+5 votes
in The life of the bookworm by (130k points)

*writes title in under 1 minute*

*me: bruh,why did it take so long to write the title??*




​​​​hey guys! Welcome back to my blog:). Today I will be giving you guys I little vlog of my day! *too much like YouTube* but uh..

So today my family & I will be going to..


THE BEACH! Yas! Finally! I feel guilty about not going*thinks about all those really nice days when she could have went* anyways, we will be spending the afternoon there, maybe go paddle boarding, and just have fun,ig:) I am not the best at swimming because I still can't go under water due to my IDIOTIC fear,but I'm good at the breaststroke, the glide, and the dog paddle. My swimsuit is a one piece (cuz when I wear two pieces my tummy gets cold,so..), And its pink with stripes of white! My mom got it off Amazon, I assume since she is LITERALLY OBSESSED with Amazon!

Anyways guys, thanks for comin back to mah blog. I will be posting a new chapter of my MC story SOON, I expect sometime this week. I will tell you guys about how my beach day was today IF I get to go on my ipad later. So ciao, ig!


2 Answers

0 votes
by (207k points)
AWSUM!! i hope y'all have a blast!!!
0 votes
by (949k points)
I can go underwater for very short periods of time (1 to 2 seconds) but I can’t open my eyes because it hurts.

I taught myself how to swim, and I don’t really know what styles I can do.

Edit: I can do the frontstroke (this is the one I’m best at) and I believe the breaststroke. I also have a one-piece swimsuit (I’ve never worn a two-piece before) that’s multicolor.


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