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in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

Steve woke up at 7:00 he yawned and said “A few minutes couldn’t hurt.” and went back to sleep.

At 9:00, Alex woke him up and said “Come on sleepyhead. We’re going to your old arena.”

Steve said “Oh that’s today.” disappointedly

Alex said “Wait, that’s Zuri’s schedule. You can go or stay. Up to you.”

Steve sighed and said “Tell Zuri I won’t be coming. If she wins, she’s welcome to slip me a note saying she won.”

Alex said “You know nobody can read her writing but her and her teachers. And honestly, her teachers have told me they have problems with it.”

Steve then heard quiet sobbing from the other side of the door.

Steve opened the door to see Zuri sitting there.

Steve said “Aww Zuri, I won’t be there. But, I’ll still watch.”

Zuri said “It won’t be the same without you! And remember? You were the one who set up this battle.”

Steve said “You really want me to come don’t you?”

Zuri nodded.

Steve said “Well… It means I won’t be able to watch  my annual  marathon of all the PvP show episodes with Alex.”

Alex said “Steve, doing that has been our tradition for as long as we’ve had these kiddos.”

Steve sighed and said “You know what? I feel surprisingly better now. Despite being completely stripped of my rank, my villagers being dead, losing my most prized trophy and being banned from the PvP museum.” and cried even harder than he did the previous night.

Alex said “Steve, maybe a battle at your old arena will put the old spark back in your personality. It hurts everyone to see you like this. Especially Zuri.”

Zuri said “Yeah. Just open the gift I gave you last night. I’m sure it will help.”

Alex said “Zuri, I’m afraid we’ll just have to leave him alone until he’s ready to come out. Now I ask you to get ready for the battle.”

Zuri nodded and left.

Alex said “I know this must hurt for you. I’ll leave you alone for as long as I can take it or until you say you can talk to me again.”

Steve said “Now, go. I don't want you to be late to the game. That’s frowned upon.”

Alex sighed and left. 

All the kids said “We see he’s not coming with us this time. Is he feeling okay? He’s usually trying to get us there a half hour early.”

Alex sighed and said “Steve is just really sad right now and doesn’t want to see anyone right now. I’ll still make you follow the rules as if he were coming.”

Noor said “Will he still come on the yearly family camping trip?”

“Probably not.”

Steve heard they were still home and yelled “Get out! Remember, it is frowned upon to be late.”

Alex left with the kids and went to the arena. 

When they got there, the guard said “Where’s Steve?”

Alex said “He got a guard?!”

The guard said “Well…”

Alex said “At home in his room.”

The guard said “Can’t be let in without him unless you’re a legend!”

Alex said “Kids help me out here!”

All the kids said “Who are you talking to Alex? There’s no guard.”

Alexx rubbed her eyes and saw Steve. 

She ran up to him and said “Steve! Now you can watch the game.”

The kids said “that's not Steve”

Alex stopped hugging the random spectator and said “Sorry sir”

The spectator said “All good.”

Alex then went to her usual seat with the family and had them all sit down.

When the battle started, Noor and Efe started to yell hurtful things to the competitors.

Alex said “Kids, stop right now!”

Noor said “Make me!”

Alex said “Good thing we can’t get banned here.”

The battle ended an hour later and Zuri won. 

Alex called Steve who picked up and said “I told you not to call me!”

Alex said “Zuri just won”

“Hand her the phone” and Alex handed over the phone.

“I saw your game. It was close. Very close. You do realize what I would normally be doing. Come to my room and knock when you get home”

Zuri said “Do you really want to see me? I mean I was the one that ended your personal legacy.”

Steve said “Good point. I guess I’ll never go to your games again!”

Zuri siad “Never? Not even my nighttime one?”

“Maybe that one. I still want to congratulate you on your win. Come to my room and come in for about 25 seconds.”
“Wait, you aren’t even going to give that reward you promised me?”

“Hasn’t arrived yet. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to watch my favorite show. Bye!” and hung up.

Zuri handed the phone back and said “He wants me to enter his room for a few seconds.”

Alex said “He may be leaving early!”

Zuri said “He just wants to congratulate me. Miracle he’s letting me anywhere near him after last night!” and they all got into the car.

Zuri was sweating really hard and nobody wanted to sit with her.

She ended up in Steve’s seat.

Alex said “Do you want to cool off?”

“No! I know he loves me way more if I’m sweating from a battle.”

About a half hour later, they arrived home and Zuri ran up to Steve’s room and knocked on the door.

Steve yelled “Go away Alex! I’m not hungry!”

Zuri said “It’s Zuri.”

“I never want to see you again! You ruined both my legacy and the family legacy! If you somehow got the sword of swords, there’s a chance!”

Zuri sighed and said “Don’t you want to talk to me?”

“No! If you don’t leave now, I’ll throw away that gift you got me!By the way, I didn’t sign you up for that nighttime game!”

Alex then came up and said “Is he letting you in?”


Steve said “Fine Zuri, you may come in. But, I’m not looking at you!”

Zuri slowly turned the doorknob to find Steve crying with his face in the pillow.

He then glanced at Zuri and walked up to her and said “My sweaty little champion.” very glumly. 

Alex then knocked on the door and said “Steve? Is Zuri causing you problems?”


Steve then got a call from the council.

He answered it and said “What do you want from me?! You know I’m not a legend anymore!”

The council said “Someone in your family is not a legend anymore?! We would never! Just in case let me check.”

A minute later, said “Yeah. It was not a mistake. But, the person who did it just wanted to get revenge on you for injuring their kid. They’re now fired. You’ll need an entire ceremony you being an adult and now there has to be a ceramony for legends to become legends and the leader of PvP will come to your house for the speech for adults becoming legends”

Steve excitedly sad and said “Oh my gosh the PvP leader is coming here! I’ve dreamt about this! It’s about to happen! Now they know I’m really excited. I just have to play it cool like only I know how” 

Steve said “Who is that again?”

The one on the other end said “If you don't know, we’ll have to permanently destroy your family’s legacy!”

Steve said “Is it Trisha Wilmogton?”

“Yeah. Okay it will be tomorrow.”

Steve sighed and said “Okay. Will mine be fancier than Zuri’s”

“Yes. Your’s will have the sword giving ceremony.”

“But, I already have tons of swords!”

“Fine if you don’t want the sword giving ceremony, your legacy will be destroyed!”

Steve said “Oh, then yes I want the sword giving ceremony. Will I still need to to games?”

“Not if you don’t want to be a legend. You need at least 20 more years.”

Zuri grabbed the phone from his hands and said “You listen here missy! Steve can-”

Steve begged “Zuri, please stop.”

Zuri continues “not do 20 more years ov PvP he’s having trouble as it is!”

Steve burrowed his face in his hands and took the phone and pushed Zuri out.

The person on the other end said “Was that Zuri?”

Steve sighed and said “Yes. If you must remove anyone’s legacy. Remove mine. I’ve had mine much longer than she has. She’s never had the joy of going to the PvP museum with noone else. Never had the joy of being loved by everyone. I have.”

The council said “We were must going to dlay the ceremony by a week. Your idea is much better though. “

Then someone on the other end said “I’m sorry, that person just got fired for having their mind changed by someone on the phone. Your legacy is completely safe. Also, your ceremony is tomorrow.”

Steve then said “Great, where is it?”

“At the world battle arena.”

“But that will take weeks to get there!”

“Good point, would just your backyard work?”

Steve said “Yeah. About that nighttime PvP game, when exactly is it? It’s midnight on August 13 at your old arena. Which by the way, you weren’t there fo Zuri’s big title reinstatement game. You could either promise to go to very one of her games even when you’re so old you can’t move or give up your legacy.”

Steve said “Both options are bad! I guess the first one.”

“Got it If you miss even one, you entire family legacy will be wiped away!”

“What if I have an appointment at the same time as one o her games?”

“”You don’t have to go”

Steve then said “Good. I can assume I Don't have to go if I’m sick”

“Yeah. Remember, you have to get all nice for it. Remember if there aren’t 15 friends and family members, it isn’t official. Bye.” and hung up.

Steve sighed heavily and slowly turned the doorknob.

When Alex heard the door open, she instantly got up from the couch and ran upstairs to see Steve.

Steve said “Tomorrow I’m becoming a legend again. I get the ceremony too! Only problem is, there needs to be 15 people there for it to count!”

Alex said “Steve, Oliver and Carol could come and so could five of your villagers.”

Steve collapsed ont the floor and said “I have a feeling my battle is almost over. My sword is almost broken. I may not make it to tomorrow.”

Alex then said “Phone now!”

Steve reached into his pocket and handed his phone to Alex.

Alex said “What’s the council’s number?”


Alex quickly called that number and said “Umm, Steve is dying. If there is a way to push the ceramony to today, that would be great.”

The one on the other end said “Okay. It will cost you 1,000 diamonds”

Alex said “Okay.”

Alex said “Steve, here’s your phone.”

He put out his hand for it. When Alex put the phone in his hand, his arm fell very slowly.

Alex said “Please tell me he isn’t dead. Not the day of him becoming a legend again!” and tears began to stream down her ace like a waterfall.

Alex said “Minecraftnerd’s trained respawner can help us.”

Alex quickly called Minecraftnerd and said “We ned your respawner very fast!”

The respawner arrived a minute later.

Alex showed the respawner to Steve.

The respawner said “Alex, there is no easy way to say this.”

Alex cried even harder and wailed “There is no hope of respawning him is there?”

The respawner said “No. He died of something that will take an entire day to respawn him from. I have to build it which will take at least a week and no more than a month. I would say… You’ll be able to talk to him again in a month.”

Alex called the council. 

The council said “We know. Minecraftnerd told us. We’re adding him to our wall of the fallen. At least you’ll always have his tapes and awards and swords. Oh wait, since you weren’t a legend and there is no other legend in your house that’s an adult, we’ll have to take the awards and swords. You may keep one of each. We’ll be there to pick everything up in two months. We’re very busy. Call if he does respawn. By the way, he never did get that picture of himself for the wall of the fallen. So, there will just be a plaque with his name with no picture of him 

Alex said “I know he has a picture on his phone.”

The respawner said  “Okay, I know exactly what it was from.” 

Alex said “I can't believe he’s really gone.”

The respawner said “Wait, he’s just really close to death. Five, maybe ten minutes tops.”

“Steve, come downstairs and say goodbye to all your family and friends.

Steve came downstairs with Alex to see all the friends he ever had.

Steve said “Oh Alex you shouldn’t have.”

All his friends said “Goodbye Steve, we’ll miss you.”

All the kids looked up from their devices and said “What is going on?”

Alex said “Steve is extremely close to death. If you want to say anything to him, now’s the time.”

All his kids said “We always love you”

Steve then said “Zuri, go get the gift you gave me.”

Zuri rushed upstairs and grabbed the gift and went back downstairs and handed oer the gift.

Steve opened it to find the sword of swords.

Steve said “Aww Zuri. I’ll never get to use this. How did you get it?”

“I used all my diamonds and emeralds on it. I hope you like it.”

Steve went over to his sword cabinet and opened it up and put the sword in an empty space.

Steve went over to Alex and hugged her and said “Remember,  Zuri’s battles..

 Also Zuri, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for the last battle of your’s I’m going to be alive for.” and collapsed onto the floor.

The respawner said “I do have a life lengthener that will hopefully extend it by a few months. He just needs to be alive.”

Alex said “Too late.”

Steve then said “Alex, here's your gift I was going to get you this year for your birthday. As I can’t go now, go with whoever else you want” 

The respawner said “Everyone keep at least five blocks away from him!” and used the lengthener to try and lengthen Steve’s life. But, he just turned to dust.

Alex scooped the dust into a jar and said “I will care for these ashes as they were my mother’s”

Alex brought the ashes up to her room and said “Please tell me he can respawn.”

A week later, Steve still hadn’t respawned and Alex hadn’t slept at all or moved from watching Steve’s ashes in hopes of respawning. 

After another week all hope of him respawning went away.  She went to sleep at noon. 

After she had woken up from her sleep, she was starving. She went downstairs and saw what had happened to the house. She yelled “Clean this up now!”

A month later at midnight Steve’s ashes became Steve again.

Steve had respawned. 

Steve saw Alex was crying in her sleep. He went over to her and said “Alex, I’m alive now.”

Alex woke up and said “Steve? Is that you?”

Steve nodded.

Alex said “Oh my gosh I can’t believe it’s really you! I was worried I would never see you again!”

Steve said “I'm really tired. I just need sleep.”

Alex said “Is the council open?”

Steve said “No. They open at 8:00 every day.”

Zuri then came in in tears and said “I don’t remember what Steve looks like.”

Alex said “He’s alive again so, you don’t have to worry about that.”

Steve said “Any clue what I died of?”

“Too much happiness”

“Makes sense”

Steve then went to his side of the bed and layed down.

The next morning, Alex woke Steve up nice and early and said “Do you think you can call the council and tell them you’ve respawned?”

Steve grabbed his phone from his nightstand and called the council. 

The council said “Steve has respawned?”

Steve said “Yeah I have.”

“Okay. Your ceremony is tonight.”



“7:00!? I don’t have the time to prepare the house for that!”

Alex said “:I can do all the preparations. Remember dress nice”

Steve said “Okay. Bye!” and hung up.

Steve looked through his closet for a fancy outfit and found one.

He then said “I don’t think I’ll be able to live for too much longer. Maybe 20 more years. But, hopefully, I’ll make it to the nightime game.”

Zuri said “I was so worried! Here’s my test I got in my PvP class”

Steve said “No! I don’t care! When I’m a legend, I’m going to quit! I worked hard enough to be considered a legend.”

All Steve’s friends then came back inside and said “Steve?”

Steve said “Guys! You’ll all attend the ceremony tonight.”

His friends all said “Okay. Dress nice for it?”

Steve nodded. Alex was cleaning the house. 

When she saw Steve standing up, she said “Steve, hot tub!”

Steve went to his hot tub and started to relax in it. When he left the house, he realized the lawn was a mess. He yelled “Alex! The lawn isn’t going to clean itself!”

Alex yelled “Still cleaning inside! You can do it yourself!”

“No, I can’t remember? I just respawned from dust?”

“Sorry. I’ll try to get to it before the big ceremony.”


A half hour later, Zuri and Noor came out fighting with diamond swords. 

Steve got out of the hot tub and said “Where did you get those from?”

“Oh. there’s an entire cabinet full of them.” said Zuri.

Steve said “Noor? Are you helping her train?”

Noor knew Steve would need him to give him the sword if he told the truth. So, he said “Yeah Stove”

Steve said “Give me the sword now! I’m taking away all your technology privileges too!”

Noor handed over the sword and instantly, Steve fell. He put the sword in his inventory and crie once he got back in the tub.

Zuri said “Steve? Can I come in with you once I change?”

“And put your sword back”


And ran to her room and changed.

She went back out to the hot tub and said “Steve, what’s wrong?”

“I’m afraid the days I can hold a sword are over. I’ll never become a full legend again.”

“Why? There was no sword involved with mine.”

“At mine, there will be a sword giving ceremony which means, I have to hold the sword up for about the length of a typical battle!”

Alex then came out and said “Can you come in Steve? I want to see if it meets your clean criteria”

Noor went to the towel cabinet and got Steve one of his towels.

Steve got out and dried off and went inside.

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