go look in the mirror and smile. A real smile. Think abt your good features and what people enjoy abt u. DO NOT think negative thoughts. If u do, it makes it worse. Think abt how we think of u. U r strong, and deep down, u know it. Do not say otherwise. 

I tried my very hardest to be comforting, but it probably didn’t work,


by (513k points)
It did work.

Ur a good friend.

Ill try
I’m not tho. I wish I knew more comforting words… :(

anyway, I am looking up comforting things to say bc I’m terrible at this. Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls eat. Oh my goodness, I’m so bad at this. Look, just ignore me. Pls. For ur own good. Sry I’m so dumb. Pls don’t say I’m not, cuz I am.

A person who doesn’t know even the tiniest bit of comforting words,
by (513k points)

What in the world Natalie, your the most pretty, smart, kind person ever. Don't start talking badly abt yourself. You know we all love you xoxoxoxoxoxox

Ur not nobod ywe loveee uu


I still don’t have any words…hai

Thank you so much Chelsea you are the best and u r the strongest person I know so keep fighting u will get thru this tough time and I will be at your side thru it all!hai

by (513k points)
I love you so much (p)

Ur the nicest person ever

I wish u had an account so we could private chat every daytggy
0 votes
by (97.3k points)
Please eat!

I don't want you to get more hurt then you already are!!

I love you.

It's okay not to be okay.

Itll get better, I promise.

Please stay here with me okay?

Stay by my side :)
by (513k points)
I can't.

I just can't

I tried to say the worst of what happens but it didn't approve cuz its that terrible,
0 votes
by (202k points)
Im soooooo sorry for you


Is there anything I can do to help
by (513k points)


I might need a break
by (202k points)
Take as long of a break as you need
+1 vote
by (130k points)
Pls pls pls don't talk like that!

You're not rude. (You're so sweet)

You may be bullied but you don't deserve it.

You're definitely not selfish.

You're not irresponsible, you're responsible.

You can't help having a broken leg.

Your life may suck, but you were made to do something amazing.

I know you hate being flat, but that comes with advantages!

I love you chels(as a bestie)

And I know life sux. But you will get through it.
by (513k points)
Its not that.

Its something else.

Something I tried to say but didn't get approved becuz it was so insane.

But yeah.

0 votes
by (37.8k points)
Oh my god chels I am so sorry!

Well thanks for basically giving me a shotout:)

It wasn't your fault!!!! Stop thinking that.

Don't hate yourself! I would do anything to trade bodys lol! You are perfect ×100

You aren't overreacting and its going to be ok!!!!

But why would you lie?

          -Swiftie <3
by (513k points)
Bcuz i didn't want u to worry
by (37.8k points)
Oh. Well thanks for thinking what I would think ig

You should eat something
0 votes
by (540k points)
you aren't rude or selfish
by (513k points)
I am tho
by (540k points)
no you aren't! Don't hink that about yourself

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