+3 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

The next day at around 6:30, the keeper of the inventory arrived at Steve’s house with her kids.

The five year old rang the doorbell three times. 

Steve was still sleeping in bed at that time. When the doorbell rang, he slowly got up and went downstairs and opened the door.

The keeper of the inventory said “Here’s a list of everything you’ll need to know.” and handed Steve a paper.

Alex came down, hair messed up and said “Bye. I’m leaving in an hour or so.”

Steve laughed and said “Bad hair day huh Alex?”

Alex grabbed a sweet berry and threw it at Steve’s face and said “Says the one who just got hit with a sweet berry!”

Ari came down with the rest of her siblings and said “Alex, why are there these kids here?”

The keeper of inventory said “Your parents are watching my kids today.”

Steve went to the kitchen and made waffles for everyone. 

When he was done, he yelled “Breakfast!”

Everyone came running. 

One of the keeper of the inventory’s kids threw a waffle at Steve’s face and Steve yelled “Kids! No throwing food!”

Then the keeper of the inventory said “Goodbye kiddos, I trust you you’ll all be on your best behavior for Steve. He will tell you if any of you misbehave!”

One of the kids said “Get out dad!”

Steve said “You have to get to work as a Keeper of the inventory.”

“I do, don’t I?” and laughed and left.

When the keeper of the inventory was gone and everyone had eaten breakfast, Alex said “Steve, I’m going out”

Steve kissed Alex and Alex left.

Steve said “So, kids, why not introduce yourselves to all of us?”

The shortest one weakly said “I’m Lynda”

Then the second shortest said “I’m Larry”

Then the middle one  said “I’m Lucy”

The tallest one said “I’m Lily”

The last one said “I’m Leo”

Steve said “Hello kids. All of you to the TV!”

Lily then grabbed some sweet berry and sprayed it on Steve.”

Steve grabbed a paper from nearby and wrote down what Lily did and the time. 

Steve said “Okay, Lily, you realize I wrote down what you just did.”

Then everyone went to the living room. Steve set up a kids’ PvP show and said “Noor, come outside with me for a few minutes.”

Steve went outside with Noor and said “Noor-”

“I know what's coming! You’ll scold me for getting kicked out right?”

Steve laughed kindly and said “No! I just wanted to congratulate you.”

“For what?!”

“What you did to help me be able to remain low. Sadly, the news team probably will come by later because your mom told them I had respawned”

Noor said “There is a reason I got kicked out Alex doesn’t know about.”

Steve quickly turned his head towards Noor and said “Really? What is it?”

“Well, I ate in class. I also threw a bunch of sweet berries at people in the cafeteria and lastly I sprayed glow berry juice in one of my teacher’s eyes. Please don’t tell Alex!”

Steve sighed and said “Well…I can either keep it a secret from her, tell her or have you tell her.”

“Which one?”

“Probably not the first one. But, I’ll sleep on it. I’ll wait up to a week.”

Noor said “Please don’t make me tell her! When she found out, she made me do triple chores for a month!”

Steve said “I’m still angry with you. I’ll keep it a secret for the short term.”


Steve came back inside with Noor and the kids were all watching Steve’s favorite show.

Steve turned off the TV and said “Not appropriate for the younger ones!”

He then set up a board game for them and said “I trust you to all behave while I make lunch”

He then went into the kitchen and started to make lunch.

When he was about to flip his burger, Larry came in and said “Lynda pushed me!”

Steve wrote down what Lynda did and said “Great job!”

Noor then ran in and said “Lily has run away!”

Steve’s eyes darted towards Noor and he started to breathe heavily.

He quickly and uneasily said “Did she happen to tell you where? Did you happen to see where she headed?”

Noor said “I’m sorry. Both are no.”

Steve turned off the oven and said “Let’s go!”

He went to the living room and said “All of you, please come with me. My kids however can stay behind.”

All the kids looked at each other and the keeper of the inventory’s kids said “Why do we have to come?”

“I don’t trust you. Now let’s go!”

And grabbed all of them and ran out.

Steve saw Lily heading into the forest. He knew that forest was extremely dangerous. 

He tried to speed walk to the forest before Lily entered it. 

But, when he was halfway there, Lily entered the forest.

When Steve saw that, he sprinted towards the forest dragging the kids behind him. He was darting in between trees and after a half hour of running, he found her and caught up to her.

Steve let go of all the kids and grabbed Lily tightly and said “Kids, you’re all coming with me!”

All the kids looked at Steve and said “No!”

Steve said “Kids!” sternly “I don’t want to lose the keeper of the inventory’s trust!”

Leo and Lucy said “We don’t care about Trisha Erica McBride!”

Steve said “Woah there! Never do that!”

All the kids came back with Steve.

Steve swung his door open and said “Everyone please sit down.”

Zuri said “Steve, Efe ran away”

Steve saw Efe running into the woods.

Steve called Efe and said “Efe! Get back here right now!”

Efe said “I’m sorry, I was worried about you and now, how do I get home?”

“You got lost!?”


Steve burrowed his face into his hands and said “I’m so in trouble!”

Then Efe screamed loudly and said “Umm Steve, I may have fallen into a pit full of creepers and endermen!”

Steve yelped and said “Kids, you’re all coming with me!”

All the kids got up and said “We’re all  so hungry”

“I know.”

Steve then went out to get Efe with all the kids. Steve arrived at the creeper and enderman pit and saw Efe was on the ledge.

Steve slowly climbed down and then said “Efe, follow me out.”

He slowly climbed out and just when he was about to get outside, he fell into the bottom of the pit. 

Steve yelled “Nobody rescue me!” and started to climb out. He just made it up to the ledge without anything attacking.

Efe climbed out with great ease and Steve practically had to struggle to get out. Once out, Steve was out of breath..

Zuri said “Steve? You think-”

Noor said “We can go home now?”

Zuri said “That;s not it. But yeah and you’ll be okay?”

Steve said “Yeah, I think…  I can… go home now.”

Steve walked home very slowly. When he was about to leave the forest he snagged his pant leg on some sweet berries. Zuri picked up the pieces that ripped off

When they got home, Steve sighed and finished making his lunch.

He then gave everyone their lunch and Lynda,  and Lucy threw their burger at Steve’s face covering his face in grease. Then Leo yelled “1 2 3 4! I declare a condiment war!”

Noor grabbed the ketchup and squirted it at Steve. 

Leo and Lucy grabbed mustard and squirted it at Steve.

Lynda grabbed the ketchup and squirted it on the carpet and then everyone started to spread ketchup and mustard all over the floor and walls.

Steve yelled “Enough! All my kids to your rooms!”

The keeper of the inventory’s kids said “What will you do to us?”

“Oh. I’ve already written down what all of you did.

Lynda grabbed the paper with the info and destroyed it.

Steve grabbed the shreds and said “I can easily tape this!”

Steve said “I expected a little misbehavior but this much?! This is nuts!”

Noor said “Why not set us all up with a show and hide the remote so you can clean in peace?”

“What a great idea!”

Steve then set up a show for the kids and hid the remote in his safe in his room.

He then grabbed the cleaning things from his bathroom and went downstairs.

When Steve got down, he saw the kids were watching a show that even Steve couldn’t watch.

Steve stammered and said “How?!”

Makenna said “Perhaps you forgot we got one that can have a redstone remote.”

Steve groaned and said “My kids, put everything in your inventories, put it in the storage chests in your room!”

Efe said “About when will you do this month’s organization check?”

Steve said “I never told you before. Why do you think I will now?! Especially when I’m this angry at you!? You know what?! Banned from technology and have to live on your own for a week! First, there will be no tech because in a week from tomorrow Alex is going to be on a business trip for a week!”

Efe cried extremely hard and said “She said we could come too!”

Steve sighed and said “Can I come too?”

“She said no.”

“Oh.Okay”  at that moment he began to get the tiniest bit suspicious.

He didn’t think anything of it because he was using his best judgment.

Efe then said “What’s the substitute punishment?”

“You have to read all my PvP books by the end of the year and on the day after you complete reading them, I’ll give you a test and have it count for school!”

“What?! That’s a little much even for you!”

Steve rolled his eyes and said “Fine two weeks, absolutely no tech!”

Lily then said “Steve, my favorite show starts in a few minutes! It’s on 123”

Steve went upstairs and got the remote and turned to channel 123.

Steve sat down with the kids and said “I’ll just watch this for about five minutes to see if I deem it appropriate!”

Seven minutes later Steve had deemed it perfectly appropriate.

He then went to clean the stains on the carpet and while he was cleaning muttered things like “Why do these kids make me do so much work?”

He had finished cleaning the carpet  two hours later.

Steve tried to get up but couldn’t.

Zuri watched Steve struggle to get up and ran over to him and said “Want some help getting up?”

Steve said “Yeah”

Zuri offered him her hand and Steve accepted and got pulled up.

Steve said “Thanks.”

Steve then went to clean the walls.

About three hours later, he was done.cleaning the walls. 

Then Steve got a call from Alex saying “Hi Steve, I’m on my way home, I’ll be home in about four hours.”

Steve said “My phone says five!”

“Whatever, I’ll be home before midnight. I don’t want a repeat of the last time I left you alone with the kids and they were awake at 3:00 A.M when I got home!”

Then Steve started to make dinner and about an hour later, was done.

He yelled “Dinnertime!”

All the kids came running except Zuri. Steve went over to Zuri and said “Honey, why aren’t you coming over?”

Zuri burrowed her face into Steve and said “I miss Alex.”

Steve said “Aww, She’ll be back by tomorrow.”

Zuri then came over with Steve and all the kids were squishing their dinner.

Steve said “Kids! What did I tell you about this?”

Everyone ate their dinner.

At around 9:00 the keeper of the inventory called Steve and said “I’m sorry, Steve. I will be there in a few minutes. I was just kept late.”

Steve laughed warmly and said “It’s all good!”

Then the kids started to try and get into Steve’s PvP cabinet.

When the keeper of the inventory arrived, Steve got all her kids and gave her the paper with how the kids misbehaved.

The keeper of the inventory said “Thank you.”

Steve closed the door and saw them pull away.

Steve then said “Alrighty kids! Since last time Alex left me alone with you, I’ve gotten stricter! Efe! Bedtime now!”

Efe went to bed and said “Tonight’s the night Alex always styles my hair”

Steve said “Well… if you haven’t realized she hasn’t been home all day!”

Efe then went to bed and an hour later, Steve said “Alright kids. The rest of you have to go to bed now!”

Zuri said “Steve, do I have to?”

“Yeah. I’m tired right now!” 

Zuri went to her bedroom and wrote down what Steve had difficulty doing that he shouldn’t have.

An hour later, Alex got home and Steve was asleep on the couch.

Alex said “Aww, he just tries so hard.” and kissed Steve and headed to bed.\

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