+4 votes
in Venting by (110k points)
I’m not a venting person, Carly is. I’ve only vented once and I’ve tried not to do it again. But I just needed to say this,

My depression has gotten worse since my last post.

I’m stressed  and sad all the time. And I mean All.The.Time.

I hate myself and I feel like I’m a bad person, I judge people too quickly have the need to prove people wrong, can’t let things go or ask for help. And those are just a few examples.

I have 0 friends in my school besides my bff, who has made like 9 since we started middle school.

I feel like life is just an endless string of waiting and trying to get through it. I cry myself to sleep sometimes  I cry because of how horrible I am and I can’t seem to get better. Or I just go to bed super sad.


7 Answers

0 votes
by (915k points)
I’ll tell you one thing for certain: You aren’t a bad person. Nobody is. (And before you say that someone like Hitler is, it’s their actions that define the person)

I also judge people really quick, and I also prove people wrong. I also can’t let things go very easily. As for help, basically the same thing.
by (116k points)
Hey, why would you say that Nobi is a bad person?
by (915k points)
The only reason I can think of why someone would say that is because she claims that people who do the under position (toilet paper orientation) want to see the world burn.
by (500k points)

There's no other reason—

by (116k points)

(You did get the joke, right?)

Yeah? well you also want the world to burn. Look at your profile pic.

by (500k points)
O no


(Also, yes, I did get the joke x3)
by (915k points)
+1 vote
by (130k points)
Hey, I have no friends either, but I find things to do with my time. I hope you get better.
by (116k points)
You got buds on here
by (130k points)
Tank you, too bad this won't last.
by (116k points)

But why won't it last?

by (130k points)
T'was no accident.
by (116k points)


by (130k points)
When I grow up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be gone from this place and no one will know me. Though it may make an impact on my views, there are no friends along the way.
+2 votes
by (740k points)

We love you, and even thought I vent a lot, I feel much better now. You are Kind, You write good stories, you're great. You shouldn't do this. My dad also deals with Depression, So hopefully you become better

+1 vote
by (110k points)
I can’t believe the last part was  censored. This is outrageous. I’m furious at kt mod who did this.

It was about me almost doing SH
by (500k points)
I honestly do not understand why people do SH. It does not help anything, and it only gains negative attention.

I'm not saying I agree with KS for censoring it, I'm just saying that it will always be a useless method to me.

What you truly need are people who care about you, not a thousand friends.

I, also, have the strong urge to prove people wrong. I guess you could say that I'm a bad person, going by your theory. Am I a bad person?

I, too, have an extremely hard time asking for help and letting things go. Am I a bad person?

But why does it matter what people say or think? Also, why do you need to have a lot of friends who probably wouldn't care about you instead of one who was been by your side for years and truly cares?

I dunno. Maybe I just have dumb ideas. But I stand by the fact that SH is useless. Friends who care about you are more than any number of friends who don't.


And by the way, without the school part, you do have a lot of friends who care about you. We care about you.
by (110k points)
I agree that SH is useless, but I just felt in that moment it was a way to punish myself. But for the record, I almost did it until I came to my senses. The knife was on my wrist, but then I put it away. I hope I will come to my senses before I do it next time.

You are not a bad person Nobi. Thank you for letting me understand I’m not alone in my faults and it definitely does not make me a Bad person.

That makes sense about the friend part
by (915k points)
I also agree that SH is useless. And it sounds like it hurts a lot, so there’s no way I’m doing it.
by (116k points)


Took me a while to figure out what it meant
by (116k points)

@elo probably a good choice

by (151k points)

SH is a way people cope. Most people do it because it lets them FEEL something. They do it as a way to feel something, anything, instead of sad numbness. And they try to hide it, they don’t show it to the world. 

Sometimes, though, if someone really feels depressed, they might do it because it helps them get closer to um…


SH is not a good thing, and I want to say it shouldn’t be practiced at all, but then I’d just be a hypocrite.

by (116k points)
Well of course you shouldn't do it!
+1 vote
by (529k points)
You are not a horrible person.

You are an amazing person from what I know
+2 votes
by (154k points)
Since this seems like serious vent and you never make vents, im going to consider this as a serious vent.

Pizza, sometimes one really good friend is good enough.

Would you rather have 20 friends that will be your friend for about 5 years or 1 best friend that will be your friend for the rest of your life?

And either way, we’re your friends.

We will be here for you.


- GC, wishing you well
by (110k points)
Thank you Gc.

This is a serious vent, and I included a part about how I almost started to SH.

But the annoying mod censored it out

I’m really annoyed at whoever did that.
by (740k points)
question, will the school thing be serious? it has been happening 4 times and it affects my mental health
by (154k points)
Tell me about the situation and ill try to diagnose it
by (740k points)
its the school getting rid of coping mechs
by (154k points)
Pretty serious but there’s a pretty simple solution

Take it up with the principal, don’t procrastinate.
+1 vote
by (123k points)

I'm so sorry you have to go through depression. I have had mild depression before and it wasn't fun. At all. You are an AMAZING person. You were MADE to do something great. People are just too blind to see you, a bright, beautiful, sweet, kind and genuine person. Please don't be depressed. Just think of it as wasting so much of your time. You are just so beautiful and light up every room. Never, ever, ever, EVER let yourself fall. If you do, get back up.

I know you can get through this. Somehow.
by (110k points)
To my Canadian straight twin


You are awesome to and everything you said up here apples to me me

-Your Omnisexual American twin
by (116k points)
Didn't know she was Canadian

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