+5 votes
in Other by (57.0k points)

Please read this through even if u don’t believe in God. Ready, go.

 JESUS is real. Jesus is our savior. Jesus is a way to live forever with him in heaven. NO MORE TEARS! NO MORE SUFFERING! NO MORE SADNESS! HE died on the cross to save YOU! YEAH YOU! HE LOVES YOU EVEN IF YOU DINT LOVE HIM. HIS LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL!  Listen. I’m not trying to force u to believe in him, but He wants you to know him, and love him, and be his friend. GOD IS REAL.  If you don’t think Jesus/God is real, then answer this question. IF GOD ISNT REAL, THEN WHY DO I PRAY AND HE ANSWERS MY PRAYERS? WHY, DO I HEAR A LITTLE VOICE INSIDE MY HEART COMFORTING ME WHEN I HAVE PANIC ATTACKS. WHY, HAVE I SEEN 2 ANGELS, POSSIBLY 3 IN THE PAST 3 YEARS. Tell me. Again, I’m not trying to be aggressive, but I am trying to act out of love. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and I encourage you to go to church or at least open a BIBLE. Ash Wednesday signifies the beginning of Lent. And after Lent is Easter. Easter signifies how JESUS rose from death from the cross for YOU. Even if you don’t know Jesus, HE KNOW YOU. He died for YOU. JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, HE OVERCAME DEATH FROM THE CROSS FOR YOU. THE REASON YOU ARE HERE TIDAY IS BECAUSE OF HIM. ??? ?ℛℰ ℒ??ℰ? ℬ? ?ℰ???. Remember that. Here’s a bible verse for you. I don’t care if you shun me for the rest of my life. I am posting this because it’s true. Because Jesus LOVES YOU WITH ALL OF HIS HEART. UNCONDITIONAL, NEVER STOPPING, NEVER GIVING UP, UNBREAKING, ALWAYS AND FOREVER LOVE.  Bible verse: John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  

2 Corinthians 4:6

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

Revelations 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

This means that all you have to do is knock at Jesus’s door, and he will answer with open arms and an open heart. Jesus is the light of the world. Believe in him, and you will not perish but have everlasting life. Amen.

I love this message and what you had to say. I am glad you believe in Jesus cuz I do to. It is nice to know that there is still good and faith in this world. I too have seen and felt angels in my life. Never stop faith. Never stop praying. Never stop in him.

D&C 1:37-39    Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled... and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away... whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same. For behold and lo, the Lord is God,... And the truth abideth forever and ever. Amen.
by (6.6k points)
Hi I am Catholic I believe in god and I am still thinking on what to give up this lent. Very good I loved the speech but sometimes I think if no one has seen god is he really real but when I pray to him  he answers me. I do pray to him every night and set an alarm for 2 in the morning and pray the rossary I go to church class and church once every week.

I still give u much respect weather u believe in god or not
by (57.0k points)
Thank you!
by (57.0k points)
by (57.0k points)
Peace and Love, thank u. Brightened my day, knowing that there are people out there like me. (No offense at all to non-Christians. Please please please don’t take offense.)

13 Answers

0 votes
I don’t believe in God, but I do support you and your religion. : ]
0 votes
by (112k points)

u said, oh, I'm not forcing my religion on ppl,

yes u are.

also, u fly believe theres a dude who's been alive 1m+ years who just lives in the sky? rly? specifically over North America?

also, u didn't see angels or hear voices. its called schizophrenia, get help.
Your being a bit rude. Yes she was being a bit forceful but I think you are being a bit rude. :)
by (57.0k points)
Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound forceful. I understand other ppl’s religions. But still, that’s really rude to criticize someone’s beliefs. I don’t have any control over what u believe, but It’s a Christian’s job to tell people about Him. Please dont be so mean. If u don’t have any NICE things to say DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. and seriously? Schizophrenia? Just because ur not a Christian doesn’t mean you have to say I have a MENTAL DISEASE and DISORDER. that is NOT something to joke about! Some people have it and it affects their WHOLE life!

Look. I have NO idea why you are being so rude to me, because the LAST thing I want to do is start drama. But please keep mean comments to yourself. It’s not funny, it’s not gonna make you more popular, it’s just rude. I’m sorry.
by (154k points)
Let’s not be rude like that Adi
Was that…sarcastic?
by (154k points)
Me? Absolutely not
Where do you get that!!! God does NOT live over north America, we do NOT believe God has lived for millions or more years and yes we do see angel, and we're did you get the voice thing?!
by (57.0k points)
by (57.0k points)
Thank You @Ha.
Your welcome. But I have told him before though I don't think he gets the drift. And my friend saw an angel so there to adi@.
Not to take any sides in the argument (although I am a Christian), I'd like to point out some factually wrong stuff you said.

Christians don't believe there's a "dude Living 1m+ years who just lives in the sky", they believe in a God. They're above a "dude", they're a being our simple human minds cannot comprehend.

The whole living in the sky thing is simply imagery. God is above us in strength, mind, etc. He is above us in the same way the number 100 is over the number, idk, 57 (although infinity would be a better example). Hence in artwork and phrases, we speak of God, (and the place he resides, heaven), as above.

Plus the schizophrenia thing is just rude :/  you can not believe in her religion but accusing someone of a serious mental illness is disrespectful to the religion as a whole, and people with that mental illness. I myself have trouble believing she's seen angels, but that's simply no excuse.

Though I will admit this post is kinda forcing Religion on people. I think a better way to get people to see God would be more philisophical discussions, rather than boring reiterative arguments that don't offer much more substance than "I'm right and you're wrong."
Thumbs up! But no, no one is forcing anything.
0 votes
by (111k points)
I love this and I love that you care so much about Jesus to write this.

One question: How long have you been a Christian for? Im just curious.
by (57.0k points)
TYSMMMM!!! well…I was born in a  Christian family, so basically my whole life, but a couple of years ago, I started REALLY knowing Him. Like really trusting in Him and reading the Bible more, etc. Wby?
by (111k points)
That's really cool! I've been a Christian since I was 5. That was when I got baptized.
by (57.0k points)
Oh nice! What’s your favorite verse?
by (111k points)
I don't really have a favorite verse but my favorite book is proverbs.

Tbh that's the only book I read nowadays cuz I needed wisdom. I read the whole Bible a while ago though.
Wow! The whole Bible?! Awesome. And honestly…I think you’ve got enough wisdom rn.
by (111k points)
Yea tho I did kinda make everyone on KT want to hurt me at one point but thanks.
by (57.0k points)
Oop. What did u do?!
by (111k points)

I expressed my hate for the idea of being something other than straight.

by (57.0k points)

Oh. Yes. Well…I would do that but I don’t want everybody to want to hurt me. dumb anyway… my favorite verse is probably “For I the Lord your God hold your right hand, it is I who say to you, fear not, for I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13

0 votes
With all due respect, and as a fellow Christian...

you sound like this guy

by (111k points)
I love that game!
Grey-Mane or Battleborn?
by (111k points)
Oh I thought that was ESO lol
Nah it's Skyrim. Haven't played Oblivion yet, what do you think of it?
by (111k points)
ESO is amazing but I couldn't stop zooming in on the female characters so I quit playing it for a while.

Ah. I do have one question. If you've played both, then you know how egregious the essential characters in Skyrim are (Maven Black-Briar and Rolff Stone-fist come to mind ?). Is ESO any different?

0 votes
by (155k points)
For the love of Pete. Can everyone stop saying she's forcing Christianity onto others. She was telling you the good news of the gospel that your going to wish you accepted one day. But in no way, shape, or form, was she COMMANDING you to become a Christian. She was explaining what it was, why you should accept, and that you should. Not "become a Christian now" so stop saying she's being forceful!
Thank you I wanted to say the same.
0 votes
by (155k points)
I believe God is real and am Christian. But angels don't come to earth anymore.
by (57.0k points)
I’m glad you are a Christian, and you are completely right that I’m not forcing people to become one. But I have seen an angel. 2, actually. It looked like a huge white glowing being that descended and then disappeared. People were right next to it and didn’t see it. Another time, one came out of a bonfire we had for Epiphany one year. It was green, glowing, and it looked like a person praising God.
0 votes
by (526k points)
by (154k points)
by (526k points)
by (154k points)
by (526k points)


by (777k points)
by (155k points)
by (155k points)
I love how 75 people said WX
by (526k points)
Y'all said the wrong thing x3
by (154k points)
by (777k points)
by (526k points)




+1 vote
by (112k points)

1. I'm atheist and don't believe in god and I'm proud of it.

2. How do we know he actually answered your prayers?

3. You are seeing things, angels don't talk to people.

Thank you for your time.
by (518k points)
Omg same
by (203k points)
How do U know angels dont talk to people they talked to my pappa
by (526k points)
How do you know that?
by (203k points)
He told me
by (526k points)


by (203k points)

What do U mean by thislaughing-tearsface. Thats soooo rude! Nobi I respect your beliefs so please respect mine

by (154k points)
Why did he tell you
by (526k points)
I'm not trying to be rude, honest.
by (203k points)
Because It was something super cool to him
by (518k points)
Sorry Anna. Nobi just doesn't belive that stuff.

If it happened to your dad. I totally believe it for you. But not for me!
Look, im not imagining or seeing things, but i respect your decision.
by (57.0k points)
Same. I’m DEFINITLY not seeing things, but I completely respect your beliefs.
by (71.3k points)

Thats soooo rude! Nobi I respect your beliefs so please respect mine

you cant say that then say "i RESpECt yOUr bELiEFs" because calling someone's reaction (and nobi's reaction is based off her beliefs) "rude" is disrespectful.

you don't respect her beliefs.

stop lying.

by (203k points)

Um she did this emoji laughing-tearswhen I said my pappa saw a angel. I just thought that was rude. And this argument is over now please don't start it up again

by (71.3k points)
i wrote this a while ago, it just got approved.

i was just pointing out something.
Whether or not you believe something, the least you can do is show human decency and respect. Admittedly, this post doesn't say much that hasn't been said before, and simplifies it so much so that it's either preaching to the choir or just yelling at people who don't care (plus being told someone's seeing angels is either true and really cool or false and yeah, like you said, crazy). However, this response has little discussion either. Point 2 is asking a question, sure, but it's definetely intended to be inflammatory. And that kind of thing does not get genuine discussion, only angry vitriol and pointless arguments.

Tl;Dr, Be nice. Have a genuine discussion. Randomly shouting at eachother like this post and comment seem to be doing will gain you nothing but a waste of time.
by (203k points)
Yes I agree
0 votes
by (69.6k points)
I am Catholic, and I would love for more people to believe in God, but, I let them believe what they want to. To me it may not be right but it is to them. Didn’t God give us free will? People can CHOOSE to believe in our lord.
by (155k points)
Are you trying to say she's pushing it on people?
Me too, im not pushing it on people, i respect their religions and decisions.
by (57.0k points)
I respect peoples religions and decisions.
+1 vote
by (154k points)
Okay I would like proof please

Also I do believe in Jesus because there is proof he did exist once.
by (526k points)
Me as well.

Me and devout Christian missionaries can agree on something :D
Proof of what?

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