+7 votes
in Dino's Blog by
*Just want to say that I mean literally NO offense by this. I am just stating my opinions. No, I do not watch or keep updated on either of these peoples channels. If I got something wrong or missed something, please tell me. Feel free to state your opinions below but please don't be disrespectful or start any arguments. That's not what this post is for. Thanks*

So I've seen a lot of users on here talking about these kids on Youtube, Nidal and Salish (am I spelling their names right?). From what I've heard, a lot of their fans "ship" them. I just want to talk about this and the idea of shipping children/minors.

So yes, these people are both minors (they're both about 12-13). From what I've gathered, they are kind of flirty but never have outright expressed love for each other.

Now mind you these kids are minors. They're not even teenagers yet. Now I know everyone has different opinions on what ages children should be dating, so I'm not going to go too deep down that rabbit hole.

But I can't be the only one that thinks shipping real-life people is weird? Like shipping fictional characters in cartoons, movies, etc. Is okay in my opinion (as long as its not creepy or weird), but when you ship REAL LIFE PEOPLE, I kind of get weirded out.

And these are also children. I kind of think that's a bit weird? Like obviously im not against it, I just think its a bit odd.

Idk. These are just my thoughts. I think people should be able to ship who they want (as long as its within common sense boundaries, obviously), but this is just a bit strange to me. That's all I wanted to say, bye bye lol.

- Dino

11 Answers

+3 votes
by (212k points)
Best answer

my thoughts EXACTLY 

everybody on KS is like OMG SALISH THIS SALISH THAT

i am flippin sick of it ill

by (951k points)
It’s been going on for a few years, too.
by (525k points)
I like how you actually put the sick emoji on here XD
by (212k points)
I don't personally have an issue with it, but it does creep me out a bit.

They're children. Not even teens yet. Its just odd to be shipping minors in my opinion.

- Dino (he/they)
Sailsh is!
by (951k points)
I’ve seen a 17 year old who said that they had a crush on Nidal.
+2 votes
by (9.9k points)
Thats why i really dislike kid youtubers.

When salish is older she will probably hate the youtube videos ( i know i would ) Like would you like to be known as a youtuber with all your fans around ten or nine ? She definitely will be teased mercilesly when she is older. Also it is very much the dads doing with the salish / nidal ship. He acts like he hates it and doesnt approve, when he,

 1. Puts them in situations which would ya know cause the audience to think they have a crush on eachother, with very clickbait youtube videos captioned 'SALISH HAS TO CALL HER CRUSH' and all that.

2. If he 'hates' the ship so much wouldnt he edit out all the parts of his videos referencing the ship ? and ask people to stop using the hashtag, but he has put up the image of him being an 'overprotective father' who let his thirteen year old wear crop tops and uses clickbait thumbnails and titles.

Poor salish when she is older. Her entire life is public for anyone to see.
by (775k points)
me who has a youtube channel (its about art)
by (951k points)
This is the reason I only watch music (not music videos, just music on regular YouTube) and technology videos.
by (9.9k points)
Naw ur grand carly. I was talking about them family bloggers/youtubers
by (775k points)
wait u watched my channel
by (9.9k points)

Nope i just saw that your name was Carly somewhere giggle


+1 vote
by (775k points)
Salish at 12 : Dating kids, making tiktoks, wearing crop tops

Me at 12 :  pretending to be psychic

(im 13 now and im scarred of these children)
+1 vote
by (775k points)
agreed 100%
+2 votes
by (13.7k points)
i just get so annoyed bye the little girls on this site who say, “I HAVE A CRUSH ON NIDAL” like, we don’t care
by (775k points)
they should be touching grass
+1 vote
I am a nailsh fan but i don't  say nothing about it o keep my mouth shut my thoughts stay to my self
by (775k points)

why do you ship kids

thats gross
+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
I totally agree! I kinda feel bad for salish and nidal, but then I remember they are probably making so much money! But money doesn't get you a normal nonpublic childhood or happiness.
+2 votes
by (130k points)
I literally have the same thoughts.
+2 votes
by (951k points)
Agreed. Also, I think shipping at all is strange, but that’s just me.
I'm okay with shipping fictional characters or ocs (as long as it's not creepy, obviously weird, or disgusting), but when you ship irl people its just kind of weird.

- Dino
+2 votes
Someone who agrees with me-


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