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in Minecraft Stories by (539k points)

“Again! I always mumble the second worst one to myself when I lose!”

“So?! You can resist the urge to do that!”

The people said “Steve, Alex maybe you need some counsoling”

Steve said “We don’t need that! We’re perfectly happy together! Right Alex?!”

“No we aren’t. I hate to say it Steve but this marriage just isn't working out” said Alex

Steve said “Fine, we’ll try counsoling and if it doesn’t work, we’ll try a different one, and if it doesn’t work, we’ll try another one AND THEN if that one doesn’t work we split up.”

Alex said “Steve, you’ve forgotten our anniversary for the last five years! We need to split up!”

“No we don’t”

The people there to help Noor said “Guys! Noor wants Steve to play with him! We’re assigning him to do that!”

Steve sighed heavily and said “Fine”

Two hours later, the meeting was over and Steve had had five times when he mumbled circle repetitively.

When the people Alx was talking to left Alex said “Steve, Noor, come here.”

Steve and Noor came to the dining room. 

Alex say “Good news! Noor qualifies!”

Noor said “Do you stay? How often is it?”

Alex said “No and twice a week”

Steve said “How far away is it?”

“35 minutes”

Steve said “Reasonable. How much is it?”

“Free. Except for the 500 diamond registration fee.”

“500 diamonds?! No way! We are not sending Noor to this group place!”

Alex said “Steve! I will pay for it. You will take him there…unless you have a big PvP game.””


Noor said “When will your counsoling start?”

Alex said “Noor, now you know that’s none of your business. But, they’ll start while you’re at your group. Your siblings will stay at hom with a sitter.”

Steve cut in and said “We don’t have enough for that!”

“One of your villagers could do it!”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

“When will it start?”

“As soon as we can find a counselor. Steve call their parents and tell them to drop off our kids!”

Steve called all thor parents and asked for his kid to be dropped off.

About 45 minutes later, All their kids arrived.

Steve said “Guys, me and your mother are experiencing some turbulence. We may need to take a break”

A week later was Noor’s first group day. Steve got Kathy to watch the kids. 

When he asked Kathy said “Yes. I miss having a kid after that fateful day when Bob and Tristan died”

Steve started to cry and said “Yeah. That day was the saddest one of my life.”

“I never told you what they died of because you said you weren’t ready. But now that it’s been three years, want to know?”

“Give it another two years or so”

Kathy nodded and said “Now you should go. You can trust me”

Steve nodded and said “Here’s a list of tier allergies and their names with photos of them”

And handed over two slips of paper. He then headed to his car and went to the group palace which happened to be right next to the counseling. 

Steve walked Noor in and said “Anything I need to do before I go?”

“Yes. You need to sign him in. You're the grandparent right?”

“I’m the PARENT” and signed Noor in. Steve said “Bye Noor. Tell me and your mother all about it. See you in…”

“Two hours”

“Got it!” and left.

As soon as Steve left, Noor followed him out.

Steve said “Noor! Get back in there! Your mother had to pay 500 diamonds for this!”

Noor slowly went back in with Steve. 

Steve said “I’m sorry. Noor just wants me to stay with him”

The lady said “You are allowed to.”

“I can't and Alex needs to work on our marriage.”

“Oh. See you later”

Steve then left and went to the counseling building. When he got in, Alex said “Steve! They just called us!”

Steve and Alex headed into the therapy room

The therapist said “Guys, sit n iny chair or sofa you want. Her we work our way to sitting right next to each other.”

Steve and Alex sat on sofs that were nex to each other 

The therapist said “Good, that will save us some time. So, what seems to be the problem?”

“Alex said “We’re constantly arguing about a lot.”

Steve said “Yeah”

The therapist said “Now what are the fights usually started by?”

“One of our seven adopted kids. They’re all in fifth grade if that matters”

An hour and a half later, the session had ended and Alex picked up Noor from his group. 

By the time she picked Noor up, he was in tears.

Alex left and said “My special little guy! What happened?”

“Look at my daily report card!” and handed Alex a paper.

Alex said “Aww sweetie, this makes no difference in your future. You can still be a success if you do great in school!-”

Noor cut her off and said “Actually…I got a failing grade on my most recent test in math. I never wanted you to find out.”

Alex said “Aww, how bad did you do?”

“Three out of twenty. Please don’t tell Steve, he’ll be so angry”

“I have to. You could do it for me though.”

“You can do it. You know him better.”

“Yeah I have known him for over 50 years”

Alex then walked Noor back to the car. 

Steve looked angry and said “Noor?! Is there something you aren’t telling us?”

Alex said “He told me already. I’ll wait until we’re in bed to tell you.”

“No! Now!”

“In bed!”


“In bed! Steve, I know this is one of those things you want to be told to you right before bed.”

Steve said “Okay fine!”

Alex then drove home. 

When Steve got home, 

Kathy ran out and said “Your kids were a NIGHTMARE! They kept throwing netherite at me. Oh and Sunny got into your enchanted netherite swords and was attacking the rest of the kids. I stopped her before she could kill any of them though. Efe broke a few things. Ari broke into your room and destroyed all your PvP awards. Kai broke the framed golden sword in your room. And lastly, Makenna ran away”

Alex said “Oh my special little baby is out all alone!”

Makenna then came out of the forest all scratched up. Alex ran up to her and said “My special little girl, are you alright? Why did you run away?”

Makenna said “I would like it if Steve weren’t here while I told you this.”

“Too bad! We both have to clean you up!” and helped Makenna to the couch.

Makenna said “I failed my last science test”

Alex could see Steve begin to get angry. So, she said “Steve, I’ll ask how bad and if you need I’ll let you punch me up to ten times. Okay?”

Steve nodded. 

“How bad?”

“Five out of twenty”

Steve said “Alex?”

Alex said “Punch away”

Steve punched Alex as hard as he possibly could 15 times. 

When he was done, Alex said “Whew, I’ll never offer that again! You punch hard!”

Steve said “I’m still very angry.”

Alex said “Punch the couch”

Makenna said “Are you going to clean me up?”

Alex said “One minute!”

About three minutes later, Noor said “Steve I have something I want to tell you. It’s about school”

Alex said “Noor! Now is not the time! I really appreciate you standing up to tell the truth. Steve just calmed down from finding out Makenna got a five out of twenty. I'll tell him in a week. He’ll have definitely recovered by then.”

Steve said “Nah. I think I can handle it”

Noor said “I got a three out of twenty on a math test recently”

Steve then ran up to his room at top speed screaming the whole way. 

Alex said “Noor, Makenna, come with me. There is one way to make Steve’s anger level normal again.”

“What is it?” asked Noor

“Well…you have to promise him you’ll try harder next time and ask for help when you need it.”

They nodded and said “We understand. We’ll say that to him”

Alex said “Not right away though. I have to calm him down a lot before he even listens to anyone else.

Alex then headed up the stairs to her room and knocked on the door.

Steve yelled “Come in!”

Alex said “Steve, I’m sure you got a few bad grades in your time.”

“Well… yeah I guess.”

“Good… Guys! Come in here!”

Noor and Makenna came to Alex.  And said “Hello Steve, We’re sorry we did so poorly. We promise to try harder next time and ask for help whenever we need it”

Steve said “Thanks! Alex helped me a lot though. Now Makenna, sit in the tub”

Makenna went to the tub in Steve’s bathroom. Steve nodded and grabbed a facecloth and tweezers. Alex also grabbed a facecloth. 

Steve said “Makenna, you should be happy you got out of that forest with only a few scrapes.”

Alex said “Yeah! You really scared me!”

Makenna said “I’m sorry!”

Noor came in and said “Guys, any help?”

“No! Okay?!”

Noor said “Still mad about the bad grades?”

Alex nodded and said “Now DON’T go telling any of your lame friends about this!”

Noor started to cry and said “I thought you wanted me to have friends! Oh and by the way, some of the others from my group are coming over”

Steve said “I’m sorry. Me and Alex will have to spend weeks caring for Makenna. You can NOT hang out.”

Steve said “We won’t be able to watch you but Tristan might.”

Alex said “Remember? You read an eulogy at his funeral?”

“Bob might”

“Remember you read an eulogy at his funeral.”


“She may be able to”

Steve texted Paula and instantly Paula said no.


“He died too, remember?”

Steve then bursted into tears. 

Makenna said “Now, did you really know these villagers that well?”

Alex said “Sorry about her insensitivity. Makenna, he knew these villagers since he was a boy! Before he became a PvP legend! You saying that really insults him.”

Makenna said “Sorry Steve.”

Steve then cried even harder and said “I need to talk to Kathy.” and left. 

When he saw Kathy he said “Okay, I think I’m finally ready to hear what happened to Bob, Harry and Tristan.”

Kathy said “So, Bob and Harry got in a car crash when one was going into the village and one was exiting. And Tristan, here’s the real sad story. He got crushed between Bob  and Harry when they crashed. All I have left of them is their clothes from that day. But, as they were your best friends, you can have them.”

Steve started to cry and said “What was the last word you heard Tristan say?”


Steve smiled slightly and said “What about me?”

“He was going to visit you.”

“Oh yeah now I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was just getting done with my morningly PvP practice on Alex. When I got a text from Tristan saying he was going to visit me and then when he didn’t show up after a day I knew his life had come to a close. What about Bob’s?” 

“Well… he was the one that was coming in the village. The last words I heard him say were ‘Okay honey, I’ll visit Steve after I get home from getting some milk'’” and started to cry and wailed “Oh Bob! How I wish it had been me that went to get that milk!” and started to cry even harder.

Steve said “Come to my house for comfort if you need it.”

Kathy said “And although you didn’t ask Harry’s were ‘I’m going to get a gift for the best village protector of all time, Steve.’”

Steve started to cry and said “Aww. Thanks. You can keep their old clothes if you want.”

Kathy said “Thanks. I think I’ll need that comfort now.”

Steve helped Kathy to his house and led her to the couch.

Steve said “Hey Sunny, I have a special big girl job for you. Can you comfort Kathy about the passing of Tristan, Bob and Harry?”


Steve then went over to Xander’s and asked and he said “Sure! Why can’t you?”

“I’m occupied with something else.”

Steve and Xander headed back over to Steve’s house.

When they got there, Steve ran back to his bathroom and said “Alex? How are you doing with cleaning her?”

“ Not too good. Look at her arm.”

Steve looked at her arm and saw there was a zombie bite.

Steve said “Oh my gosh! Makenna! Haven’t you learned anything?! When you see a hostile mob either run away or fight!”

Alex then started laughing along with Makenna and Alex pulled the zombie bite sticker off. 

Steve said “Not funny!”

“It was a little”

“Not really!”

Steve then started to clean Makenna’s face off. 

Once done, Steve sighed heavily and said “Glad I’m done!”

“Good!” said Alex

Makenna then said “Steve, can we please tell us how you fell in love?”

Steve said “Still too young!”

“No they aren’t! When I was first in this village, I challenged him to a battle and he accepted and then I was so good he loved me.”

Steve said “Yeah”

Two years later, when Noor came home from school, he said “Steve, I have a test coming up on the topic of PvP. Can you please help?”

Steve said “When is it?”

“Two days”

“Got it!”

Steve began to teach Noor about PvP. 

When Noor took the test sadly, he got a one out of twenty.

When Steve got Noor’s grade back, he said “Alex! Noor got a ONE out of TWENTY on a PvP test! I failed him!”

Noor said “Steve, I’m sorry!”

Steve said “You should be!”

Alex said “Steve, he asked for help. He tried his hardest. He took his time.”

Noor said “Actually… I didn’t take my time.”


Alex said “Steve calm down. It’s not like this class will help in the real world.”

Steve said “Alright that’s it! Up until now I was okay with you! But now….I’m afraid it has to be over!”

Noor said “Please guys! Don’t split up!”

Alex said “Noor, I'm sure Steve is just kidding.”

“I’m not kidding!!”

Alex said “Steve! Please, I’m sure he just is kidding about not taking his time.”

“Yeah I was”

Steve then said “Well…. As long as your teacher doesn’t work for the council, I think I’m good.”

Noor said “Huh?”

Alex said “When a PvP legend gets kids, which used to be against the rules. And their kids get anything below a 90 on a PvP test or quiz… they are permanently banned from PvP and all their awards get taken as well as all tier books on PvP.”

Steve nods and says “Yeah.”

Noor said “I’m sorry Steve.”

“For what? Your teacher doesn’t work for the council.”

“About that…. She actually does.”

Steve burrowed his face in his hands, started to cry and said “My life is about to get a whole lot worse! All because of you!”

Noor said “Do you at least want to see the test?”

Steve sighed and said “Fine!”

Noor handed over the test.

Steve looked closely at the answers and said “Noor, you doomed me! You really did get a ONE!”

Noor said “Steve, I can retake it if you let me stay after school for about an hour for the next few days.”

Steve said “It’s too late! The council has already been notified. You see, my phone doesn’t have the PvP app anymore! I only hope my arena won’t be taken away.”

Then the council arrived. Steve slowly walked to the door and opened it.

The council said “You have been selected as the greatest all time PvP player”

Steve sighed heavily and said “Good thing they don’t know”

Noor said “Hey! Guys! I got a One out of twenty on a PvP test.”

Steve said “Why did you say that?! This is the PvP council! They were about to bestow upon me the greatest honor of all time for PvP! You caused me not to get it!”

The council said “We’re sorry Steve, we have to take away everything you have related to PvP”

Steve said “Even my books?”


“Even my tapes of my battles?”

“What?! You keep those?”



“My arena?”

“Yes! Everything but your tapes and awards.”

Steve sighed heavily and said “Okay.”

And handed over everything related to PvP. He even took the swords he gave the kids for PvP training in tears.

Noor said “I’m so sorry. I’ll never let myself live it down!”

Steve said “You seriously need to tell them you were just kidding!”

Noor said “Alex?”

“Alex said “Yes?”

“Should I?”

“No! Steve is just super sad right now.”

The council said “Steve,you can still have the title but not the certificate or trophy.”

Steve said “What’s the point?!” 

One of the council members said “Listen Steve, I may get in serious trouble for this but, you can keep all your awards and certificates OR get the best PvP player of all time ones. Choice is yours”

Steve said “I guess it's to keep my current ones.” and started to cry when the council left.

Noor said “Steve, I’ll understand if you never want to see me again.”

Noor said “I can call the council and say you’re just watching us for a little”

“No! My life is over! Whatever you try to do now, my life will never be full again!”

Alex said “Noor, heartfelt apology now!”

Steve said “No apology will help!”

Alex said “See you need space, we’ll just live with Oliver until you recover. Okay?”

Steve nodded.

Noor wailed “I’m sorry Steve!”

Steve just turned away from him and said “Hmmph”

Alex said “Noor! Stop trying to make things better! You’re making things worse!”

Steve said “Noor! Because of you, I can’t even give you PvP training!”

All the kids then surrounded Steve and said “You could do redstone.”

Alex said “Kids! You’re making things worse!”

Steve said “I’m literally over 70! I’m too old!”

Then the council came back and said”You still got the certificate and award.”


Alex said “Will he be able to do PvP again?”


Steve stopped crying and said “I can’t believe this is happening.”


Steve nodded and said “I understand”

A month later,  Sunny had a PvP test. 

Steve said “Alrighty. So, give me your study guide.” a week before.

Sunny handed over the study guide. 

Sunny said “Steve, I hate my PvP teacher! Can’t you change my class to crafting or cooking?”

“No! Next year you’ll have to take the next level!”

Alex said “I’ll see what I can do Sunny.”

Steve said “You listen to me! No kid of ours will not have taken three years of PvP classes in school!”

“I frankly didn’t want any of them to join that class. You signed them up for them without my permission!”

Steve said “Alright! That's it! We’re splitting up!”

Sunny said “Oh no! I drove my parents to split up!”

Alex said “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Sunny said “Should I go?”

Alex said “You should go to the basement with your siblings. I’ll tell you if we need to take a break.”

Sunny ran to the basement to play with her siblings.

Alex said “Steve, sit on the couch with me.”

Steve sat next to Alex. 

Alex said “Last time we were fighting like this a counselor helped us. Do you think a counselor will help this time?”

“Yeah, maybe…. Thing is we’ve tried that three times at three different places. None of them heal our relationship. I think it’s best we just don’t see each other for a few months. THEN we wait to see if this happens again. If so… we’ll split up permanently.”

Alex nodded and said “Who will get the kids?”




Alex yelled “Guys! We need to speak with you!”

All the kids came up and said “Yeah.”

Alex said “Me and Steve here are going to be spending a few months apart. You’ll all be staying with Steve. I’ll call each of you every night. Steve, I’ll call you once a week.”

Steve nodded and said “Where will you live?”

“Oh… village 3,001”

Steve said “Okay.”

Makenna said “No! In my exploration class today we learned to never go to village-”

Steve said “That’s quite enough from you! Go to bed!”

“But it’s not even 7:00!”

Alex said “Makenna sweetie, I think your dad would like it if you went to your room.”

Makenna said “What happens if Steve turns into Agent Angry and goes crazy on us?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll have a friend of his stay with him if he promises not to love them.”

Steve said “Don’t worry, I promise”

Alex said “Goodbye my little ones! I’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow… Probably before you all get up. I’ll probably be up before Steve wakes up. Tonight I’ll be preparing breakfast for tomorrow so I don’t have to make a lot of noise.”

All the kids said “Tonight, we’ll be staying up with you until you go to bed!”

Alex said “Nope! I’ll make sure all of you go to bed at normal time.”

Steve yawned and said “I’m tired! I’m heading to bed” 

Alex said “It’s your night to make dinner.”

Steve quickly made pizza and ate his slice and went to bed.

When Steve went to bed, Alex said “Kids, you are allowed to stay up with me if you choose”

Makenna said “You said no!”

“I knew your dad would flip out if he knew I was letting you stay up.”

Makenna said “You’re the best! Why aren’t we staying with you?”

“You don’t know?!”


“Steve thinks school is very important… and I do too and we’re sending you to the best school within three biomes any side from here!”


“What were you saying earlier?”

“The village you’re staying in has constant attacks”

“So? I’ll always have my sword on me. Steve taught me that after five years. He was so much nicer and more playful back then”

Steve then walked down stairs and said “I still need my nightly tea.”

Alex said “To your beds now kids!”

Steve said “Good job Alex.”

Steve quickly made his tea and went back upstairs. 

Alex snuck into all the kids’ rooms and said “Come on, he’s back in bed!”

All the kids rushed back downstairs. 

When Alex was making her coffee and her muffin, the kids kept pestering her. 

She eventually yelled “Stop it! Just stop it!” She then realized she had awoken Steve.

She said “Quickly now! To bed now!”

Steve then went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. 

Just before Kai went on the first stair, Alex said “Don’t go up there!”

Steve then came down and saw his kids were still up. He yawned and said “Probably just seeing things because of how tired I am”

And went back to bed. 

Then The muffin was completed.

Alex said “Kids, want to sleep down here tonight?”

“Won’t Steve be mad?”

“Yeah, you’re right. To bed with you.

Noor and Sunny said “Please take us with you. We got the worst PvP teacher possible!”

Alex said “No! I’ll only be gone for three months. Maybe less if Steve improves. Now, bedtime”

All the kids slowly came up the stairs and to their rooms with Alex.

The next day at 5:00 Alex got up and went to all the kids rooms and kissed their cheek and said “Goodbye, I promise I’ll be back in three months” 

After she kissed Noor, all the kids woke up and ran out to say goodbye.

Alex said “Guys! Please stop hugging me! I really appreciate the love. But, I have to go before he gets up and he’s up in 30 minutes!”

All the kids nodded and went back to sleep. Alex headed downstairs and ate her breakfast. She had just left the village when Steve woke up.

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