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in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

They then called room 284 and a crying Alex answered the phone.

The person said “Steve and Rana are both alright. We think we all owe you. We’ll extend your stay by three days”

Alex sniffled and said “So, they’re okay?”

“Yeah. Steve handed back all the tokens he got and the person said “Umm… you can’t hand these back, you have to use them.”

Rana sighed and started playing the more expensive games.

An hour later, a kid was being dragged out kicking and screaming yelling “But I want to play some video games!”

The mother said “No Jimmy! Remember what you said you never wanted to  embarrass yourself in front of a PvP master again”

Steve said “Excuse me, if you’re too worried about the prices, I can let you use some of mine I got for my kid.”

The kid then said “Thank you Steve. I will forever appreciate you. Can I get a photo with you?”


Steve then crouched down and wrapped his arm around the kid and smiled.

The mother took a picture and then Steve took Rana back to the room after giving the mother the tokens.

When he got back, Alex ran out and hugged him and said “Steve, you look so weak. Here, I’ve got you” and helped Steve into the tub.

She then left. 

When he was out, Alex helped him into some clean clothes.

Alex then helped Rana feel better.

After Rana was in some clean clothes, they all headed downstairs for breakfast.

They arrived just before breakfast closed.

Steve got the last one of everything he wanted.

Alex then said “Hey, why not go to the theater?” and headed to the theater.

When Rana saw the movie options she said “Hey Steve… there’s one about you.”

Steve said “Oh. Okay”
They got the tickets to that movie and went in.

Rana fell asleep halfway through.

After it was done, Steve stormed out with Alex while Alex was carrying Rana. 

When they got back to the room, Alex layed Rana in the bed.

Steve then layed on the other bed and fell asleep.

Steve woke up at around 5:00.

Alex was in the room when he woke up.

Rana woke up shortly after and said “Can we please have dinner?”

Alex said “Sure. And Steve, no we are not going to where we went for the night before your class reunion when you were 35.”

Rana nodded and said “I’ve looked through your memories books guys. Are they the ones with you sitting in green booths with Steve in a blue tuxedo and Alex in a pale pink dress?”

Alex said “Yeah.”

Rana said “Steve? Would you like to go to the diamond sword grill nearby?”

Alex said “Rana, Steve can pick where he wants to eat perfectly well. Well… We’re going there. Look how close it is. Only five minutes”

Steve got up and got ready. When they got there, the hostess sat them down at the nearest table for three.

After they had ordered their drinks, Zuri passed them and said “Hello Steve.”

Steve said “Oh, hello sweetie. You like living away from me so far?”

“I have a boyfriend who likes PvP almost as much as you do.”

The one she was with said “Zuri, can we please sit down. We’re seated at the table right near here!”

Zuri said “Jeffery! This is Steven Stonecutter. My umm adopted father. He adopted me when I was very young.”

Jeffery said “Hello Steven Stonecutter. Wait Zuri, is this the real Steven Stonecutter?”

Steve said “Yes I am the real Steven Stonecutter. Wait, are you Jeffery Goldsmith?”

“Yeah. I’m not convinced you’re the real Steven Stonecutter. I’ve been told they are Steven Stonecutters by so many people and they always have lied. Do you have any proof?”

Zuri said “Jeffery! Steve is a very sensitive man!”

Jeffery said “I’m still not convinced”

Steve then slowly rolled up his sleeve and Jeffery saw the sword shaped freckle.

Steve said “That's enough proof for you?”

“All Stonecutters have that and…”

Zuri said “Sorry Steve, he just has no clue what he’s talking about.”

Steve sighed and said “I didn’t want it to come to this but, here it goes” he then called the PvP council.

The council said “Steven Stonecutter! We said if we got one more call from you… we would permanently revoke your ability to do PvP. And you just called, meaning your ability is revoked.”

“Will I still be a legend? Able to attend PvP events?”

The one on the other end laughed, scoffed and said “Both are no!”


“You heard us. Goodbye forever Steve.” and hung up.

Steve slowly turned his phone off and put it on the table.

Alex said “Call them back. I’ll see what I can do to get them back”

Steve said “You think they can’t make things worse?! Well… they can completely remove my entire family from the legends list so it will be like we never existed! They can make things so much worse!”

Alex said “Steve, just let me try!”

Alex then called them back and said “Hello?”

The council said “Steven Stonecutter… if you think we can’t make things worse…we will not spare any expense in removing your entire legacy from history! We don’t care how many generations it is, we WILL remove it unless you hang up within three seconds.”

Steve quickly grabbed the phone and hung up.

Alex said “Why did you do that? I was going to try.”

Steve sighed and said “Truth is…” he sighed heavily and said “I’ve gotten banned from PvP a few times before and at my age, it’s pretty much impossible to get the ability back. But this time, it’s so complicated, I’m pretty sure to get it back, I’ll have to win an argument with the council of councils… PvP division and they have won every argument they have ever had to do. I have no chance!” and started to cry.

Alex said “Steve, please?”

“No! I don’t want to make things any worse!”

Zuri handed over her phone and said “Here, call the council on it.”

Steve burrowed his face in his hands and begged “Alex! Please, no!”

Alex said “I have to” and called the council

The council said “We know it’s you Steve, we’re ending your family legacy now!”

Alex said “Guys, it’s actually Alex to talk about the exact reason Steve’s legacy is getting erased and well his PvP things are basically getting taken.”

The council said “There is one way for him to get his legacy back. But, his family legacy is pretty much guaranteed to be gone.”

“And his ability to do PvP and attend PvP events?”

“Actually, never mind he used all his chances there’s no way out and because of you… all his PvP things will be permanently taken away. Also, we’ll be taking his house.”

Alex said “You’ll be taking everything of his?! Even his house!? At least let him keep one thing. He doesn’t care what it is… even just a single photo of him in his arena to remind him of better times.”

“Yes, But, it can’t be related to PvP in any way. It could be a photo of his house or his villagers without him in the photo.”

Alex said “Steve says you offer an argument in front of the PvP part of the council of councils”

“We do offer that but, even just doing it costs 100,000,000,000,000,diamonds and losing costs 500,000”

Alex sighed and said “If he wins?”

“Things will be back to normal.”

Alex said “If he loses?”

“He loses everything, even his good name. He has to go back to being Tristan.”

Alex said “If he refuses?”

“Oh… nobody has ever been brave enough to refuse this. Refusing at this point will result in permanently having to live in the void!”

Alex said “Hey Steve, they want to talk to you” and handed over the phone.

The council explained everything and by the end Steve was so enraged, he was bright red.

He yelled “Alex, it’s over!”

“But I-”

“You heard me, it's over! I never want you near my house again! We’re splitting up! In fact, I will request a different room than you when we get back”

Then their food and drinks  arrived.

Steve quickly ate his the whole time glaring at Alex as though he were staring into her blackened soul.

When everyone in Steve’s group had finished eating, they paid and left.

When they got back to the hotel, Steve got moved to a separate room than Alex and Rana.

He turned on the PvP news channel hoping that there would be nothing about him. But there was.

The reporter said “Steven Stonecutter will have to change his name back to Tristan the griefer and do everything that came along with Tristan. And most importantly, he will be forced out of his house in a week. His legacy is no more; this includes both legacies he is in! This red concrete block will be where Steve stands when they  sell his house. Goodnight everyone!”

Steve then turned off the Tv and turned on the radio in hopes of them saying something that would make there be a tiny shred of hope. But what they said made him feel even worse.

Steve then collapsed face first on the bed and wailed “Why did I have to be such an annoyance?”

Zuri then called and Steve picked it up and said “Hello.”

Zuri said “Hello, how are you holding up?”

“Pretty well””

“Great! I have a big PvP event in a week. I know I can expect to see you there.”

Steve gulped and said “Umm actually… I’m banned from attending all PvP events”

“Oh. Bye then. I know you aren’t holding up too well. Okay, don’t pretend you are.”

Steve sighed and said “I’m officially at bedrock bottom. I am at the worst point in my entire life… even lower than when my parents were taken by creepers!” and started to cry.

Zuri then quickly called the council and the council said “Steve! We keep telling you the more you call the worse the punishment gets”

Zuri then said “You guys listen here! You are making his life get even worse. Right now he feels worse than he did when his parents were taken by creepers!”

The council said “So what it’s his own darn fault!”

“How? What exactly did he do?”

“He called us 10 times in a day with fake PvP information!”

“Couldn’t you just block his number?”

“We can’t do that while that person is still a legend. It’s against the rules. But, now he’s not a legend anymore, we’ll block his number and unsubscribe him to the PvP news. Zuri, do you want the texts that would normally go to him go to you instead?”

Then the council noticed Steve crying.

The council said “Goodbye Zuri. Steve is on this call… we need to talk to him.”

Zuri said “I’ll stay right here. I want to protect him if he needs emotional support.”

The council said “So, Steve, time for that little argument. You may have Zuri help you three times.”

Then the one on the other end handed it to the arguer.

The arguer said “Steve, ready?”

“Not at all!”

“Great! Let’s start.”

Steve said “Umm uhh…. If you remove my legacy, generations of my family will not want me around anymore.”

“Valid… but, we revoked their abilities long ago.”

“Then I don’t really have a family legacy do I?”

“No you don’t…. Well you kind of do. This argument is a right of passage in your family. If you win… your entire family will be able to do PvP and attend PvP events without close supervision of council members.”

“You expect me to believe th-' he trailed off when all the signs pointed to that “Okay, my legacy probably won’t be convincing but how about this. A quote from the PvP master’s handbook.”

He then opened the book to the page he needed and read “Any PvP master or legend must do a battle prior to being removed. Winning the council can’t remove them for anything. Losing the council gets all their earthly possessions except one treasured personal item”

The arguer said “Hmm… let me check the most recent copy of the guidebook.”

“What page is it on?”

Steve said “422”

The arguer flipped to that page and read it and said “Sadly Steve, you are right on that. Show up at the council battle arena this Saturday at noon and if you’re late… that counts as a forfeit”

Steve gulped and said “Who will be the competitor?”

“Oliver Olivander”

“My old announcer?! I couldn’t! He and I are close friends!”

“Well then say goodbye to all but one possession.”

Steve said “If I chose my possession that I want to keep; it is a photo of me in my arena or my locket”

“Got it, bring one to the game along with just your PvP things. Immediately after the battle, you’ll need to hand it to us.This will not be a battle seen by anyone other than family and council so yeah. Not an ideal audience for any PvP master or whatever”

“Deal. How long do I have until you take my house?”

“Oh, just after the battle.Bye”


End of book 55

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