+6 votes
in Fiction by (11.5k points)

Chapter 3


    The two men! Oh no. This is bad. I don’t know who they are or where they are from, but based on their previous conversation, they can’t be the glittery good guys. A little voice at the back of my brain yells, “Run! Hide”, but my body doesn’t seem to want to move. Winter tugs me as best she can, being a rabbit. Finally, my body parts decide to move. Too late. The men reach my base just a few seconds after I dive into the brush. They each grab an ankle and pull as hard as they can. I emerge from the bush and see Winter cowering in the corner of the bridge.

    I quickly bring myself to my feet, and back a few steps away from the men. 

“What do you want with me?” I yell, trying to act unphased on the outside, but I am actually terrified on the inside. 

    They don’t reply, instead the shorter, fatter man grabs my wrists while the tall skinny one takes something out of a pack on the ground that definitely was not there earlier. He spins a little stick and a sweet smelling fog comes out of it. My mind gets a little fuzzy and I feel myself falling to the ground, but I don’t feel any pain. Then it all goes black. 


    When I wake up, it takes some time for my eyes to adjust, but when they do, I see that I am in a small, bare room with one sentry standing at the only door. The room is made of a light tan concrete and has a thin, stained white carpet (that now looks brown). I look over at the guard. He has the same dark shade of skin as me and black cropped hair. He looks oddly familiar but I just can’t place where I got this familiarity. I try to get up from my lying down position but find that I can’t move. I tilt my head up as much as I can and see glowing orbs tethering my hands and feet in place. How did these come into place? It’s mysterious, that's what it is, first I can talk to and heal animals, then I get kidnapped by these weirdos, and then these orbs and this room? What’s going on?

    Finally, after what seems like years (it's actually 12 hours) the door opens and someone comes in. They are dressed in all black with a rectangle cut out for their eyes, so I can’t tell if it's male or female. The person talks in a low voice to the sentry, who nods and pulls a small black box out of his pocket. He opens the box and takes out a blindfold and some dust. He lowers the blindfold around my eyes and sprinkles the dust around me. Suddenly, I can’t hear anything or feel anything. The only sense I have left is smell, but I can sense myself being led down a long hall and outside. I smell the fresh air, then the familiar sweet smell and all goes black. 

    I wake up some time later, my hearing still gone, but the blindfold has been removed from my head. I sit up and look around. From the rumbling feeling and the darkness, I guess that I am in some kind of vehicle. I carefully feel the ground I’m sitting on and discover that it is wooden, so I’m guessing that this is an old fashioned wagon. Soon later, the cover of the wagon opens, lighting the inside of the wooden box-like vehicle. With the new light, I make out another child in the wagon. Who is she? I see her mouth move but don’t hear anything. I try to say “What is your name” but I don’t know how it sounds. She gestures to her mouth then makes an X with her arms then point to her ears.

    Now it makes sense, she can’t hear and neither can I. Something that the men used to make it so people can’t hear. A man grabs me out of the bin-like back of the wagon and forces me onto the ground. He starts talking to me but I can’t answer because I don’t know what the heck he is saying. He nods like he’s remembering something, then grabs a little bag of pink stuff from his pocket. He grabs a handful and throws it up in the air. When it settles, I get my hearing back. Not like a gradual flow into hearing, but a boom of sound bursting my eardrums. I clap my hands over my ears and fall to the ground. The girl, whom another man pulled out of the wagon, does the same. The man speaks again and this time I can hear him. 

    “Did you like your ride?” He says.

I take him to be sarcastic so I don’t answer. 

    “Very well then…” He answers with a sneer, “I guess I have no other choice.” 

    He takes out the very familiar stick and twirls it again. The sweet smelling fog pours out once again, and everything goes black. 


    I wake up again in another room, this time with a small window on the left wall. I creep over to it to check the outside world for the time. I notice that it is night, so instead of searching for the nonexistent sun, I search for the moon. I soon find it and it is a little west of directly above me so I presume that it is 1:00 am. I sit down on the edge of the bed that I had been put in and think of Winter. Where is she? I must’ve drifted off to sleep because the next thing I know, I am in another wagon, but this time I can hear. I overhear the driver and another person talking in the front.

“Why did we have to leave so early?” A high voice says, sounding tired.

“They’re coming now! They know we have the girl!” The deep voice says in a harsh whisper.

    I settle down lying on my back on the hard wood wagon floor. I think about Father. Where is he? Who were those men who came so many years ago? Then I think about that one vision I had. Who is the girl? I focus on the vision while I am sitting here. The girl had blond hair and green eyes. She was wearing a black jumpsuit. That’s pretty much all I can remember about her, so I drift back off to sleep, having nothing better to do.


“Oh ****. They’ve come for us” A man swears under his breath, waking me up. I am startled by this sudden spoken sentence. 

“What?” Another voice pipes in squeakily.

“They’ve found us.” The man replies with impatience in his voice. 

WHO? My brain urges me to shout but I hold it back so I can extract more information from the men, but before the other man can answer, I hear the rumbling of a modern vehicle on the road. 

“Oh,” the man says a word that made me raise my eyebrows to the sky, “They’re here.”

I hear them get out of the wagon, and come around towards the back. They pry open the wagon top and force me and the other girl out. 

“Come on. Run.” They push and prod us with sticks. We run about 10 feet until we are stopped against our will. No one touched us, but we still froze. The feeling is oddly familiar. Then I see 3 cloaked figures walking, well, running, towards us. Once they get within a few feet of us, we unfreeze.

“Unhand them.” Someone with a vine sash demands. 

“And why should I listen to you?” The short man retorts. 

The person reaches into their pocket and takes out a small leather item the size of a notecard. When the short man sees it, he makes a horrified expression and quickly motions for the other guy to release us. 

 The person turns back to me, and with a smiling voice says, “I’m sorry I have to do this.” She takes out the familiar disk, turns it, and I fall. The last thing I remember is a giant flash of light and being in a beautiful forest. Then I am out. 

edited: I changed a bit. I hope you like it


2 Answers

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Best answer
0 votes
by (154k points)
by (11.5k points)
sry this is not the best out of all 3.
by (154k points)
Yeah. Not to be rude or anything. I just really like the first 2 better. But this is good too!
Yeah ik.
by (11.5k points)
I edited it a bit

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