+1 vote
in Life and bracelets by (515k points)

Don't ask why I'm asking xD.

Brown hair that goes down to my ribcage.

Green eyes.

A few freckles around my nose.

Cheer costume. Kinda like this one: deadline is may 26thSchool Cheerleader Costume Child Cheerleading Girl Uniform Outfit

not me kt. Thats a random girl from a thong I found online XD and draw it without the s after cheer lol mone just says cheer not cheers lol

And sneakers lol,



WHICH EVER wins first gets a shout out and five upvotes and best answer.

Second gets three upvotes

Third place gets a virtrail hug and one upvote.

No using ai lol.


Iforgot all abt this lol:

The winner of the cuteness contest is..


First place goes too:

Swiftie2013!! :DD this is too cute girl: image

and second place goes too:

THATONWRAINBOWWORM becus oml so cuteeeee


I mean..yall.

Comon so cute right??

And third place goes too: Eloquentracer92!!

image?this egg..

Is. So. Cute.

Right yall??

And fourth place goes too: Ichangemynametomuch!! (flxffi btw guys)

So sweet!!


And fith place goes too: My friend grim"s funny smile!! Did it make you smile??


Ok so joel second place: Here is: Ten upvotes to idk because I already upvote all ur stuff daily XD

Elo in third place:a pic of one of my cuteee stickers!! 

Swifite: your necklace will be made tomrrow!! ill post it lol XD

ichangemynametoomuch: a big virtrial hug and two upvotes!!

grim: Best answer on the post!!

So yeah,


9 Answers

+1 vote
by (37.8k points)
Best answer
Yayyy I won :3

Can't wait for my necklace!

I will probably enter but not that great at drawing ngl
+1 vote
by (53.2k points)

Here it is! Ik iz a day late... but... I spent like over 4 hours (like 4:15) on it so yea... here ya go!

.... it won't lemme add the time lapse... but yea... anywho, I did one with the hard lines and one without :] hope you like it if you ever come back :]

+1 vote

Okay here it is!

your supposed to be jumping….

I know nothing about cheer so.. I hope you like it! 

Sorry that the leg lines are a bit deep when I was building the body of the drawing I accidentally made some of the lines to deep. :(

by (515k points)

My jaw literally dropped.






U might win..

I probably won’t win tho, because I did it in pencil not colored pencil, but I had fun drawing it!!
+1 vote
by (27.3k points)
I'll do it
+1 vote
by (28.8k points)
I'm not the best artist but I'll do it
by (515k points)

I'm sure ur amazing girl!!
by (28.8k points)
+1 vote
by (202k points)
The dealine is my b-day:)
by (212k points)
How old will you be?
by (515k points)

Right Anna??
by (202k points)
+1 vote
by (951k points)
That sticker is epic!
+1 vote
by (53.2k points)
Imma join but I can't draw it now lol probably done in a few days lol so WAITTTT FOORRRR MEEEE

(When does it end) :D
by (27.3k points)
may 26
+1 vote
I’ll do it! Tho it will have to be in black and white because I just use pencil, unless you do want to have pee brown skin lol.

Btw it probably will be done by tomorrow or the next day. I’m trying to get back into drawing. :DD


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