+4 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

Rana said “Alex, do you have somewhere for me to sleep?”

Alex said “Rana, it is not even 7:30! Your minimum will be 8:00:”

Ari said “Unfair!”

Alex said “Ari! You know tonight is our family time night where we all do something as a family. This week I was thinking tonight we could have movie night.”

Steve said “And like usual I’ll have to do PvP master things.”

Zuri said “Can I help?”

Steve laughed and said “You’re a legend not a master! I’m both. To be certified as a master, you need to take a 240 hour training course. And you have to stay there overnight.”

“Can you sign me up?”

“No! It was extremely expensive and painful. I could barely make it through!”

Alex said “Steve, you’ve got to participate tonight! You have missed the last 15 with your ridiculous excuses! Like come on, the PvP meeting of masters. Pah-leese. I will not fall for it anymore!”

Steve said “But-”

“But nothing! I’m sure you can handle an hour with your family.”

“Fine! But, you owe me big time!”

“Fine. I’ll start buying you that ice cream you like again.”

Steve said “Good enough for me. I pick family game night”

“That’s what we wanted to do since your excuses! But since you were too busy, we just had talking time!”

Thirty minutes later, they all started game time.

When Rana saw what they were playing, she said “Oh, this is my favorite game! May I join you?”

Steve said “Sure” and quietly said “I’ll let you in on a little secret, it's my favorite too.” and he and Rana laughed.

Rana then said “I know the rules. Most experienced with PvP goes first”

Setve said “Aww Rana, you seem upset about that. How about I let you go first. Besides, you spent an entire year at the PvP festival. You’ve just got to be experienced with PvP.”

Sunny said “Unfair!”

Steve said “Perfectly fair! You see, the PvP festival she was staying at is a year round thing and she was there for a year.”

Rana then accidentally rubbed up against Steve’s shirt. 

When she did, she said “Steve, would you mind letting me get an outfit made of this material?” 

Steve said “Here, I’ll take you upstairs and let you wear one of my outfits.

He then quietly said “I may even let you wear some of my pajamas which are even more soft than the shirt you accidentally rubbed against.”

They then went to Steve’s room and said “This room is big! It’s the size of the place I stayed when nobody was there”

Steve then got out some pajamas and some fuzzy socks.

Rana instantly put them on and said “Wow, you really live like this?”


Then Alex screamed extremely loudly.

Steve rushed downstairs to see everyone was there but Noor.

Steve then realized he hadn’t seen Noor all day.

Steve told Alex and Alex said “You know the last time I saw him was at about 3:00!”

Alex then ran to the fridge and freezer and swung the doors open to find Noor in the fridge.

Noor slowly stepped out and said “I know it was Zuri!”

Alex said “Steve! We don’t need to have family time! But, I need you to get Noor in some soft comfortable loose clothes”

Rana then yelled “You want some of your pajamas?”

Steve said “Yeah! I’ll get them though!”

Steve then ran upstairs and grabbed his softest pjs and ran downstairs. He helped Noor change into the pjs.

Steve then grabbed five blankets and wrapped them around Noor. 

Five minutes later, Alex came out holding tea and hot chocolate with two coffees.

When Noor saw the coffee he said “Ooh! I finally get to try coffee?”

Alex said “No honey. They’re for me and Steve. We have to keep a constant eye on you.”

Noor then grabbed the hot chocolate and slowly drank it. After that, he drank the tea.

Alex then said “You feel better?”

Noor said “Slightly.”

Alex then brought out some dinner and gave it to Noor.

The next morning, Steve and Alex were extremely tired. When Noor woke up, he said “Steve? Alex? You stayed with me all night?”

“Yeah. Now we’re both really tired so please no loud noises!”

Steve then said “Uurg… today’s the day with the biggest PvP game of the decade. I got tickets for me and Zuri to go. But seeing as we both have a headache, I can’t go.”

Zuri then came down and said “Can’t wait for the big PvP game today! You make that kind of thing even more enjoyable”

Steve said “I’m sorry Zuri, I don’t think I’d be able of making it through it”

Zuri said “Please?”

Alex said “No you don’t! You have to keep an eye on Noor!”

Noor then nuzzled up against Steve and said “I can go to the event with you and Zuri.”

Alex said “Steve, may I have a word with you in secret?”

Steve slowly got Noor off him and went with Alex to the bathroom.

Alex said “Steve, if you really want to go to the PvP game, go ahead.”

Steve said “Alex, when was the last time I said “I love you?”

“Oh… months ago.”

Noor then sneezed loudly.

Alex laughed “Seriously Steve, I want you to enjoy yourself. I’ll keep an eye on Noor”

Steve said “Okay”

Steve then left with Zuri

When they got there, Steve’s head began to hurt really bad.

He said “Sorry Zuri, I don’t think I will make it through the game.”

The people at the gate said “Steve, you don’t look so great”

Steve said “Yeah. I had to stay up all night.”

The person said “Good thing we have a soundproof box for people like you”

When Steve entered the arena the whole arena cheered.

When they arrived at the booth the person said “The better one is being used by Steven Stonechopper who looks a lot like you by the way. So,you get the lower quality.”

Zuri said “Alex always taught me to share! Can;t they share?”

Steve laughed and said “She’s just kidding.” 

Then someone came out of the higher quality sound blocking chamber and yelled “You call this a diamond level experience?! At this event the pre-game snacks are a joke! I would much rather eat spoiled meat than have to eat this!”

Zuri said “Any chance you could let us in?

The person scoffed and said “Yes. But, that man you’re with can’t”

Steve said “What?! You mean…I’ll have to stay in the worse soundproof box?”

“I’m afraid so”

Steve yelled “Alright mister! You just made the list! Zuri! We’re going home!”

Zuri said “Please kind sir. This man is Steven Stonecutter!”

The man mockingly said “Please kind sir. This man is Steven Stonecutter… yeah right! And I’m the founder of PvP”

Steve said “Please let me into your area.”

“We paid 1,000,000,000,000 diamonds for this area, we will not give it to some washed up legend like yourself!”

Then a lady came to the door and said “Gerald! Let him in! We can always just not give him any food”

The man said “No!”

The one that led them to the box said “Guys, he also has diamond level entry passes so, allow him in!”

Gerald said “Oh my!” and chuckled “Why didn’t you say so?” and let Steve and Zuri in.

Steve said “Is this what diamond pass is?”

Gerald laughed and said “Yes. Wow, PvP masters can be so ridiculous sometimes”

Then a kid came out and said “Steven Stonecutter is that you?”

Steve didn’t want to deal with fans that day, so he just quickly came up with a lie. 

He said “No! I’m his identical twin. My name is Dennis Stonecutter.”

Gerald said “Hmm…  thought only the top five legends were allowed these passes.”

Steve said “Fine! I admit it! I am Steve Stonecutter. BUT, I do have a twin named Dennis”

Zuri said “You have a twin brother?”

Steve said “Yes. But, never speak of him again. We had some extreme unpleasantness a while back.”

Zuri asked “What happened?”

Steve said “Zuri, I love no kid more than you and maybe Rana. But, this is one of those things I would not like you to know because I know you’ll tell.”

“I promise I won’t tell! I would never tell anyone your secrets”

“Mmm hmm… like how I told you the story of my greatest PvP fail…or how you told me Noor’s secret about his crush… or worst of all when you told Alex what I was getting her for her birthday five or so years ago?! Like that Zuri?”

Zuri sighed and said “So Pvp legends don’t have to be good at keeping secrets!”

“Uh. Yeah. But masters do.”

Then the battle started. Steve sighed heavily and said “Without the noise it’s nothing”

An hour later the kid said “Want to make it so you can hear it?”

The lady said “No honey! Don’t do that! They’ll revoke our family membership and make it go back to just your father being able to use this”

Zuri said “Please Steve let me become a master!”


Then the battle ended.

Steve left and when everyone saw him come out of the soundproof box, they crowded around Steve.

Steve quickly signed everything ad then headed home

The whole way home, Zuri was pestering Steve to let her take the PvP masters course.

When they got home, Steve had had enough of Zuri asking him if she could take the PvP master course he yelled “Fine okay?! I think I have to come too… At least for orientation. “And stormed inside.

Zuri ran in and yelled “Alex, Steve agreed to take me to the PvP masters class”

Alex said “You finally agree?”


Noor then said “Alex, I know both of you guys are tired.”

Steve said “Tell me about it!” and chuckled.

Alex said “Steve, I have an idea. “We will sleep one at a time. Do you want daytime watching?”

Noor then threw off the blankets and said “I feel so much better”

Steve said “No need anymore”

Alex said “Yeah. Kids, me and Steve trust you can be responsible enough to not get into trouble. We’re going to bed. Wake us up at dinnertime.” and headed to bed with Steve.

A few hours later, Steve was woken up to a huge crash that came from downstairs.

He rushed downstairs and saw his sword cabinet was tipped over.

Steve said “Who did this?” angrily

Rana said “It was me”

Steve came up to Rana and said “Rana, I’m quite annoyed with you.”

Rana gulped and said “Here it comes…I hate being yelled at! Will I get yelled at? Will you punish me?”

Steve laughed warmly and said “No! I’ve learned some things: yelling doesn’t fix it.”

Rana said “I know what happens when people are like this. They give me three or so chances and then they kick me out! That is in fact what happened five times. I actually went to hardcore a few times when that happened.”

Steve then said “Hardcore?! You’re too delicate for there!”

Rana said “I know you’re just saying that because you’re letting your anger boil inside you. I can see it in your face.”

Steve said “I am very angry at you right now. But, I will not yell at you just yet for that” and went to sleep in the middle of the living room.

A couple hours later it was dinnertime.

Alex woke up Steve and when he woke up, Rana walked with him to the table.

Rana helped him pull his chair out and said “Sir, would you like me to bring you your dinner?”

Steve sat down and said “I know you're trying to get something for me! Noor has used this on me hundreds of times! He didn’t stop  acting like that until I Got him what he wanted!” 

Noor said “Hey Steve. Umm would you mind letting me take greifing lessons?”

“What did Alex say?”

“She said “We’ll all talk about it””

Alex said “Yeah. Do any of you kids have any other requests?”

Sunny said “Becoming a redstone master.”

Steve said “Okay. Me and Alex will discuss those things tonight. We’ll report back to you tomorrow. Noor, your request will probably take some talking to you for a while”

After dinner, Rana accidentally tripped Steve when he was carrying his dinner plate over to be washed.

Steve caught the plate just before it broke.

Three hours later, Steve said “Alrighty kids! All of you to bed! Noor, you stay here with us”

Noor stayed on the couch with Steve and Alex.

Alex said “Noor, griefing is a very picky thing. If you do one thing just a little wrong, you may be thrown in the void.”

Steve said “Alex, I don’t really care what he does as long as he doesn’t touch my PvP things! Those are all going to Zuri when it’s game over for me”

Alex said “Steven Slvester Oliver Swampnil Stevenson Stonecutter! You better not be serious about that”

“It’s Swapnil! You know that!”

“Well, maybe when you become more responsible I will stop it! Got it Steven?”

Noor said “May I go to bed?”

Alex said “Not yet!”

Steve said “Don’t you know anything? PvP legends always have a phase where they don’t care what other people do as long as they keep their hands off their PvP things. Although it usually happens when the legend is around 20 or 30 not close to 80. Welp, guess I better call the council to tll them that phase is starting.”

Steve then pulled out his phone and called the council.

The person on the other end said “Hi Steve. What’s the problem? You dialed the quick contact part of the council.”

Steve said “Yeah… you know that phase pretty much every legend has when they want nobody to touch their PvP things and people they care about can do anything else?”


“That phase just started for me.”

“Okay. We’ll put it on your file sir” and added it to his file  

“Thank you for your time” and hung up.

Steve put his phone away and headed for bed. 

Alex then said “Noor, go right to bed! I’ve got to think of an idea to get Steve back!”

Noor said “What about if you-”

“I don’t need your ideas! I already have one!”

Alex then went to bed.

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