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in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

Once home, Alex said “Okay Steve, punch me all you want now. You can punch me until I respawn for all I care.”

Steve said “Thanks. But, I’m over it. Zuri! I need you to teach me everything you know about PvP. I don’t want the council to sentence me as a PvP fraud! If that happens, my entire legacy will shatter and all those generations of legends will PvP me every day until I die!”

Then the council arrived.

Steve gulped and said “I know why you;re here. Go ahead and destroy my legacy. I can take it.” and began to cry as hard as he possibly could.

The council said “Yup, we’re here to destroy your legacy. But, if you can pass the PvP test we give to all possible frauds, you can still have your legacy. We must warn you only one out of the thousand people we gave it to has passed. Do you want to risk it.”

Steve looked around at his family, tears brimming his eyes.

Alex said “I think I’ll answer for him. Yes”

Steve nodded and said “Thanks so much for deciding for me”

The council said “Hand over your phone.”

Steve handed over his phone and said “Ready!”

Steve then went inside with the council.

The council said “Alright, you have three hours to complete this. No looking anything up! Ready…go!”

Steve pulled out his pencil and said “This one’s for my legacy. Pass, I’m not ruined. Fail… ruined!”

Three hours later, he completed the test. 

The council said “Let’s see how well you did.” and took the paper.

An hour later, the council said “Tsk Tsk tsk Steve. You barely passed. Great job!”

Alex said “So?”

Steve said “Safe!”

Then the hot tub arrived.

The council said “Bye. Your legacy is safe Steve. And the payment for Noor touching the sword of swords?”

Steve gave over the payment and the council left.

Steve said “Welp, I was wrong. I do know a lot about PvP”

Noor then came up to Steve and said “Don’t you want to help me with my big PvP test?”

Steve was startled and said “Wait. What?!”

“Want to help me study for my big PvP test?”

“Sure. Zuri can help me too.”

Alex then yelled “Steve! Your hot tub is ready!”

Steve said “Aww thanks. Stop spoiling me.”

Alex said “Let me be honest with you, I don’t think you have that long left to live. You have five, maybe if you’re lucky ten years left”

Steve said “Aww. You care. Where do you get this info?”

Alex sighed and said “I’ll tell you tonight in bed. I don’t want the kids to know.”

Steve said “Aww. Thanks. Seriously, tell me”

“I will tonight. Right now help Noor.”

Steve pulled down all his PvP books and said “Noor, read all these by the day of the test”

Noor picked the top one up and said “Eww! This looks like it has soda spilled on it.”

Steve looked at it and said “You’re lying! Now get studying!” 

Steve then said “Wait, if we don’t send Noor to school for a few more days-”

Alex said “No Steve! We will send all our kids back to school tomorrow! If Noor fails the test, I’ll lash out at you for many years.”

A week later, it was test day. Noor got out of bed nice and early and Steve was waiting outside his bedroom.  

When Noor left his bedroom,  Steve said “World capital of PvP is what?”


“Correct. First five legends in my family and were they on my mom’s or dad’s side?”

“Cassidy, Tristan, Carly, Matilda and Gretta? All on your father’s side?”

“Yeah. I think you’ll pass this.”

When Noor came home from school, Steve said “How did you do?” eagerly

“I think I may have passed.”

“Great job! Noor, you and the others will have to have a sitter tonight. Me and Alex are having a date night.”

All the kids said “We’re old enough to stay home!”

Steve sighed and said “Last time we left you alone, the house was a complete mess when we got home. It took us an entire week to clean it!”

Alex said “Yeah! We don’t trust you kids anymore! Maybe in a few years. Not now!”

All the kids sighed and said “Fine!”

Steve said “Alex, we’re leaving in a half hour. Time to get ready.”

Alex said “You’re right!”

Zuri said “What about my PvP class?”

Steve said “Aww. You’re following in my footsteps. But, I canceled it for the day.”

Noor said “What about my tutor?”

“That’s still happening today!”

Alex said “Steve, maybe we should just not have this tonight. I mean Noor is really struggling”

Steve said “Alex, We’ve been planning this for a long time! We even made reservations at the fanciest restaurant we know of. We also made reservations at a really fancy hotel.”

Alex said “Yeah you’re right.”

Then Noor’s tutor arrived. 

Steve let her in and said “Me and Alex will be leaving in about 15 minutes. So, I’ll pay you now.” and paid the tutor. 

The tutor said “Umm so, normal time?”


Then the sitter arrived. 

Steve ran to the door and answered it.

The sitter said “Hello I’m Dory. Are you from the Stonecutter family?”


“Okay. Good, I'm in the right place.”

Steve said “Okay so, their bedtime is 8:00. Wake them up at 7:00. Noor will study until dinner. I’ve pretty much made dinner for you. Just pop it in the oven for 15 minutes.’

Alex said “Steve, remember to tell her about our technology policy while I get ready” and headed upstairs.

Steve said “Noor is grounded from all electronics. The rest of them can watch TV until 7:30. No video games for any of them. And I think that’s it.”

Alex yelled “Noor can use technology! His grounding ended today” from the top of the stairs.

The sitter said “Okay, dinner is at 6:30 I assume.”

“Yeah. Now, I’m going to get ready. Time to hang out with the kids for a while.”

The sitter said “Yeah, where’s my bedroom?”

Steve sighed and said “Sleep in my bed. By the way, some villagers may drop by unexpectedly.”

Alex yelled “Steve! You still have to get ready too!”

Steve said “That’s pretty much it.” and ran upstairs to get ready.

After he was ready he left with Alex. 

Once Steve had left, the kids said “Steve lets us have ice cream for dinner every so often”

The sitter said “I doubt that. We’re having what your parents prepared for us.:

“We’re telling the truth!”

“Nope. Steve didn’t say that you could!”

Then the sitter began to make dinner and Noor was still with his tutor. 

Just before dinner was done,  Noor said “Hey, where’s Steve? I have a really advanced PvP assignment to do.”

The sitter said “I’ll see if I can set up a call with him.” 

And then dinner was ready. The tutor left and the sitter pulled dinner out of the oven and yelled “Dinnertime!”

All the kids rushed to the table and said “What is it tonight?”

“Looks like pasta in a milk sauce with little bits of pork.”

All the kids said “Eww! We all hate that meal!”

“Too bad! You must eat it!” and gave everyone a small serving.

When the sitter took a bite of dinner, she said “Yeah, I can see why you hate this!”

Zuri said “Steve claims this meal a PvP legend has to eat at least once a week until age 15 to rise to a significant rank. To be honest, I think he’s lying about that.”

Noor said “Yeah, I think even he hates this. He practically forces it down whenever we eat this. So, I think he’s telling the truth”

All the other kids (except Zuri) nodded and said “Good point Noor!”

About a half hour later, they had completed dinner.

Zuri said “My favorite show is on! The Sword show”

The sitter said “Okay, we’ll watch that tonight.”

They watched until it was time to turn off the show. The episode wasn’t over and Zuri wanted to watch the whole thing.

THe sitter called Steve and said “Hello, Can Zuri watch the rest of the episode of The sword show she’s watching?”

Steve said “What?! I specifically told her not to watch that unless I’m with her! Welp, I guess she could.” and hung up

The sitter nodded and said “Yeah you can”

After the show, Zuri went right to bed with her siblings.After about an hour, the sitter went to bed. 

The next morning, Steve and Alex came home at 10:00 laughing with Steve carrying Alex.

Steve said “Zuri, get ready! You’re signed up for a PvP game in my old arena today. Oh how I miss doing my battles in there.”

Zuri said “Steve, please let me pick when my battles are.”

Steve said “We’ll see”

Zuri ran around the house and gathered her supplies.

Once done, she came up to Steve and said “Ready!”

Steve nodded and said “Not quite. I’ll give you the special family sword. Passed down from generation to generation for over eight generations. Here you go” and handed over a sword that was enchanted with sharpness 5, knockback 2, poison, wither and fire aspect 2. 

Zuri said “Oh my! How did you get this?”

“I got it bestowed upon me at your age. I'm giving it to you now. Pass it down when your kids come of age.”

Zuri said “Oh my gosh! Can you train me with this?”

“Nope. This is one of the swords that the user has to figure out themselves.”

Zuri said “Can I use this one in my battles?”

Steve said “Woah there! You’re only allowed to use it for one battle.”`


“Are you seriously questioning my family's traditions!?”

Alex said “Zuri, please don’t go any further in this. Only use it for a single battle. He is extremely protective of his family traditions and rules. If you use it for more than one battle…I’m just not going to think about that.” as tears pooled her eyes

Steve said “Geez, you’re allowed to use it as much as you want as long as you repair it after every one!”

“With my own XP?”


“But at this point, I have way more than you. I can transfer some of my levels to you”

Alex said “Steve? Are you sure that’s wise? I mean the number of experiences indicates how many respawns you have.”

“I’m willing to give it all up just to make my kids happy. Except for my legacy!”

Steve then rushed everyone to the car and said “Come on! We should’ve left ten minutes ago! Someone in my family being late to a battle especially when they’re living with me is very much frowned upon”

Steve then said “Alex! That means you should get going.”

Noor said “Last time I saw her she was being attacked by an enderman”

Steve screamed as loud as he could (very pichilly too). 

Tears started to pool his eyes and said “She was at experience level zero! She’s really gone. I have no love.” and started to cry very hard.

Makenna said “You do have a very old respawner that could respawn her.”

Steve said “Yeah. But how do you expect me to pull a body all the way to my respawner?! I’m very old!”

Zuri said “Noor was kidding with you. Alex didn’t really die.”

All the other kids said “Noor wasn’t kidding”

Zuri said “I was just trying to be sensitive to one of my own kind!”

Steve said “Welp, I guess I’ll have to cancel all future PvP battles I had scheduled for you Zuri and we can stop taking those classes because now you’ll never be a full blown legend. Welp, I have some news to deliver to the council.”

Zuri said “I can deliver it. You’re much too sad to do that kind of thing now`to do that.”

Steve sighed and said “Welp, they are very picky about who calls them.” and called the council.

Steve said “Hello, I’m calling regarding Zuri. We just had a family emergency and umm can’t continue.”

The council said “Too bad! You were the second longest lasting legacy. Would’ve been the longest if you had added five more generations after Zuri.”

Steve gasped and said “Who was the longest? How many?”

“15 and Frankistip”

Steve said “Sounds fake”

The council said we’re about to chop you and Zuri off the family legacy banner. You’ll have to restart completely”

Steve sighed and said “Fine”

“Is Zuri still going to continue her classes?”

“Sadly no.”

“Good! Because if Zuri would’ve gotten any better, we couldn’t have provided a trainer for her in your price range”

Alex then entered the car and Alex said “Steve? Are you canceling Zuri’s lessons?”

Steve looked over at Alex and said “You’re not there! You’re in my head”

Alex said “I wouldn’t fit in there dummy”

Steve said, " Hug?”

Steve hugged Alex and did successfully.

Steve said “Council, never mind all that stuff about Zuri having to quit”

The council said  “We’ll have to attend all her games for a month to  see if she is still worth our while. She has to do one a week for a month for her to still qualify”

Steve said “ Okay if the battles are with me?”

“Well… we guess it’s okay as long as she wins.”

Steve said “Okay. Thanks! Bye!” and hung up.

Steve sighed and said “Zuri, for the next month you need a weekly battle and win all if not most of them.”

Zuri then yelled “I hate PvP thanks to you! I was going to do it for my life. But now you’ve ruined it for me! Yes you’ll have to live with the guilt of doing that. If you let me eat ice cream for dinner for a week or let me go out to eat with just Alex for a week or let me pick dinner for a week, I may continue!”

Steve nodded and said “you picking dinner for a week”

Alex said “Steve! No! If she doesn't want to be a legend, don’t force her to be a legend!”

Steve glared at Alex coldly and said “My legacy is everything to me! If I did this, my great grandma, who died before my very eyes back when I was in my mid 20s, would be very unhappy about it!”


Noor said “Steve, I’m falling behind in my PvP classes. Here’s the work I need to catch up on.” and pulled out a stack of homework.

Steve said “Oh my goodness! Your class is going to the PvP game of the year! I’m so proud of you for convincing your teacher to do that”

Noor said “Actually it was someone much more interested in PvP than me.”


“Taylor Stonechopper” 

Steve said “Her name rips off my family name! I’m so angry at them!”

Alex said “Aww Steve, looks like he has a project to do.”

Noor said “Oh yeah, I have to do a research project on a crummy sword enchantment. I have to present it to the whole school and they also asked you to feel the swords to see if they enchanted it correctly.”

Steve said “Woah there! In this house we do not say anything bad about sword enchantments! And when is this due?”

“In two weeks.”

Steve nodded and said “Okay. We’ll work on this daily”

A the day before the project was due, they hadn’t even started it 

Steve sighed and said “Welp, I guess I have to do this project for you. But Noor, pay attention to this! This is really important. This is the last time I’ll be bailing you out with your PvP homework! Go to bed. I’ll hopefully be ready by tomorrow. And don’t worry, I’ll try and make it sound like you wrote it. It’ll be hard because I’m so advanced.”

Zuri said “Steve, I had to do this project back in my first year of PvP class. You can use mine and the sword I enchanted.”

Steve said “No! I’d rather die than do that!”

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