+4 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (539k points)

Steve saw the house was perfect. 

He then sniffed the air and said “Someone is burning something!”

Alex rushed to the kitchen to see Efe making cookies.

Steve said “Efe! I want no more cookies in the house!”

Efe started to cry and said “I was just trying to make cookies for the council!”

Steve sat down at the counter and said “Efe, they aren’t able to accept food from legends or their kids. Well… last time I tried was like three years ago. It may have changed.”

“You technically aren’t a legend anymore! You’re becoming one tonight!:”

Alex ran into the kitchen at that time and said “Efe! Say sorry to him now!”

“No! I was just trying to make a good impression!”

Steve said “Okay, I’ll try to give them to the council. But, you messed up. Let me help you”

Alex said “Steve, you may not remember this but, last time you made cookies…you failed miserably. Let me help her!”

Steve said “Okay.” and went back to the hot tub.

He wa horrified to find Zuri’s friends were all in there with Zuri.

Seve yelled “Get out! Alex got that for me!”

All Zuri’s friends said “Why should we? You’re a hasbeen nobody likes!”

Steve said “Words hurt you know! This will wound will never heal. You know what? I’ll battle the best one of you. Not including Zuri. If I win, you have to permanently exit this village! If you win, you can come over whenever you want.”

Zuri said “Steve, please! No! You can't even lift a sword, much less battle!”

Steve said “Zuri, this is for your own good. This kind of friend will eventually move onto making fun of you.”

Zuri said “No! I’ll fill in for Steve!”

The tallest one in there said “No! He was the one who challenged me he has to do it! You want to battle Steve? Let’s battle.”

Steve looked at the kid and gulped and saw that they were three inches taller than him.

Zuri said “Steve, please don’t do this!”

Steve said “Actually, I know the council will hate me doing this. But, I forfeit.”

The kid said “So… I win automatically?”

Steve said “Yeah.”

Alex then said “Steve, get inside!”

Steve went inside and said “Yeah?”

“Can you please get everyone to their houses?”

Steve said “Okay” and went outside and said “Kids, time to go home!”

All the kids said “You said we could come over whenever we want! Also, we can help you make this lawn look presentable.”

Steve said “Alex! They'll help make this house look presentable!”

Alex said “Okay, let them stay. But, put them to work. Also, You have to clean the sides of the house.”

“Are you crazy?! I can’t even lift a sword!”

“Well… if you don’t want them to be impressed, go ahead!”

The tallest kid said “I could do that for him!”

Alex said “Good! Steve, you decorate”

“That’s frowned upon! The council is supposed to do all the decorating with help from th guests.”

“Oh. What can you do to help prepare for it?”

“Pick out the kids’ outfits”


Steve went upstairs and saw all the kids had already picked out their outfit. Everyone except Zuri.

Steve went back out and said “Zuri! Pick out an outfit for tonight!”

Zuri said “I didn’t know the standard. I wanted to wait for you to help me.”


They then went upstairs and picked out Zuri’s outfit. 

That night at 6:00 the council arrived. Steve answered the door and said “Welcome. Are you able to accept food from anyone you come to now?”

One of them said “Nope! I thought you researched. Well, you will fail the test.”

Steve gulped and said “Oh. Can I do it now?”

“Yeah” and handed over a paper.

Steve looked through it and said “Dang it! I know I’ll fail this!”

A half hour later, he had completed it.

The council looked through his answers and said “Never have we seen a score as low as yours! You will never be a legend again! Hand over your certificate!”

Zuri said “There must be some mistake! He never gets questions about PvP wrong! Please check again!”

Steve said “Zuri! No! You’ll get your rank removed too!”

“Oh, we forgot about that Steve. Since Zuri is ranked, we can remove her rank!”

Steve said, "Is there any hope?”


Zuri said “If he wins a battle with one of you, can he?”

Steve said “Not how they do things!”
One of the council members said “Now it’s allowed. Steve, are you okay with it?”

Alex said “No! He can’t even lift a sword!”

The council said “Tsk tsk tsk. If he passes the easy quiz, he can be a legend in training for five years then we'll see.”

Steve said “Let me at it!” and got handed the easy version

He failed.

When the council saw the score, they said “Yeah, you’ll have to start at the bottom and work your way up!”

“Will my battle count reset?”

“Nope. You can become a legend if Zuri gives it to you”

Zuri said “Is it easy to get a legacy back after losing it?”

Steve said “Zuri, I honestly have no idea.”

The council said “If you give t up, all your battles will go to him. Unless you sign all the forms required to make you do it. If you give it up to him, it’s insanely difficult to earn it back”

“How do we earn it back?”

“Winning more points in battles than he has. He has 1,000,000 points. You only have 10,000 points.”

Zuri said “Deal”

Steve said “Zuri, No! It will be a whole lot easier for me to do it.”

“Are you nuts?! You even forfeited a battle just earlier today because you kow yu can’t lift a sword!”

The council said “If this is true, he’ll have to hand the legacy crown to another family.”

Steve looked at Alex who was mouthing to tell the truth.

Steve sighed and said “Unfortunately, it is. If there is any way of getting my legacy back, I’d like to know it.”

The council all huddled and discussed.

After the discussion, they said well… the tests were just a formality. You didn’t have to pass. But now we know you forfeit a battle and on the day you become a legend no less, you can never be a legend again!”

Alex said “Guys, maybe you should see Steve’s PvP items collection. Will that change your mind?”

Steve begged “Alex please no! They will now take my most prized thing from each.”

The council said “Steve, maybe you can be a member of the council.”

“I thought legends weren’t allowed to.”

“Remember you aren’t one anymore?”

Zuri said “Whichever one of you is best I will have a battle with and if I win, you have to give him his title back! If you win, you can take all his PvP irreplaceables”

Steve said “No no no! We won’t be doing that!”

The council said “Once a battle has been given to us, we must do it. Council rules!”

Steve said “Okay.”

Zuri said “Don’t worry. I got this.”

The council said “We’re supposed to be out of the house by 7:30 so, bye see you in a week. The battle will be in Steve’s old arena” and left

Steve grabbed Zuri and shook her shoulders and yelled “You probably ruined my life! There is no way you can beat one of them! They have been the only battles I’ve lost unwillingly!”

Zuri said “A week is plenty of time to get good enough to beat them. Right?”

Steve sighed and said “A measly week is nothing compared to how much time it took me to be the face of PvP. We do have the time to study my style though”

“Really? You think that will help me?”

“Nope. Better than nothing.”

The council then came back in and said “We have to do the battle tonight.  Go to Steve’s old arena right away. Tonight, we’re allowed to stay late because of the battle!”

Steve tugged his collar and said “Let us all change. These really aren’t proper outfits for going to a dirty battle arena.”

“Okay. You better be there within three hours!” and left.

Steve burrowed his face in his hands and said “Zuri. Why did you challenge them?If you lose this battle, I will move away and start over in a village as close to this one as possible.”

Zuri wailed “I thought they were people that wanted to be legends but fell short of the criteria!”

Steve then yelled “Kids! We’re going to my old arena for a battle Zuri’s in!”

All his kids came down in their normal outfits and Steve,, Alex and Zuri changed into their outfit they always wore for locations like this.

Steve said “Okay, this is my first battle ever I’m going to at night.”

“How did you know there’s a medic there?”

“I’ve watched them”


Steve said “We should've left a minute ago and the council is very strict about time! I’ve been a minute latw to meetings and they completely lose it! They ruin the building they are closest to!”

Alex said “Guys, let’s go.”

All of them rushed to the car and got in. Steve had Efe sit in the front so, he could show Zuri videos.

When they got there, everyone was nearly asleep.

Steve said “Okay, Zuri, I’ll give you a special potion of awakening. Extremely short length. “

Alex said “You carry that with you?”

“Yeah.” and handed her the potion.Zuri had it then Zuri ran in and said “Bye!”

“Bye! I’ll be in seat A1.”

Alex went into the arena with the rest of the family and sat in their seats. 

When the battle started, Zuri instantly started to walk around with a sword held at the wrong spot on the handle.

Steve yelled “Zuri! Position 55X! Open form!”

Zuri got into position 55X and started to attack.

After Zuri had diminished the opponent’s health to three, she was at one. Zuri reached for a healing potion as the opponent swung their sword down.

Zuri found it just as the sword touched the armor. 

She was halfway done when the opponent made it through and Steve was biting his nails fast. When the opponent was touching her, she completed the potion.

Zuri then just stood there.

Steve yelled “Do something! Use a tool to get through his armor. It’s just gold!”

The council said “Actually it’s gold encrusted netherite covered in diamond!”

“The mythical void armor?!”


Steve gulped and said “All swords  will break on that except the vod sword and the netherite coated diamond coated netherite sword.”

Steve was biting his nails faster than he was before. 

Alex yelled “Zuri! Do not use your sword on him! Use an arrow!”

Zuri threw an arrow at the opponent and Steve covered his eyes because the opponent placed lava right near Zuri.

When the battle was over the council came up to him and said “Steve, We will be coming by tomorrow for the ceremony. “

Alex said “Zuri, you don’t have to go to school tomorrow!” when Zuri ran up to her.

Steve hugged her and said “Oh my gosh! You will never need to take any PvP classes again!”

Zuri said “Umm, I like the classes. They really have made my skill improve a lot.”

Steve said “Aww”

Noor said “Do I have to take any more classes?”

“Yes! You need to wait until you’ve passed it twice!”

Alex said “Steve, tomorrow we’ll have a meeting with him.”

Noor said “Why are you making all of us do the PvP classes at school?”

Efe said “Yeah, you could do it or you could have the council do it every day.”

Noor shoved her and said “Don’t give him any ideas! You know he’ll do one of them.”

Steve said “Nope! I’m sticking with the one I’m currently making you take.”

Noor said “Steve, I am tired.”

Everyone else said “Yeah us too.”

Zuri said “Steve, do I really not have to go to school tomorrow?”

Steve yawned and said “I don’t think any of you will have to”

Alex said “Yeah, they will be too tired.”

Zuri said “Can we just-”

She  got cut off by a member of council saying “Hey Zuri, do you want this set of void armor?”

Steve said “I’ll answer for her.”

“No you won’t!”

Zuri said “Well… I’ve never heard of it. So, let me talk to Steve .”

Steve said “Yes. It is the strongest armor or tool of all time!”

Zuri said “Yes”

“Okay, you have to agree to let nobody else touch it.”

Zuri said “Even Steve?”


Steve said “Umm, what would happen if someone else were to touch it?”

“Oh, they would be put in the starvation pit for a week!”

Steve gulped and said “Okay, I’ll try and let nobody else touch it.”

“How exactly will you know if anyone else touches it?”

“Oh, We’ll add a tiny camera to each part to make sure nobody touches it!”

“Oh” said Steve and Zuri

The council said “So?”

Zuri said “Yes!”

“Wait, it’s either the armor or the title back”

Zuri looked at Steve who was pointing at himself.

Zuri sighed and said “Void armor sounds epic. But, it would be nothing without Steve being a legend.”

The council said “The ceremony will be tomorrow at 1:00 PM!”

Steve left the arena with his family and patted Zuri on the back and said “I’ve never been so happy with you. You know what? Tomorrow after the ceremony, we’re going to a movie!”

Zuri said “Steve, no offense to you. But, I don’t want to hang out with you. I want to go to Minecraft legends. But, you can hang out with me there!”

Steve said “Can I assume you don’t want to attend my ceremony tomorrow.”

Alex then yawned really big and said “I’m going home now with or without you two”

Then they all went to the car.

IOnce they got home, they all went right to bed.

Steve wanted to stay up with Zuri but, Alex pushed Steve’s out of Zuri’s room and said “Sorry about that”

The next morning, Steeve woke u at 12:45.

He ran downstairs to see his entire family getting his house ready, they said “There you go. We were worried we would have to cancel the ceremony”

“I might as well be sleeping now! I won’t be able to get ready in time!”

Then the council arrived and Alex let the council in and said “Hello, Steve will be ready in about an hour or two. He takes this very seriously.”

The council said “Okay. He has one full battle to get ready.”

Alex set up the longest video of Steve doing PvP that they had.

Alex said “Steve! If you’re not in our room, come there now.”

Steve carefully ran up the stairs avoiding all creaky floorboards.

When he got to his room, Alex said “Alright I bought you some time. I put in your longest battle for them to watch.”

Stee then snuck to the bathroom and got in the shower.

30 minutes later, he was done. He got our very carefully and dried off.

He then went back to his room and got into his fancy outfit.

He then went back to the bathroom and brushed his hair to make himself look presentable.

Then the council yelled “Ready!”

Alex said “Why not have some cookies? You must be hungry”

“Well… The rules have changed. Not sure if we should though”

Steve then put on his tie and came down.

Alex Sasaid “Kids! Backyard now!”

Then it started to rain.

The council said “Yeah, maybe an indoor ceremony.”

Steve said “Fine. Will I still get the awning?”

“Nope but you do get two free backyard accessories of your choice”

Zuri said “And I didn't even get one!?”

Steve crouched down next to Zuri and said “I’m much older than you.”

The council said “Yeah. That’s why.”

Then it stopped raining.

They all went back outside and started the ceremony.

The council said “Steve, do you agree to these rules?”\ and pulled out a paper.

Steve said “Let me see them.” and got handed the rules.

He read through it and said “I knew most of these.” and handed the paper back.

He the got handed a sword and had to hold it up for the typical battle length and he could just barely do it.

The council said “So, what backyard structures would you like?”

All the kids were saying “pool”.

Steve said “Pool and…”

Zuri said “Treehouse!”

And all the other kids said “Yeah!”

Steve said “a treehouse.”

Te council said “Aww, nobody has ever done anything for someone else. You get the kindest legend award.”

Steve said :When do you expect for both to be done by?”

“A week for the pool. A day or two for the treehouse.”

“A day or two From when I design it right?”

“Umm no, you just get input. So, on a scale of 1-10 how epic to you want.”

Steve sighed and said “Ten”

All the kids said “Steve! You know that will cost a whole lot of money”

Steve said “Yeah.”

The council said “Actually, the maximum we can afford right now is five. If you would have had this a week earlier, then we could have done a ten”

Steve said “The PvP council is in trouble?!”

“Yeah. We’re actually asking all legends to donate 100 diamonds or more to us. We’re asking for them to mail it. But with you guys, you have to donate 500”

Steve pulled the five hundred diamonds out of his pocket and accidentally made his precious locket fall out.

Steve crouched down to pick it up. 

The council said “”Steve, Steve, Steve, you do get to design the treehouse. We’ll hire the building council to build it.”

Noor then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small item he didn’t know what it was. 

Alex then said “Steve’ please?”

Steve looked over at Noor and grabbed the item and said “Oh my gosh. One of my friends who is now building the clouds used to always invite me with totally amazing invites. I probably forgot all about this one because to get in, we needed to give the invite to her.”

He activated the item and out popped the invite and it was for a party that was 45 years before.

Steve started to cry and said “Time to add this to my memories box.”

Zuri said “Oh, that dusty old thing? I Got a new box for the items becaus the box was falling apart.”

Alex said “Really she didn’t”

The council said “Anyways, Steve, you have a week to design the best treehouse you can design”

Steve said “Great! Bye!”

The council then left and Steve began to design.

A week later, the council came back to look at the plans and said “Building council!? Come out!”

A couple weeks later, they were all done with the pool and the treehouse.

All the kids then came out to look when they were done and said “Thanks!”

The PvP council said “We could add a hot tub up in the treehouse”

Steve said “Nah. I’m really the only one that uses it. I’m really not supposed to go up there.”

Alex said “Steve, I think one of those backyard playgrounds will really make our home look nice.”

Steve said “You think we have the space?!”


“Then why did you suggest it?!”

Then all the kids ran up to the treehouse and said “Steve! There’s no chairs or tables! We were all promised chairs and tables!”

Steve said “Yeah. I requested tables and chairs!”

The PvP council said “Steve! You can set them up”

Alex said “No he can’t!”

The council said “Prove it. Do you have a note that says that you can’t carry that heavy of things up ladders?”


“Then he has to”

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