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After Christmas and stuff things were back to normal. Magolor called Kirby and his friends again so they could finish the job and  get the last peice of the Lord starcutter "The last peice of my ship is in a tower located in Nutty Noon." "You mean the most dangerous place in popstar!" Waddle Dee screamed. "People have gone in and never came out!" Dedede added." Maybey is there another way to build the peice"Meta Knight suggested." We're doing it!" Kirby said determined."But...." The others were interrupted by Kirby." He must find a way home! Besides, were heroes! It's what we do!" Magolor Nodded his head and sent them off. Kirby and his friends jumped on the warp star and flew off. Magolor wachted them fly in the sunset and walked into the control/computer room he opened a box to reveal Kirby's ultra sword! He placed in a strange machine and out came three ultra swords! One the original and the 2 others were copy's that looked normal, acted normal, and  with a shade of purple. Magolor made a half  sinester grin, half freindly smile. Back with Kirby and his friends they finally landed at the feat of the tower." We're here." Kirby said. They went through the front door to be greeted by long lost rivals they faced before. Not final bosses like Marx or M... I said to much. Please don't say who you think M...... Guy is in the comments. You could be right and spoil people who don't know. They were fighting kibble blade ,a Knight,Bonkers, a monkey, Giant edge another Knight,King Doo, a giant waddle doo, and water galboros a water dragon. Kirby went to take out his ultra sword, but it was'nt there." Hey we're is my ultra sword!" Kirby shouted. Fortunately before the bad guys could attack, Meta Knight rapped his bat wings around every one they a teleported( thanks to Meta knight's magic) to the top of the tower were there was a portal. In case you think I'm about to say they went in and did what they did a million times ago, yer dead wrong. They went inside to find an empty hallway floating in space they noticed  a platform with the mast floating on top of it. Kirby and his friends ran towards it before Kirby could grab it, it flew into the background it turned into the grand doomer, learder of all of the doomer birds! Kirby leaped after him and punched, but before he could hit him, it teleported making Kirby miss. The grand doomer popped out of the ground hitting the others Dedede did a hammer attack but it was no good. Same for waddle Dee's sphere and even Meta knight's sword! The grand doomer turned into a stone bird. Still nothing could penitrate it. Suddenly Magolor appeared holding Kirby's ultra sword. He hurled it at Kirby. Kirby caught it in midair he did a thrust down that stabbed the grand doomer killing it. Magolor retrieved the peice with tears in his eyes. He hugged Kirby. After a little while of hugging, complimenting, and hi fiveing, our heroes returned back to the Lor. "Kirby,"Magolor said," as a token of my appreciation, I want to take you to my home planet!" "Ya know, after all of that I could use a break. Yes we'll go! Magolor got onto his computer and started typing.next thing they knew the lor starcutter was landing in a burning planet. "I think I speak for all of us when I say this. It looks like hell" Meta Knight said looking out the window."yeah. It is pretty hot." Magolor admitted. Suddenly a four headed dragon shot out a fire ball that hit the ship. "Landia!" Magolor screamed the name of the dragon while pulling the emergency hacthe. The ship crashed but didn't brake. our heroes woke up to see Magolor looking at the damadge on the lor. "I got good news and bad news." Magolor explained," the good news is that the ship didn't brake. The bad news is I don't know how to defeat Landia."Kirby walked towards Magolor. Kirby nodded. So did everyone. Magolor (Now brought to tears) cried" thank you" and shook hands with all of them. To be continued.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (415k points)
+2 votes
by (448k points)
Amazing story

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