+8 votes
in Viking Diaries by (752k points)

s yet another Viking Diaries about my school.

My "great school"

So, today was library day. and that means we go to library instead of reading. I don’t like reading (it isn’t as awful as Math and Spanish tho) so I basically did not wanted to go to the library.

But I was forced to anyways.

So, My school has a really awful library. We’re underfunded, and due to that we only have Used books. Most of them have broken covers or questionable writing/drawings on the pages. Also, a lot of them are really old. Not judging since my favorite book series is from the 1950s, but there are barely any books that are from this decade.

Also, Another problem is the sorting. A lot of the books aren’t gender neutral, which is something that triggers me. I am a girl, however I do not like stereotypically Girly books. I mean… My favorite book series are Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney and The Emigrants by Vilhelm Moberg so… welp. Not what will you consider “Girl” books.

The worst thing is that they have a whole BOOKSHELF of Dork Diaries books. Dork Diaries is the absolute worst book ever written. It’s shallow, it has terrible messages and it is very unrelatable to the main audience, Pre-teen girls and contained multiple offensive phrases to Neurodivergent people, and I am Autistic so well… Can’t believe Dork Diaries isn’t a banned book.

And about the Nordic books, My School has none. The closest to a Nordic book is this really historically inaccurate fantasy  book about Vikings, but I am a Nordic History and Nordic Culture nerd who only read accurate books. I am all In for books inspired by Nordic folklore/Nordic Mythology, as long as they’re accurate.  And they banned SAINs so.. Rip my interest in reading now.

The most “Interesting” book they had, was one of those world record books. Those are  cool unlike 95% of the books. I remember I had a phase back in the 3rd grade where I only read those National Geographic weird but true books and world record books. 

Oh yeah, and today is St. Lucia day. Happy St Lucia day to everyone. May your school library be infinity times better than mine.

Bye Vikings

  • Carly

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (931k points)
Best answer
I used to read those in 3rd grade too! (The Weird But True and the Guinness World Records) I still read them. They’re actually really interesting.

And Happy St. Lucia Day to you too!

My school library is really nice. New books are added all the time, there’s lunch at the library and sometimes there’s different events (regular on Monday and Friday, maker challenge on Tuesday, whispering only on Wednesday for a quiet library, tech-free zone for Thursday). I feel bad for you…

Also, one of my pet peeves (a big one too) is when I see a Viking helmet with the horns. I know that’s inaccurate and that Vikings wore helmets without horns. It seems that nobody knows about that considering that I used to wear a Viking helmet with horns at my grandma’s house when I was 4…
by (752k points)

I rlly hate the horned helmets T_T

by (931k points)

I don’t hate them, they’re just really annoying.

But yeah, I know. T_T

by (752k points)

real T_T

+1 vote
by (113k points)
if you unSAIN my SAIN I will go inSAIN and do the reverse SAIN.
by (752k points)
bro made a SAIN poem
+1 vote
by (184k points)
Also, WHAT.


by (752k points)
SAINs means SAIN
by (184k points)


by (931k points)
SAIN = Scandinavian-American Immigrant Novel
by (752k points)
SAIN = Super Annoying In Nashville
by (931k points)
by (184k points)
SAIN= So Awesome In Nebraska
by (931k points)
by (752k points)
SAIN is better than SAIN
by (931k points)
+1 vote
by (184k points)
In what book do they say rude stuff?

I read them and I'VE never seen that?
by (752k points)
the 1st one

look up "dork diaries R slur"
by (508k points)
It's not a bad word that you absolutely can't say, so I'm going to say it for educational purposes only (so that Carly doesn't get offended)

She means "retarded".
by (184k points)

I've never seen that :/
by (752k points)
Yeah, I know. But it is still considered a slur
by (931k points)
I haven’t seen it either, but I’ve only read like 1 page of Dork Diaries so…
by (752k points)
I used to love dork diaries

What happened to me
+2 votes
by (167k points)
If your school only has old books doesn't that mean they should have The Emigrants?

Happy Saint Lucia's day also
by (752k points)
They dont
The Emigrants isnt appropiate for elemeantry kids, or lower middle schoolers.
Maybe it's 13+ or 14+
by (167k points)
Oh. (I'm in 5th grade)
by (752k points)
unless youre brave and you can handle Abuse and disturbing backstories
by (167k points)
yeah no


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