+12 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

Once home, Steve said “Zuri, were there any big games while I was out?”

Zuri said “Nope.”

“Well… at least I didn’t miss your first big game.”

The trainer then came by and said “Steve? May I please come in?”

Steve said “Nope! You’ve already ruined me!” and slammed the door on her face.

Zuri said “Steve, I have something I want to tell you. It will be a little hard for you to get used to.”

Steve said “Please don’t tell me our legacy is done!”

Zuri said “Our legacy is over.”

Steve started to cry and said “You’re kidding right?”

Zuri said “No”

“You are still kidding!”

Alex said “Steve, she’s telling the truth.” flatly.

Steve said “Zuri, I’m sorry you never got to have the joy of using my legacy.” tears streaming down his face

Alex said “Actually the legacy isn’t over”

Steve stopped crying and said “Really?”

That night after when the kids were all in bed, Alex said “Yes”

Steve said “I’m ready to tell you why I said I don’t want to go to the Nether I’m a banana all those years ago.”

Alex said “That was a weird day.I always wondered why you said that.”

Steve said “I was deathly afraid of the nether and still kind of am. You had no clue how terrified I was at Ghast’s lodge when Noor went there with me”

Noor then came down and said “Steve, I can’t sleep.”

Steve said “Okay, I'll be right up to mindlessly talk about PvP.. Alex, you stay here.”

Steve then came up to Noor’s room and sat on the edge of the bed and began to talk about PvP. At around 2:00 he still hadn’t gotten to sleep. 

Steve yelled “Alex! Noor can’t sleep!”

Alex came upstairs slowly and said “Noor, I’ll give you some sleeping potion and handed Noor a little sleeping potion.

Noor drank it and went to sleep instantly.

Alex said “Steve, remember, tomorrow night we’re hosting a sleepover with the kids' best friends. They will most likely bother you about showing off your skill.”

Steve said “When will they be coming?”

“Between 3 and 4”

“Urrg, I have to make a double meal?”


Steve then said “Any sleep potion for me?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t carry any that is made for legends”

Steve then nodded and went to bed and instantly fell asleep.

The next morning, he woke up at 10:45. 

He yawned and yelled “I’m so late!”

Alex woke up and said “To what?”

“A big PvP meeting. I just hope Zuri’s in the meeting” and rushed to Zuri’s room to see Zuri at the meeting.

He breathed heavily and said “Zuri, did you join at 7:00?”

“Yes. I take this kind of thing seriously unlike you! Also, an hour ago they said if you didn’t join in a half hour the legacy would be over.”

Steve yelled “And you didn’t think to wake me?!”

“I tried but you were so deeply asleep I couldn’t. I even tried playing an enderman sound right near you.”

The people at the meeting said “Zuri! Stop talking to that wannabe legend! This meeting is for legends only!”

Steve said “I’ll just leave this room. Remember  Zuri Stay after the meeting, talk to them and see if they will give me my title back.”

The one running it said “Nope! You still have to attend. You’re still a legend until the end of the meeting.”

Steve said “Please let this meeting last forever then”

Zuri said “I’m sorry, there’s only 15 minutes left.”

Steve started to cry and ran into his room and got onto the meeting.

Everyone said “Goodbye Steve. We’re deleting you from the list in front of all these legends! Unless someone can and will think of a good reason for us not to. Steve, you can’t give a reason. There’s a minute until you’re deleted.”

Zuri then said “I have a reason. His legacy is the one diamond in the grass that is his life.”

The one running the meeting said “Hmm… that will extend the legacy for a week. Then we’ll have an official ceremony.”

Then  Endy said “I have a reason. He’s the one everyone knows of. If he’s not a legend, who will be the face of PvP?”

The one running the meeting said “That reason saved your title Steve. But, if you’re ever late to any of these meetings again you will be like a clay sword thrown to the side of history. Understand?”

Steve said “Yes I completely understand.”

The one running the meeting said “Good.”

Then the meeting ended.

Steve began to cry tears of joy and said “He really does want to be my friend!”

Zuri came in and said “Sorry I didn't wake you up. Honestly I didn’t try. You just looked like you were having a good dream.”

Steve said “You know what?! Just for this… you have to make dinner tonight!”

Alex said “Steve, not tonight!”

Steve then said “Kids! Get in here!”

All the kids got in the room.

Steve said  “Kathy’s going to watch you while me and Alex go and do some shopping for a surprise tonight.”

Kathy then arrived and said “Ready.”

Steve yelled “You better behave! If you don’t we can cancel the surprise! Remember Kathy don’t say anything to ruin it” and left with Alex.

Alex said “Steve, I don’t think this is a good idea. I don’t want you to get banned for real.”

Steve said “Aww. We can’t cancel now”

Then they arrived at the store. 

Alex said “You get the video games I get the others.”

Steve nodded and said “Got it!”

Steve went into the video games store and grabbed all the games on the list. He then saw the ultimate PvP game.

He said “I probably shouldn’t get this. But, I can’t help it.” and added it to the basket.

He then saw a kid with his mother whining about not getting the PvP game. 

The mother said “No! Not one legend has even bought this as far as I’m aware! And you know the rules, only games PvP legends have bought.”

Steve went up to them and said “Guys, I overheard your little argument and I’m actually getting that game. You are thinking of getting The ultimate PvP game right?”

The kid said “Yeah. Thanks Steve. Looking forward to that sleepover tonight!”

Steve then paid for all the games and left. 

When He left, Alex was waiting for him.

Alex said “Okay, Now, time to go home.”

Steve and Alex got in the car and went home.

When they got home, Steve saw the house was a mess.

Steve said “Kathy. How could you let this happen?”

“I just went to the bathroom and when I came out, the house was a mess.”

Steve said “Please tell me my awards are all safe!” and ran to his room to find the kids destroying his awards.

Zuri looked up and saw Steve and said “This isn’t what it looks like!” and laughed nervously.

Steve said “Maybe I need to keep them in a locked cabinet.”

Alex came up and said “Kids! You know not to touch any of his PvP things, especially his awards! You know what?! After tomorrow you’re all grounded!”

Zuri said, “But, Steve was going to throw me a party in two days to celebrate making me a legend.”

Alex said “I’m guessing he won't approve of that anymore.”

Steve said “Yeah Alex! You’re right. Because of your complete and utter disregard for my personal property it’s canceled!”

Makenna then picked up the diamond studded gold sword and smashed it.

Steve fell to his knees and yelled “Out!”

Alex said “You heard him. All of you out.”

All the kids left.

Steve said “You too Alex!”

Alex quickly left and closed the door.

Alex said “Kids. Your father will get angry really fast right now. I would suggest coming downstairs with me”

Abou two hours later people started to arrive for the sleepover. Steve was still trying to repair his broken awards.

After an hour, he had completed repairing them and said “Good thing no council member will be coming here.”

Then a council member came into the room Steve was in and said “Steve? What happened? Why do you have the PvP award repair kit out?”

Steve burrowed his face in his hands and said “I’m doomed! My legacy is about to become a clay sword flung to the side of history”

The council member said “Geez Steve! If you don’t want to tell, you don’t have to.”

Steve said “One of the rules is when a council member asks a legend something, they need to answer it. The answer is,” he sighed heavily “My kids did it.”


Steve knew he had to lie at that moment to keep his legacy alive. So, he said “Yes.”

The council member said “Good. Because if it wasn’t… your legacy would be thrown away. Removed from history!”

Steve said “Yeah. Why don't you leave my house until tomorrow.”

The council member said “Yeah. I really should. My family is waiting for me at home. I’ve got to make dinner” and left.

Steve breathed extremely heavily when they left the room and put away the repair kit and put his awards back up.

He then noticed one diamond was on the ground with a chip of gold.  Steve took down the diamond studded sword and tried to figure out where it was and couldn’t.

He said “Dare I admit the kids did it on purpose to the council to get it repaired?”

Steve said “Nope! I better just stick with the lie.”

Then all the kids ran up and started to pick up his awards.

Steve said “Put those back just where you found them!”

Zuri then came in and said “Why not destroy my PvP awards? I’m much younger and my awards are a lot newer meaning they’re stronger”

All the kids looked at Steve and said “Is that true?”

Steve knew it wasn’t but he wanted to protect his awards. So, he said “Yes”

All the kids ran to Zuri's room and started to demolish her awards. Once every one one had been demolished, the kids ran to Steve’s room and said “We need to destroy yours now.”

Steve said “Umm video game time!” and rushed all of them downstairs and set up a video game he had got.

He turned on the system and ran up to Zuri’s room and started to repair the awards. About an hour and a half later, he had completed it and ran back downstairs to see the kids playing his PvP game.

Steve said “You better not be using my account!”

Noor said “We would never”

Alex said “Don’t worry. They aren’t”

Steve then went to start dinner to find Zuri in there making cookies.

Steve said “Aww. Did Alex give you permission?”

Zuri hung her head and said “No”

Strve said “Go out there. They’re playing a PvP game.”

“I hate that game! I tried it before I came here.”

Steve said “Zuri, me and Alex need to punish you for this.”

Alex came in and said “Zuri! You said quick snack! You’ve been here for over 15 minutes! Did Steve say you could make cookies?”


“Yeah this will require discipline! You’re grounded.”

“Can I please do a nighttime PvP game? There are sign ups that close tomorrow at noon.”

Steve said “Well… When is it?”

“August 13 at midnight.”

Steve said “Yeah. You can do it.”

Alex said “Woah there Steve! I will not let her be exposed to the dangers there!”

Steve said “Alex, the nighttime ones are generally safer than regular ones. There’s always a medic in the arena in case of an emergency!”

Alex said “Really, show me one now!”

Steve pulled up a video of a nighttime PvP game when suddenly his phone flashed to red, then it turned off and it said beware in red letters.

Steve said “Probably just nothing” and laughed nervously.

Alex said “Steve, get rid of that phone! It's not the best thing to keep.”

Then the video turned back on and got completed.

Alex said “I guess”

Steve said “Zuri, she now approves.”

Then he started dinner. Zuri completed her cookies and baked them. When they were done, Zuri wanted to take them out. Steve didn’t trust her to. So, he did it for her.

Zuri said “Can I eat one yet?” and reached for one

Steve slapped her hand away with the spatula hee was holding and said “They're too hot and it’s too close to dinner!”

Zuri said “Please?”

“I said no!”


“What part of no are you having trouble with! Now go to the living room. Alex is setting up a game for all of you.

All the kids then came in and said “Ooh, cookies!” and reached for them. Steve tried to slap all their hands away but one of the guests touched the pan and got burnt.

Steve yelled “Alex, I need you!”

Alex came in and saw the burn and said “Steve?”

Steve said “I tried to stop them!”

Zuri said “Steve! You realize this is the kid of the legend you were talking to earlier today. Right?”

Steve said “Welp, I better say goodbye to my awards.” and started to cry.

Then the kid said “I want to go home!”

Steve said “Nope!”

Alex called the parents and said “Hello, yes this is Alex.”

The parent said “Is my kid alright?”

Alex said “They got a mild burn. I called you immediately after Steve told me.”

“Wait, Steve was the one watching her?”


“I have to get right over there and take his awards. Tell him the news. He’s allowed to keep a single award. The only way to convince me not to take his awards is for him to give up the diamond studded gold one.”

“Okay, I’ll tell him now. Bye”

“Bye” and hung up.

Alex said “The only way to keep most of your awards is to give up your diamond studded gold one. Or you could keep that one and lose all the others.”

Steve sighed and said “I guess it’s lose my diamond studded one.”

An hour later, dinner was dome and Steve was crying extremely hard. 

Then the council member arrived and Steve went to his room and said “I’ll try and save you” he kissed it and said “Goodbye.”

He grabbed the shard and trudged downstairs and handed over the award. The council member said “And the sword of infinity!”

Steve said “But… I was going to start Zuri on that”

“She’s way too young for that!”

Steve trudged to his swords cabinet, unlocked it and grabbed the sword of infinity”

He said “I’ll miss you. I never had a chance to use you.” and walked back.

He said “I never used this sword. Give me one battle with it.”

“No! Hand it over now!”

Steve cried as he handed it over and shut the door when the council member left.

He then went back to his swords cabinet not realizing many were missing and locked it. 

When he entered the dining room, he saw the kids playing with his swords and said “Everyone, hand em over”

All the kids handed over the sword they were using.

Steve went back to the cabinet, unlocked it and put the swords back. 

He started to cry and ran to his room.

Alex said “Zuri, why don’t you go talk to him? As a legend, you know all about this kind of thing.”

Zuri went up to Steve’s room and knocked on the door.

Steve said “Go away! I just lost the sword that meant ultimate importance!”

Zuri said “Steve, please let me in.”

Steve yelled “You were the one that caused this whole thing to happen because you made cookies! I have the ability to not sign you up for the nighttime game!

Zuri said “Please? I have a suggestion.”

Steve said “Come in.”

Zuri came in and sat right next to Steve who had a river of tears streaming down his face

Zuri said “In a week, my class is going to the council building and they said they would unequip the traps for the sword of infinity that is always there. I could drink an invisibility potion and take it then”

Steve said “Zuri, that will get you banned! There are still going to be cameras that can see invisibility.”

Zuri said “Oh. I just didn’t know that.”

Steve said “I have come to face it-” Steve began to cry harder and said “I’ll never have one of the most powerful swords again.”

“Steve, do you think you can come downstairs now?”

“I’m afraid now I’ll only come out to wake you guys up and eat and go to appointments and possibly PvP games. I will probably not go to any more of your games. I may come out to help you with your PvP class.”

Zuri said “What?! You won’t congratulate me immediately after winning?! That will take a whole lot of getting used to.”

Steve said “How about this? I came with you for ten more. But, I won’t congratulate you inil we get home.”

“I may be okay with that. Have you run any of this by Alex?”

“Nope. I’m planning on having a family meeting at some point.”

Alex then came in and said “Steve? Everything alright? I know you just lost your most treasured PvP things. How about we go to the PvP museum tomorrow?”

Steve cried even harder and wailed “We’re all banned remember?”

Alex said “Oh. Would you like some alone time in your old arena? I know that place is your favorite place in the whole world”

Steve said “Yeah, maybe”

Zuri said “But what about you wanting to stay here the rest of your life?”

Alex said “What?! Steve, were you seriously going to consider that?!”

Steve nodded.

Alex said “Yeah. We’ll need to spend an entire day there to make this heal.”

Zuri said “Wait, Steve good news!”

Steve said “What is it now?! They’re going to strip me of my rank? My house?everything PvP I own? Just don’t tell me! I Don't wanna know!”

Zuri said “I’m-”

“I said I don’t wanna know!”

Alex said “Zuri, honey. Whisper what you’re going to tell him in my ear. I’ll try and get him to listen if I think it’ll make him feel better”

Zuri said “Never mind. I misread the message from the council.”

Steve looked at his contact list and saw the council had been deleted.

Steve cried much harder than had ever cried before and wailed “It’s over. My rank has been stripped!”

Alex said “mabey, you could find a way to get your rank back.”

Steve said “Welp, I guess I will stay in here even for eating!”

Alex called all of Steve’s friends and all of them answered and said “Yeah?’

Alex whispered “We need you to visit our house as soon as possible. He is crying out his nose!”

Steve said “Who were you talking to?”

“Oh, just Tristan, your old villager friend.”

Steve cried even harder and yelled “He’s dead! Okay?! Can’t everyone just leave me alone?! Maybe if you leave me alone in here for a week I’ll come out!”

Alex said “How will you eat?”

“You’ll leave the food at the door and knock and leave so I don’t have to see any of you! And you can’t call me either!”

Alex said “So I won’t get to see your beautiful face or hear your beautiful voice for a whole week?”

Steve said “Yeah”

“Where will I sleep?”

“One of the guest rooms”

“Will you at least come out for the night and say goodbye?”

Steve nodded and said”I guess.”

Alex said “What if there’s a big PvP assignment next week?”

“She can use my books!”

Zuri said “you said you would chaperone my field trip to the Council building”

Steve said “I could call the school to tell them I’m sick and can’t make it”

“But that would be lying!”

Steve said “Do you know how many lies I’ve had to tell to keep my legacy alive?!”

Alex said “Woah there Steve! You have to admit to all your lies.”

Steve sighed and said “Yeah, probably should. If there’s no way to get my ranking back.”

Alex said “No Steve! Admit it next time you see them!” 

Steve said “I hope to never see them again!”

“Even if they increase your rank?”

Steve yelled “Then the phone number would just change! It wouldn’t get deleted”

Alex had to help Steve downstairs where all the kids were happily playing a game together.

Steve said “Kids. I’m going to be staying in my room for the next week starting tomorrow. None of you will see me or hear me. You may hear me when I’m yelling at the TV or crying and talking about all my big PvP mistakes. But, please do not call me or open my room. Even Alex won’t be able to. She may be able to if she writes me a note and slips it under the door. B ut, none of you should or I’ll just be in there longer!”

Alex said “You said it would only be a week!”

“It may be longer if these kids try to talk to me in any way.”

Alex said “Kids, Steve needs a lot of alone time. You didn’t see him but. I was so scared he would die from it.”

The kids said “Yeah. We heard.”

Steve said “Geez Alex, I’m going to be okay. I may occasionally call for one of you if I get lonely.”

Then it was bedtime. Alex said “So, am I able to sleep with you tonight?”

“Yeah. You just have to wake up and be out of the room before I wake up.”

Zuri said “Excuse me Steve, me and my friend feel like sleeping in the backyard would be a good idea.”

Steve said “ Maybe if this were peaceful”

“So, no?”


“Can we at least sleep down here?”

“Nope! In your room Zuri!”

Alex said “Kids, this is the last night you’ll be seeing Steve for a while. You may not even hear him. Say your temporary goodbyes”

Zuri said “Steve, I was saving this sword for the biggest nighttime PvP game of the eon. But, as you aren’t invited anymore not being a legend, I decided I’ll give it to you it now. Open it when you want. Text me what you think of it if you open it in isolation.”

Steve said “Alright, you’re all still allowed to text me.  I’ll be out until 10:00 tomorrow morning!”

Zuri said “What if you wake up after?”

Steve said “I promise I’ll be up before 9:00”

“What if you aren't?”

“Alex will wake me up!”

Everyone then went to bed.

End of

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