+11 votes
in Venting by (264k points)
Today was the worst day of my entire life.

My dog, a Golden Retriever, (his name was Duke) has been suffering from a for of canine ALS- basically, his back half became weak, skinny, and paralyzed. He couldn't even walk for the past week and a half.

 Duke also refused to eat or drink. We went to the vet a few days ago to see if we could get him some medication- he recieved an appetite inducer and an anti-inflammitory. He began to eat more, but he still couldn't walk or drink.

Today we took him to the vet. My mum called me during class and picked me up so I could go with him. We've tried everything- and I mean EVERYTHING- to cure him.

We put him down this morning. I didn't want to leave the room- I watched my best friend die. I sat with him for a few minutes after, His paws became so cold. He looked as if he was sleeping.

I am sooo freaking sad right now. I have had Duke since I was three years old. He was 12 today.

Christmas will be so quiet. :(  

I actually can't explain how sad I am. It hurts so bad. I feel so empty. This is the first animal I have ever had. The first dog of mine that has died. No more Duke :(((

What am I supposed to do???
by (40.2k points)

Don't worry, Grief is an OK feeling   I've lost a dog as Well

teeth_smileYou are not alonefox-face


by (264k points)
Thank you. I'm sorry :(
by (7.3k points)
I've never lost a pet yet, my dog is still alive, but I am a dog lover, and I understand how it feels to lose a pet. Maybe you have a picture or something that reminds you of Duke, because if you start having lots of memories of him, you won't be crying anymore.
#bookgirl has also lost a dog, I miss him!

9 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

sad_smileOh my gosh............

I was just looking at this....started reading....you said "Christmas will be so quiet".............


*stares at screen quietly...tear drips down my face*

I'm so sorry! Omg I can't believe you had him for 12 years! It must have been so hard for him to go....

I'm so sorry about Duke. I had a dog once that was about 15-16 years old. We all had to say good-bye to her at our house. Then our Dad drove off and put her to sleep at the vet. He came home with nothing. I also had a 4 year old dog that died really young. And a cat that died when we were at school. I think I know how you feel.

If you need any encouragement, just ask me. I will always be here for you.


I'm sure Duke will be living a good life wherever he is. He will always be in your hearts, and remember that you will get to see him again one day. 


Here, send me a photo of Duke. I'll make something that will cheer you up, if you'd like. emoticon-00100-smile

by (264k points)
Yes, it certainly was hard for him. Honestly, I think this is one of those things when it's harder for me than him!

I'm so sorry about all your animals ;-; This is the first time this has ever happend to me- I can't imagine doing it over and over!

I sure hope he is living a good life! Well, I know he is. I can't wait to see him one day. Maybe he'll look younger and happier :)

I think I will send a photo of him! Most of them are in his older age. He is still just as handsome :)

Thank you so much for your support, Thunder Dragon!

Anything for you, CheerlessCheerleader. Whatever makes you happy! 

I'm here to support you, even though we don't know each other in real life  wink_smile

And btw, i think your like 3 years older than me LOL 

Are you 15? Well, I'm basically 12 now. Idk just wondering 

Oh and wow I see you made my post best answer...

I've never had a best answer yet, thanks


by (155k points)
I'm soooo sorry. And the fact that you even watch him die. I've never lost a.dog. yes I lost 2 turtles. But still I want one so much and if it died I'd probably stay in my.room for a whole week crying.
by (264k points)
Thank you :( Yeah, I'm still really upset. I don't think I'm recovering anytime soon XD

As for the room thing, I pretty much just cry myself to sleep now thinking about him. Someone gave me a golden retriever dog stuffed animal (as he was a golden) when I first got him as a puppy, so I don't let that thing out of my sight when I'm in my room. Even as a 14/15 year old, whenever Duke would get sick I would take extra good care of the stuffed dog, and he always got better. I suppose it didn't work this time.

I know it'll get better soon- is has to!  

Also, even though dogs die, and it's a painful death for everyone around them, they are oh so worth it in the end! I was so blessed to have this dog. I hope one day you'll get to experience a dog's life the way I did! :D

And as for your turtles, I'm sorry :(
+1 vote
by (112k points)
girl u r not alone i lost my first dog 2 years ago and it still hurts. He was about 14 even though my parents said he was 11. I will never neglect the memories of my late dog. I have a new dog now, and he takes away my sadness. If ur mom lets u, get a new dog. (perfuribly a BIG dog is LOTS AND LOTS of floof>just my opinion)

In this with u,

by (264k points)
Thanks Dogwa, means a lot!

One, almost two years later, and I still miss him like crazy! But hey, at least it doesn't hurt nearly as bad anymore :)

I still have another dog (I had two), but I have not gotten another, and don't think I will for a very long time. It just would feel so strange to have a puppy- I haven't had one in over a decade!
+1 vote
by (545k points)
i know I'm really late but you could build a shrine to him in MC.
by (7.3k points)
I commented late too
0 votes
by (264k points)
+1 vote
That's horrible I'm I'm sorry :'( I might know how you feel I lost my cousin and two dogs. Some nurturance will help i I maybe that's just with me but a good hug from someone will ease the pain. it's definitely going to hurt for a long time but you'll look back and remember your best friend and remember the good times. Again I'm so sorry
by (264k points)
Oh!! I'm so sorry about your cousin and your dogs!! Ik that hurts like heck :(

Thank you.
I feel sorry for you. but you are not alone I lost my first pet a year ago. I miss her so mutch. I even have her ashes in my room. I'm very sorry about your loss.
by (264k points)
The same to you, girl!! I miss Duke everyday... Still feel like I should see him on his rug when I come home from school, hahaha.

Again, I'm so sorry for YOUR loss ;-;
by (955k points)
I still feel sorry for you, CheerlessCheerleader.
by (264k points)
Thanks... Next month is the one-year anniversary ;-;
by (955k points)
Which is my sister’s birthday. (The day of the anniversary is December 14, right?)
+1 vote
by (955k points)
I remember when my grandma’s last dog named Carl died. It was really sad, but I’m pretty sure he died while I was in school. But a couple days before he died, he was laying on the ground.

Also, December 14 is my sister’s birthday. RIP your dog.
by (264k points)
I'm sorry about your dog :( I would have hated it if I weren't there to be  with him.

Well, even though the date has scarred me for life (), happy early birthday to your sister :p

Thanks- I still think about him and miss him everyday!! Honestly, as much time has gone by (almost half a year), it hasn't gotten much easier. I miss him so much, and would give anything to have him back!!

Thanks again, and also I'm sorry.
+1 vote
by (86.0k points)
I’m crying. And I’m not being sarcastic I read this and I started sobbing. I’ve gone through this and (embarrassing story alert) went to school the next day and burst into tears because my friend began chattering about her dog. I preferred to be in my room with my aupare while they put him down. She almost made me forget what was happening while they put him down. We were in my room talking about how he would live in a treat castle with my other recently passed dog in heaven. I know the people were just doing their job and my dog was in pain and they were doing the right thing, but I hated them for doing it. We put his paw in ink and put it on a small piece of paper and framed it. It went on the pet memorial shelf, where my previously passed dog’s ash box was. I’m always here for you and I’m so sorry. You also should remember he was old and lived a long, happy life. He was probably in pain and it was for the best, even if it didn’t feel like it. I hope you will get to see him one day and he will always be watching over you.
by (264k points)
Thank you, and I'm sorry about your dogs, too :(

Unfourtunatly, he wasn't really in pain. his back half was paralyzed, but he was alert on his front half. I guess eventually he would have been in pain, but, ya know...

I'm glad (but not happy) that I went to see him put down. Make his last moments special.

Thank you again. And I'm sorry.
+1 vote
I am so sorry, CheerlessCheerleader! I'm sure Duke was a great dog. It sounds like he lived a pretty long life. I hope that you will not feel empty on Christmas. You will still have the rest of your family. And remember that Duke will always be watching over you, and like ThunderDragon said, you will get to see him again one day. the same kind of thing happened to a cat I had since I was about 3 or 4, also. He just started to not do anything one day, and then he got really sick. We think he ate something that made him sick or something. He died a few days after.

I hope sharing some tips helped.


~Coconut <3
by (264k points)
I'm sorry. Thank you so much! I sure hope I get to see him someday! Idk if you are christian, but I am. Some/ most christians say animals don't have souls. I refuse to believe it- there is no way dogs could be so loyal without them :(
I know, that's true. Their soul is what makes them have their true personality. Good catch.
My Pastor said that dogs have souls but they are not made in the image of GOD so they are not like us they do not have a consitunce , they do not have a sense of right and wrong to a great extent ect ect
by (7.3k points)
That's really sad when people or pets die young
+2 votes
Oh that is so so sad . I'm really sorry.  Not sure how to help you get over it. I mean buttercup (My snake ) Died , but there was no real ... Um scratch that . I miss her now .  nothing can change the fact that he is gone ,but  you'll always remember him. And love him.

I'  m sorry if this doesn't really help, as you know I'm bad at this sort of stuff.

Thalia  >>>>>>>
by (264k points)
Oh, no, your answer helps! Your snake named Buttercup really made my day! It's so cute! Thank you for your concern, and I am sorry about Buttercup :(

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