+11 votes
in Fiction by (503k points)

10: Second to Last Chapter of Book 1

If depression was a world, it would be a world without sun. Eclipsed.

Victor's POV

I wanted to vomit. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Blood stains, here and there. But without a host to accompany the scene. I may as well call the police... But honestly, I'm too afraid to move my arm.

My lungs felt like they were malfunctioning. I started to breathe more heavily every breath I took. The world began to feel too big, like it was getting away from me. And then it all crashed, only leaving darkness, A black hole that I couldn't escape even if I tried my hardest. My brother, Vinny, crying in the distance, hands cupping his face. He was too ashamed to even be related to me, let alone look at me.

"How could you let this happen to your family? To OUR FAMILY?!" he screamed at me. I couldn't help my case. All I could say was, "I'm sorry Vinny.."


He ran at me with a pocket knife. I stood there, my arms wide open, not even bothering to defend myself. He got closer. I stood still. Then closer. Tears ran down both of our faces. Then he was right next to me. But the voice I heard wasn't his. It was familiar, but it was his.

"Victor," called the voice. The voice got louder and louder until


I ripped open my clamped eyes. I looked down to see I was drenched in a pool of my own perspiration. Not only that, but my own somber thoughts, it seemed as well. I scanned the whole room to see who was calling my name. Even though I did that, I was surprised to see that there was actually someone there.

"Victor? What are you doing here?" Said this kid. He looked oddly familiar. I think I've seen him around Tony before, but I never really paid attention. That's my problem. I never paid attention to my little brother. Someone I was supposed to protect... Now it's too late.

"Who are you?" I said, and as it did I felt like I had not talked in way too long. "It's me, Miles. Your brother's best friend, remember?"

I knew that I recognized him somewhere. "This is my home, what do you mean what am I doing he—" I stopped. "Where's Tony? Where's my family?"

"They're... They went on a trip somewhere, but Tony didn't know where, so I don't know either." I could tell he was lying his dark brown hair off. "Liar!" I screamed, quickly getting up off the floor and running full speed at him. I shoved him up against the wall, holding him by the neck. "YOU BETTER TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE, OR I'M GONNA—"

"OKAY, OKAY, CHILL!" he cracked, sounding like a 5 year old kid. "They're at the hospital! A dog beat 'em up bad! I didn't do anything, man! Get off me!" I eventually did after I looked into his eyes to see if he was lying. He wasn't.

"A dog? How did a dog get in here? Why didn't anybody tell me!?" I hissed at him, and he jumped slightly. "You weren't here! You abandoned them, the medic probably didn't even know you were related to them! You were another hoodling on the street," he added, and I growled. "Watch it, kid." "It's true! I heard you mumbling on the floor!"

I stopped growling. He heard me? He heard what part? I was mortified.

"No, you're lying. What part did you hear?"

"You said a lot of stuff, actually. You took awhile to come to, but before you did, you kept mentioning how you abandoned them and how you were so sorry or whatever. You also cried like a baby, rocky back and forth horizontally on the floor," he added once more, not missing one detail of embarrassment.

"Okay, okay! I get it! Listen, I need to get to the hospital, where can I go?" I asked. "I'm not sure. I tried going with them but the guy wouldn't let me."

"How badly were they hurt?"

"Your dad... It looked like he was losing a lot of blood. And Tony was bad off, too. But your mom's okay. She's worried sick about them, though, and wouldn't leave your dad's side. She went with them."

I covered my face with my hands and paced across the room. "I should've been here!" I cried. "If I was here, I could've taken that dog! I'm such a bad son.."

"Don't forget brother!" Said Miles. I was about to tear his freaking head off. And I didn't know when my family was gonna be back. Should I just wait? Well, if I wait with this kid, I'll be sure to kill 'em. I can't have that on my record.

"Go home, I want to be alone," I said. He shook his head, "I don't think I can do that. I'll be in so much trouble—"

I turned my head slowly. "Why is that?" I asked suspiciously. He gulped. "It's... Kinda my fault that the dog attacked them. You see—" I didn't let him finish, because by the time he tried he had a black eye. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME EARLIER? TELL ME WHAT YOU SAID!" I boomed, and he didn't answer right away. "TELL ME!" I said once more, this time louder. 

"Don't you ever punch me again. You hear me?" He said coolly. I was taken aback. "What did you say to me, kid?"

"I said you better not punch me again or you're gonna die, man."



Miles got up. "You know, I don't like confrontation. Never done it except this one time. A kid ten times bigger than me wanted to insult my father, who's in the war. I told him to leave me alone, but he wouldn't. He decided to make the mistake of socking me in the eye. I stabbed his shoulder with my plastic fork, and he left me along ever since then. The reason I don't like confrontation is because I have anger issues. I've been going to therapy ever since that incident. But there is no right reason to punch someone in the face, especially when they didn't do anything to you. Now you're going to let me explain what happened today."

I was too surprised to speak, so he just continued.

"The dog chased me inside of the apartment without me knowing. I'm deathly afraid of dogs, I'll tell you that. Especially this rabid dog. Twinkie has it out for kids. For people other than it's owner, in general. That's how it happened. I'm sorry, okay?"


"Yeah, it's fine, Miles."

End of 10

Hmm, interesting Miles you've got some tough skin on you, eh?

Lol, anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will probably be the last chapter of this book. Then I'll do a time skip, I think. I'm rushing this just a little bit because 1. I have plans, and 2. I'm coming up with other stuff I want to write about, which I think'll be more interactive. Anyways, 

esie (o wow it auto corrected as same XD)





1 Answer

+1 vote
by (146k points)

*me drinking Sprite while reading this*

*Miles calls Twinkie a rabid dog*

*spits in shock-* HOW DAST THEE

Also, I had a really good idea for a book, I have all the research done- it's also military related tho 


anywhozers, is it okay if I post it? ill give ye credits for the idea

by (503k points)
of course, I love when people get inspired by me!

Thanks for asking first!

mwahaha the rabid dog—

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